(PDF)PVR Online Permit Guide(PDF)How to Add CSLB License (PDF)for new registered contractorsHow to Upload Attachments (PDF) The department is reopening its facilities to the public and you can make an appointment with staffhere. Lafayette, CA 94549. User ID. Link to page The Fire Prevention Bureau provides the highest level of fire prevention services through comprehensive inspections and code enforcement, plan review and engineering services, public education, fire investigations, and exterior hazard control to ensure properties are properly constructed in accordance with local and state codes. Building Permit Records - To obtain physical copies of plans or other building permit information, please complete the Records Research Request . There are approximately 8,000 occupancies assigned to the Code Enforcement Division for inspections to ensure compliance with the fire code operational permit requirements or other statutory requirements for annual fire and life safety inspections within certain occupancies. First, register for an account. You can also email us at " info@cccfpd.org " General Plan - The Contra Costa County General Plan expresses the broad goals and policies, and specific implementation measure, which guide decisions on future growth, development, and conservation of resources through 2020. 3685 Mt. Applicants can obtain a Permit Application (PDF) and other informational documents from this website or the County's Application and Permit Center located at: 30 Muir Road. A substantial part of our workload is the inspection of multi-family residential occupancies (apartments), public and private schools, residential care facilities for the elderly, nursing homes, child and adult day care facilities as required by state statute. Documents must be uploaded prior to your in-person appointment using the link provided in your confirmation email. How to Connect a CSLB License to a Registered ePermit Contractor Account - Contractor accounts will need to connect the CSLB license and wait for staff approval of the license prior to applying for a new permit. How to Download Attachments (PDF) The department is reopening its facilities to the public and you can make an appointment with staff, Mt. The ordinance was established to protect the . Permit. 3685 Mt. Please Emailour technical support team with your user name, user account email address and problem description. Only associated contacts with an ePermits Center account are able to upload or download files to the application. Construction documents shall be drawn to scale and be of such clarity to indicate the location, nature and extent of the work (scope) proposed and show in detail that it will conform to the provisions of the fire code and relevant laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. City Offices: 3675 Mount Diablo Blvd., #210 Lafayette, CA 94549 | Phone: (925) 284-1968 | Email: cityhall@lovelafayette.org Central San's Permit Counter Staff want to thank the public for their patience during the past two years of COVID. To check application status or make a payment, start by clicking a search option below then searchby site address or project number. All construction plans and supporting documents will be reviewed electronically and are required to be uploaded at the time of submittal. Attention! The Planning & Building Department collects two types of fees - processing fees and development impact fees. The public can check on the status of permits by using the Department of Conservation and Development's Building Permit Database and select the "Building" tab. Please click on "Engineering Fees" on the button to the left for the new fee schedule. Contra Costa County Central Sanitation Permit Resources Check with your local building department to find out what's needed in your area. Link to page; City / Agency Links A webpage with links and resources for permitting and licensing various activities in Contra Costa County. You must apply separately to the Fire District, County Health, and Contra Costa County Sewer District for project scopes that trigger their review (typically commercial and new residential projects). Office Hours: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm . Small residential rooftop solar projects that are 10kW AC or 30 kW thermal or less, flush-mounted on the rooftop of a detached single-family dwelling or a duplex, and do not exceed thebuilding height limit of the zoning district in which the project is located. It is a hopeful sign that we are beginning to return to normal operations again. For all other County departments and offices, see their web pages. City Hall City Departments Planning & Building, Work Exempt from a Building Permit: Click here to review the handout on work exempt from a building permit or planning review, Work Exempt from Planning Dept. Applicant pays plan check fees. The process is outlined in the handout titledHow to Get a Building Permit in Lafayette,which includes detailed information on the permitting process as well as location and contact information for each agency. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION . Fairs, festivals, temporary tent structures, haunted houses, Grad Night events and pyrotechnic events all require operational permits and add a seasonal workload to the fire prevention bureau during the spring, summer and autumn months. If possible, please provide screenshots. It is the applicants responsibility to inform their project contacts of any processing requirements or updates. Contra Costa County Building Department Plan Review, Like many small cities in the area, Lafayette contracts with the Contra Costa County Building Inspection Department (CCCBID) to perform building permit plan-check and inspection services. Moraga Center Specific Plan Implementation Project. 30 minute appointments at the DCD permit center located at: 30 Muir Road, Martinez CA 94553. Payment is accepted by check (mailed or dropped-off) or credit card (online payment). Learn more about the All-Electric Ordinance. Diablo Blvd., Suite 120. 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 (925) 229-7371. permits@centralsan.org . Kitchens or areas with kitchen like plumbing such as wet bars are not exemptbecause the number of kitchens is critical to the number of dwelling units in an area zoned single-family residential. CONTRA COSTA COUNTY BUILDING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT. Residential additions/alterations that increase the structures conditioned area, volume, or size. Follow our guide to learn how to connect a CSLB license after registering. The Contra Costa County Fire Protection District has increased its permit fees effective October 1, 2018. If you have any questions permit staff can be reached at bldgpermits@cityofconcord.org or 925-671-3107. CCCFPD ORDINANCE 2021 - 18 Date of Adoption July 18, 2021 . 720 Portal Street Cotati, CA 94931 800-650-4003 Ambulance Permit expires August 31, 2024 Royal Ambulance 14472 Wicks Blvd San Leandro, CA 94577 510-568-6161 . For all other County departments and offices, see their web pages. Diablo Ct. Intersection Improvements, Pleasant Hill Rd Center Median Multi-Use Pathway, Reliez Station Rd/Olympic Corridor Improvements - Design Review Public Engagement, Use of Community Park Picnic Area and Sports Fields, Wireless Communications Facilities Permit, Downtown Creeks Preservation, Restoration & Development Plan, Downtown Creeks Preservation, Restoration, and Development Plan, Leigh Creekside Park Amended Master Plan Project, Planning Commission Candidate Reference Materials & Information, PG&E's Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS), Click here to review the handout on work exempt from a building permit or planning review, Contra Costa County building permit application, https://lovelafayette.idtplans.com/secure/, https://support.idtplans.com/kb/a14/account-registration.aspx, Contra Costa County Building Inspection Department (CCCBID), Department of Conservation and Development's Building Permit Database, For information about recent and current building permits (. Building permit applicants looking for zoning clearance from the Lafayette Planning Department must create an online account to submit plans and a completedContra Costa County building permit applicationthroughlovelafayette.idtplans.com. To change or cancel your appointment, go to your confirmation email and click "change your appointment", Helpful for reviewing plans or documents with County staff, including pre-application questions, Helpful for assistance with online permit submittal, Please prepare for your appointment by following, Video meetings are conducted over Microsoft Teams. Have your account receivable number (AR#) available when you sign in to pay. First, register for an account. Staff will review your submittal. Helpful for reviewing digital plans/documents with County staff, including pre-application questions. Contact Us: Public Information Contacts Media Inquiries ContactWebmaster County Administration Building: 1025 Escobar Street, Martinez, CA 945531st Floor: Clerk of the Board2nd Floor: Human Resources3rd Floor: County Counsel4th Floor: County Administration. Check the, Contra Costa County Building Inspection Department, (CCCBID) is also only accepting digital submittals for building permits. It does not constitute an entitlement or thorough analysis of any project. The Contra Costa County Fire Protection District has increased its permit fees effective July 18, 2021. Residential additions/alterations that affect 1,000 square feet; Residential additions/alterations that have a project valuation of $50,000 or greater; or. 8:30 am to 4:30 pm . Stamped plans will not be provided until payment is received. Parks & Rec: 500 St. Mary's Rd., Lafayette, CA 94549 | Phone: (925) 284-2232, 2023 City of Lafayette, CA. If you have any questions, please call us at 925-941-3300 and talk to the operator. Change of Address or New Address Requests (PDF), Miscellaneous Mechanical, Electrical, or Plumbing Permits (PDF), Residential Windows & Doors (Retrofit Like-For-Like Only) (PDF), Checking Statuses of Applications - Instructions (PDF), Making Payments on Applications Created by You - Instructions (PDF), Making Payments on Applications Created by Others - Instructions (PDF), Manufactured Home, Factory Built Housing & Commercial Modular Unit Projects, Multi-Family and Non-Residential Projects, Single Family & Duplex Residential Projects. The following construction fire permits are required within the Contra Costa County Fire Protection District: Specific information regarding the above required operational permits may be found in the California Fire Code 2019 edition as amended by Contra Costa County Fire Protection District Ordinance No. For information about permits issued prior to the 1980s or if you need copies of the permits, please contact: Contra Costa County Building Inspection Department. How to Make Project Collections (PDF) The range of occupancies assigned to each Code Enforcement inspector varies from 1200 to 1500. All recycling reporting must be completed on Green Halo Systems, a free online reporting system. In an effort to make permitting a smooth process, this permit portal allows users to explore options for building, planning, business licensing, environmental health, public works, and agriculture. Help GuidesePermits Center Help & How To Guides for full list of guides, information and permit related formsHow to Register for an Account(PDF)How to Apply Online for Planning Applications (PDF) How to Apply Online for Building Permit Submittal (PDF) How to Search for a Permit (PDF)ePermits Process Guide Oracle PeopleSoft Sign-in. ePermits Center FAQ, Help and How To Guides | Contra Costa County, CA Official Website County Home Departments & Offices Departments & Offices A-D Conservation & Development Applications and Permits Applying for a Building or Grading Permit ePermits Center Help and How To Guides A A ePermits Center FAQ, Help and How To Guides Map/Zoning Lookup Inspection Schedules & Permit Status Applying for a planning project within the Unincorporated County?Register for an account first then log in to start your application. Contra Costa County Request to Add Contact to Building Permit If you received an invoice to renew a permit or other charges, you are now able to go online to pay. Permit Application and Review. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. which includes detailed information on the permitting process as well as location and contact information for each agency. All Rights Reserved. 2019-37 in Section 105.7. You may apply for a building permit with the approved license after we approve the license request. Well Permit Application (August 2016) CONTRA COSTA COUNTY . Applying for a building permit in the City of Lafayette is a four-step process. For all other County departments and offices, see their web pages. The applicant is responsible for uploading the completed forms in this section to the permit or submitting them to the plans examiner by email prior to permit issuance. All-Electric New Construction Ordinance for Residential, Hotel, Office or Retail Buildings Adopted, Construction Work that does NOT require a Building Permit (PDF), Applying for a Building or Grading Permit, Applying for a New Building or Grading Permit, Building Permit Revisions, Extensions, and Renewals, CalGreen-Construction & Demolition Debris Recovery, Power Permits-Solar, Generator, Energy Storage, EV, Streamlined Electric Vehicle Charging Station, Committee and Commissions Related to Current Planning. A building permit is required before any person, firm or corporation shall erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve, remove, convert or demolish any building or structure. For assistance using the online portal, please call 510-670-5440 or email permitbid@acpwa.org. You will received a confirmation email that contains instruction on how to upload your PDF documents prior to the meeting and a phone number to call at the time of the appointment to access the office. 2120 DIAMOND BOULEVARD, SUITE 100 . You can also follow this guide onhow to check the processing status. HoursMonday through Thursday7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.Friday7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. We are continuing to offer 100% digital application submittal and no longer accept paper applications or plans. - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Request to Connect a CSLB License that is not found (Form) - Use this if the CSLB license number is not found when trying to associate it to registered account, How to locate the project address to use for online applications (PDF), What to expect after applying online if record starts with BISUB, CDYY, CDZZ, PWET (PDF), How to Check Building Permit or Planning Application Status (PDF), How to Print Reviewed Plans for Building Permits (PDF), How to Create ePermits Center Project Collections (PDF), Contact Us: Public Information Contacts Media Inquiries ContactWebmaster County Administration Building: 1025 Escobar Street, Martinez, CA 945531st Floor: Clerk of the Board2nd Floor: Human Resources3rd Floor: County Counsel4th Floor: County Administration. ThePlanning Project Checklist is a brief form intended to provide a property owner or applicant with an overview of the rules and regulations that would be applicable to a given project. How to Print Approved Plans (PDF) from the Lafayette Engineering Department must create an online account to submit a review request through the idtPlans portal. Many of the unincorporated communities in Contra Costa County have Specific Plans. Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option, How to Get a Building Permit in Lafayette, The process is outlined in the handout titled. Additional information on a variety of topics can be found in the "how to" guides. learn more about how to check your permit status. Select a County: Or Select a City: Contra Costa County Check the How to Get a Building Permit handout to see whether Fire and Sanitary review are required. Apply for a Building Permit (If your application is deemed complete, skip to Step 4). The City does not route Building Permit applications to these outside agencies. I applied online but I'm not receiving any updates on my application. The Contra Costa County Fire Protection District has increased its permit fees effective October 1, 2018. Why do I need a permit to operate an ambulance in Contra Costa County? Im locked out of my account and cant remember my password. Visit our ePermits Center Help & How to Guides link for information on our processes and navigation help. Below are step-by-step instructions for the online permit application processes. Window replacements in-kind (however new windows and skylights are not exempt). Planning and Building appointments are a DCD service to answer questions and help you prepare for a successful application. We are pleased to offer our citizens, businesses, and visitors access to government services online, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Like many small cities in the area, Lafayette contracts with the. Building Code and Ordinances- Title 7 of the County Code (the Building Code) and relevant Building Ordinances. Enable Screen Reader Mode. Register for an idtPlans account: . Password. The Contra Costa County Fire Protection District has increased its permit fees effective July 18, 2021. Mechanical permits for installation, repair or replacement or of new HVAC equipment for single-family residential property. Submit a. New Permit Fees as of October 1, 2018. A typical review process for obtaining a building permit includes: The City of Orinda does not maintain copies of building permits. Fire damage: Interior repairs from fire damage would also be exempt if there is no increase inbuilding size or the installation of a second kitchen that wasn't existing prior to the fire. My contractor and other contacts on my application are not receiving emails about the processing status. You can also check the processing status of your application online. Code Enforcement inspectors are currently assigned to a geographical area based on the total number of occupancies assigned to a set of given fire stations. Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. Visit our Applying for a Building or Grading Permit web page before starting an application here to ensure you have all the information, necessary approvals and documents prepared for your project. **Note** Utility encroachment permits are issued to utility companies only. Contact Us: Public Information Contacts Media Inquiries ContactWebmaster County Administration Building: 1025 Escobar Street, Martinez, CA 945531st Floor: Clerk of the Board2nd Floor: Human Resources3rd Floor: County Counsel4th Floor: County Administration. (PDF). If you are unable to log on using those links, please contact the EMS Agency at (925) 608-5454 between the hours of 8a and 5p, Monday through Friday. To view or obtain copies of building permits, Contra Costa County provides the following services: Permit Lookup - To view building permit history, any member of the public may use the ePermits Center. Mayor's Award for Excellence in Architecture, Submit your online building permit application. | Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government. Repairs to existing swimming pools and spas. You may also call our general phone number at 925-655-2700. Zoning Plan Check via idtPlans. I dont see the Attachments page so I'm not able to upload or download files to my online application. Email technical supportfor technical online application issues or errors only.Indicate your project number or project address when contacting us. CONTRA COSTA COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU . Ready to apply for a permit? Make sure you are a contact on the application and you are logged in. Welcome to the ePermits Center Department of Conservation and Development | 925-655-2700 Public Works Department | 925-313-2000 lockLogin how_to_reg Register for an Account | accessible Accessibility Support | campaign Announcements | Email our permits division with your questions. California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Construction of creek improvements or bank stabilization, Removal / alteration of creek bank-stabilizing vegetation, Construction of improvements within drainage easements or within natural watercourses, Construction / modification of drainage facilities, Filling in a natural watercourse or ditch, Construction of a private or public bridge crossing. Contra Costa County's Industrial Safety Ordinance includes requirements for evaluating development projects that involve hazardous waste or hazardous materials (Article 84-63.2 of the County Ordinance Code). Please click on the "Permit Fees" button to the left for the new fee schedule. To apply for building permits online, please click on Virtual Permit Center. Please make sure your project is within the County's jurisdiction before scheduling an appointment by using CCMAPS to check your jurisdiction. Updates to your permit's progress are emailed to the applicant through the life of the project and will have the assigned plans examiner email address and phone number. The Application and Permit Center strives to make permit processing easier for applicants seeking land use or building permits by providing clear information, a solid understanding of the development process, and excellent customer service. Monday through Friday. Applications started without an approved CSLB license will not be successful. Read the sections below beforeregistering or applying. Please Email our technical support team with the project address, description of the error and at what step the error appeared. More information is also at thislink. 4005 Port Chicago Highway, Suite 250Concord, CA 94520-1180, General Email:info@cccfpd.orgPhone : (925) 941-3300Fax : (925) 941-3309, For fire and EMS out of area calls dial 925-933-1313, Copyright 2023 Contra Costa Fire Protection District | Designed by Impression Design, CCC Wildfire Mitigation Project Proposals, Liquid or gas-fueled vehicles or equipment in assembly buildings, Repair garages and motor fuel-dispensing facilities, Storage of scrap tires and tire byproducts, Normal business hours for the Administration office are Monday-Friday, 8 AM 5 PM, City and County Code Enforcement Contacts. how to prepare for your video appointment (PDF), How to Guides: Learn more about permitting requirements. To use ALL the services we provide you must register and create a user account. Development impact fees are required prior to issuance of permits. 30 Muir Road. Permit Information - Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Sewer Repair or Replacement A detailed plan submittal is usually not necessary when applying for a permit for a sewer repair or sewer replacement unless requested by Central San. Contra Costa County Building Permit Application (PDF) Design Review Board Application (PDF) Fence Permit Application (PDF) General Planning Application (PDF) . Bathroom or other interior remodels where there is no increase in conditioned space, except forkitchens. Construction document plans and supporting data shall be submitted to the fire district for all land development, or for the construction, alteration, or renovation of a building where a building permit is required, in the form of two sets of plans/documents with each construction permit application. For the Planning & Development Fee Schedule, please click here. Online Submissions: Contra Costa County Building Inspection Department(CCCBID) is also only accepting digital submittals for building permits. Use the following link to register for an idtPlans account: Click here for a step-by-step guide on creating an account: Technical support for this process is provided by idtPlans; for issues with account registration or application submittal, call 1 (844) 848-8667 or click here. How to Register for an ePermits Center account (PDF)How to Apply for a Planning Application (PDF) - Use this guide to learn how to apply for the Planning Division's General Application and Minor Application (Home Occupation, Property Use Verification, Small Lot Design Review and Kensington Design Review). Zoning Code and Ordinances - Title 8 of the County Code (the Zoning Code), relevant Zoning Ordinances, and community P-1 Zoning Codes. Application Forms Please use the forms below if you plan on applying for a Fire Construction Permit. Diablo Boulevard #120 Lafayette, CA 94549. For all other County departments and offices, see their web pages. Applying for a Building or Grading Permit, Applying for a New Building or Grading Permit, Building Permit Revisions, Extensions, and Renewals, CalGreen-Construction & Demolition Debris Recovery, Power Permits-Solar, Generator, Energy Storage, EV, Streamlined Electric Vehicle Charging Station, Martinez Refinery Renewable Fuels Project, North Richmond Heavy Distribution Use Moratorium, Committee and Commissions Related to Current Planning, Helpful for answering questions that do not require viewing documents or plans. Once payment is received, the signed documents will be emailed to you and you may proceed with submittal to all other applicable agencies listed below. Submitting for a building permit or a planning application. For questions on Public Works permits, call (925) 313-2000 or e-mail pw.permits@pw.cccounty.us. A list of projects that do NOT require a building permit may be viewed hereVersion OptionsBuilding PermitsHeadline. Specific Plans - Specific Plans are a special set of development standards that apply to a particular geographic Area. Submit an application for a "Stormwater Permit . Hazardous occupancies where storage of, or processes involving, hazardous materials exist, such as, industrial fabrication facilities, power generation plants, high piled storage and high rack storage facilities, are also inspected for compliance with fire code operational permit requirements. to perform building permit plan-check and inspection services. Application and Permit Staff can assist with answering questions about zoning, planning applications, and build permits. Permit/Activity Fee . Helpful if needing assistance with online permit submittal. The following operational permits are required within the Contra Costa County Fire Protection District: Specific information regarding the above required operational permits may be found in the California Fire Code 2019 edition as amended by Contra Costa County Fire Protection District Ordinance No. Mechanical or plumbing permits for repair, replacement or installation of water heaters or poolor spa equipment for single-family residential property. Solar, Battery Backup, Generator Permit Information, Applying for a Building or Grading Permit web page, Preparing Files for Electronic Submittal (PDF), How to Apply for Building ePermit Submittal (PDF), How to Apply Online for Planning Applications, How to Apply Online for Building Permit Submittal, Solar, Battery Backup, Generator Permit Information, Looking for historical Construction Permits or Plans? Visit our Help & How to Guides on this page to help navigate this site. Planning Application and Building Permits | Contra Costa County, CA Official Website County Home Departments & Offices Departments & Offices A-D Conservation & Development Applications and Permits Planning Application and Building Permits As of April 1, 2022 building permit applications for new Residential, Retail, Office, or Hotel Account are able to upload or download files to the application at what Step the error and what... Dont see the Attachments page so I 'm not receiving emails about the processing status many of the and... User account number ( AR # ) available when you sign in to.. Our ePermits Center help & how to & quot ; on the button to the.., Contra Costa County Fire Protection contra costa county permit portal has increased its permit fees July! Analysis of any processing requirements or updates in the area, volume, or size confirmation email as... Permit to operate an ambulance in Contra Costa County Fire Protection District has increased its permit fees October... 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