Othello arrives to see about the commotion, and finding Cassio at fault, dismisses him from his position. After sharing the definitions of "jealousy," "cuckold," and "monster" with the class, and after noting their prevalence in the play, begin discussion with the following questions: How do these words affect a man such as Othello? Students shall have a choice of doing one of two things: either writing and performing a persuasive speech OR writing an essay in which persuasive technique in the play is analyzed. Mark me with what violence she first loved the Moor but for bragging and telling her fantastical lies. Who said the quote? Iago begins his attempt to corrupt Cassio in this act, by trying to get him to admit to impure thoughts about Desdemona. You'll also get updates on new titles we publish and the ability to save highlights and notes. In Act 3 Scene 3, lines 143-168, Iago is setting the thought process in motion in Othello's head with sort of making him 2nd guess himself in believing what Iago is telling him. The role: We require a team of Exam Invigilator's to join us in a secondary school in Colne. In the first 42 lines of the scene, . Updating the audience about his secret plans, Iago continues to act as a "director." Storms are always of great significance in Shakespeare; here, the storm is a symbol of unrest and the discord to come. Either as an in-class exercise or as a homework assignment, students can use worksheet 2, In class, the teacher should focus on Iago's introduction of the words "jealousy," "cuckold" and "monster" into his rhetoric. In this lesson, students explore the basis of Iago's persuasive power by analyzing his astonishing command of rhetoric and figurative language. Othello's self-consciousness is apparent in these words to Desdemona. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of Othello by William Shakespeare. Insecure He has been passed over for the job of Lieuetenant. Iago mentions the promotion to Roderigo, to convince him that he hates Othello; but Iago also cites his suspicions that Emilia and Othello have had an affair as another reason for his enmity. Emilia 5. Iago wants to see Cassio discredited, so that he may take Cassio's place as lieutenant. Iago's facility with language reveals his cunning and intelligence, and makes his manipulation of Othello believable. Through Iagos many qualities, Jealousy and Paranoia seem to be exaggerated throughout the play, it is because of Iagos jealousy is of such as great extent that he is brought to bring about the downfall of Othello. The rest of Iago's plan at last falls into place after his discussion with Cassio. Iago says this to Othello. In act III, scene iii, Desdemona. When Roderigo confronts Iago with these words, it is evident that his conflict has progressed. What emotion does Iago play on to get Roderigo to provoke Cassio? Indeed, Iago is so good at lying that he is able to convince even himself that he has the soundest of reasons to destroy Othello, Desdemona, and Cassio. Another way in which the play could be interpreted is the fact that he was not promoted and so that he could achieve his sweet revenge, in order to do so he must break Othello part from part slowly (as in his references to poison throughout the play) and the thing he loves dearest Desdemona as well as not revealing his true intentions. This is best. Instant PDF downloads. By comparing Othello to an animal, and old. The repetition of "honest" in his description of Iago compounds the tragedy by highlighting how completely he was duped. Here Iago is trying to convince Roderigo into getting into his plan, he also says it with a vengeful tone so that Roderigo can relate to him. The tragedy in literary tradition normally revolves around a consequence or Achilles heel in which the character is exploited through a tragic flaw or inability to cope with unfavourable circumstances. In this excerpt Iago represents, Iago also tries to persuade Roderigo through the different types of language techniques and appeals: ethos, pathos, and logos. Struggling with distance learning? I also think another way to interpret the play is discrimination; the fact Iagos character refers to Othello with terms such as The Moor a downgrading term towards minorities, this means that Iagos character is racist and the fact that Black individuals were hardly ever seen across Venice, means that Iago dislikes his nature and thus formed a ruse to dispose of him. Complete your free account to request a guide. In this Iago says that he shall take Desdemonas pure hearts content goodness in which he will spawn a net of destruction to ruin them all. In this soliloquy he not only describes his actions as devilish, but he also discusses how he will ensnare. (including. In class, reread the passages cited above. Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. He is going to ruin her credit with Othello by spreading rumors of her cheating. But Iago begins explaining the situation, saying very now, an old black ram is topping your white ewe. In line 331, Iago says Come, be a man!. Dont waste Your Time Searching For a Sample. The Shakespearean play of Othello was written as a drama or literary tradition in which the main character or protagonist is brought to ruin or suffers from an extreme sorrow, in this instance Othello. Iago also appeals to Roderigos pathos in line 301 when he says that if Roderigo kills himself by drowning, then Iago will never love him after he dies. Othello secretly marries Desdemona, the daughter of a Venetian Senator, which is when Iago gets his plan to get rid of Othello with the help of his subordinate, Roderigo. Also, ask students to examine and write down Iago's reasons for wishing to appear false to Othello (see especially 1.1.833; I.3.368386; and 2.1.268294). "My students can't get enough of your charts and their results have gone through the roof." Throughout the play, Iago leads Roderigo by the collar professing that he "hate(s) the Moor" [Act I, Scene III, Line 344] and telling Roderigo to "make money" [Act I, Scene III, Line 339] to give Desdemona gifts to win her over. Explain Othello's change of heart. "With as little a web as this I will ensnare as great a fly as Cassio," he says; indeed, the simile speaks truly of his intent, and of his true powers of "invention" (II.i.168-169). Shakespeare shifts the action from Venice to Cyprus. Both Emilia and the class will have to state their reasons for handing over the handkerchief or not. Midterm Exam-2 Guide; ISO 9001 2015 Checklist; STI Chart SP2019; . I got this idea from the fact that he himself may love Desdemona and in that notion he decided to dispose of those who are any feelings for Desdemona other than himself. More. Each group must answer in writing the following question: What did it mean to be "honest" in Shakespeare's time? It would be useful for the teacher to find the definitions of these words in the. "He'll be as full of quarrel and offense / as my young mistress' dog" (Scene 3, lines 46-47) What does this quote mean? Auden once said, "There is more than meets the eye", suggesting that there may be a hidden or deeper meaning behind a person's initial appearance. Bhaskar Singh Bora . Indeed the Turks are the enemy in Cyprus, but it is interesting that Othello uses language that conveys otherness. The way the content is organized, LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in. The hours will be flexible, paid an hourly rate PAYE. Active Themes Othello searches his chamber and finds a sword. Shakespeare highlights that Iago has control over the characters and everyone is vulnerable to his tricks . The setting changed from normal to stormy weather. Necessity forces his hand, and, in order to destroy Othello, he must also destroy Roderigo, Emilia, Desdemona, and ultimately himself. Iago also states that And out of her own goodness make the net, that shall enmesh them all. (2020, Jun 02). Iago then gives a soliloquy about knowing that Desdemona will speak for Cassio, and that he will be able to turn that against them both. Examine Iago's language at the end of Act Two. Ensuring the class stays on task. The next time around, however, Roderigo makes a direct attack on Iago saying that Iago is purposely tricking Roderigo. Job description. Iago continues to orchestrate complicated sets of doubling-crossings in order to promote the illusions that will help him with his plan. Meanwhile, Iago moves his plot into its second phase: to twist two noble traitsCassio's desire to regain his honor and Desdemona's generosityto provoke Othello's doubt of Desdemona and sexual jealousy of Cassio. What do Wilfred Owens poems reveal about his views on religion? These literary traditions are common among the play Othello and is seen throughout the novel through several characters including Othello, Cassio, Roderigo and Iago. Iago uses the appeal to ethos twice in the passage, in line 331 and then again in lines 355-357. , Get to Know The Price Estimate For Your Paper, "You must agree to out terms of services and privacy policy". In the order of their appearance, list the characters who arrive from Venice in Scene 1. The audience believes that this reason is inadequate and that it is only because of Othellos good fortune that he has decided to plot his revenge against Othello. To Othello and the others, Iago pretends not to understand how the whole fight came about, but he defends Cassio, saying that Cassio surely received from "him that fled" (Roderigo) some "strange indignity, / Which patience could not pass." He is not interested in her innocence, in her pleas to be given a chance to explain the truth behind appearances, because he is so consumed by the "monster" of jealousy that he is certain that she is guilty. In a gesture reminiscent of how other characters (Iago, Roderigo, Brabantio) have drawn on racial stereotypes to exclude Othello and cement their own relationships, he here defines himself as an "insider," a Christian, against the "outsider" or enemy, the Turk. Audio. Cassio laments that he has lost his reputation, which is very dear to him. They completely demystify Shakespeare. Cassio, like Othello, takes people at face value. Iago had been using Roderigo for his money and none of the gifts and jewels Roderigo gave Iago to give to Desdemona actually reached her. Othello is the main culprit, and thus the plot was focused on Othellos downfall, but also Roderigo as he too had feelings for Desdemona. GradeSaver, 29 September 2014 Web. 18.03.2022, solved by verified expert. That these two things happen almost simultaneously heightens the play's tragedy. nobody to act as her defense. Soliloquies are important in many plays due to the fact that it fills the audience in on whats happening or what is about to happen, such as Iagos motives and plans. Her eye must be fed. Iago teeters on a seesaw "debating" whether to tell Othello what he saw between his wife and . However, this isn't war that Othello is in, and things are not as clear-cut in personal battles and politics. Iago is a man with an obsession for control and power over others who has let this obsession take over his whole life. He's paranoid Emilia has slept with O and C too! Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. 9. *The Temple of Abbath or - 1st Level Adventure - In which the Fey Shakespeare portrays through the speech, Iago's lack of moral scruples, his delusional state of mind and his powers of manipulation and foresight. He is going to get drunk and be argumentative, ready to fight, and take offense to everything. Iago says how there are "many a duteous and knee crooking knave thatwears out his time, much like his master's ass". He describes Desdemona as one who "excels the quirks of blazoning pens"; he calls her "divine Desdemona," but at the same time, wishes Othello much joy of her (II.i.62, 72). Iago manipulates Roderigo and convinces him to fight Cassio. The news that Cassio has killed Roderigo is the first sign of Iago's plots unraveling. Hence, Iago is again able to successfully misrepresent himself; this time, he pretends that he is there merely to settle the quarrel, when he is the engineer of the whole affair. In fact, as play starts Iago is taking advantage of Roderigo. But even as he minces words with Desdemona, he is observing her and Cassio, and plotting how to make a fictional affair between them look convincing. Othello? I hate the Moor: and it is thought abroad, that twixt my sheets he has done my office: I know not ift be true; but I for mere suspicion in that kind, will do as if for surety. He in this case is being referred to Cassio. Indeed, in terms of eloquence, Othello-not Iagohas the final word. 1. A messenger arrives with news that the Turkish fleet has been so damaged by the storm that it no longer threatens Cyprus. Because nettles, hyssop, and thyme can all be referred to as weeds, Roderigo gives a negative tone. Othello arrives to see about the commotion, and finding Cassio at fault, dismisses him from his position. Whereas the acting f the play started on the streets of Venice going to the court and finally to Cyprus's beaches. are among the most famous in the play. Instant downloads of all 1699 LitChart PDFs The speed with which Othello is transformed from respected general to reviled outsider reveals the strength of prejudices more or less repressed by other characters throughout the majority of the play. What is important to note is Roderigos change in attitude in act four. This will help Iago hint that Desdemona and Cassio are together, which will enrage Othello. Othello arrives at last, and is very glad to see his wife arrived, much earlier than expected; he and Desdemona make public signs of their love, and then depart. Emilia, who understands Iago far better than the gullible male characters have so far, demonstrates her loyalty to Desdemona by risking her own safety and defying the murderer of her former mistress, despite his obvious willingness to do violence. By clicking Check Writers Offers, you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy. Dont know where to start? An illustration of two photographs. Fordefinitions of "Moor" contemporary with Shakespeare, go first to the, Lastly, students should be introduced to the Roman god. Conclude the class by asking the students how they view Iago, Desdemona, Othello, and Brabantio as based on what they have read and discussed. Creating notes and highlights requires a free LitCharts account. The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. A storm has dispersed the Venetian fleet so that Cassio arrives first, anxious for Othello's safety. Also, this quote shows that Iagos overactive id, as his pleasure of revenging on Othello for taking his job overpowers his sense of instincts, superego, that he should not. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. He plays on Roderigo's anger and Cassio's low tolerance of alcohol. He suggests that even really good actions can produce bad effects. What you know, you know. You can get a custom paper by one of our expert writers. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss thenovel. Desdemona 3. Iago is very ambiguous in his use of the word fair. In Act 2, Scene 1 of Othello, Iago formulates his plan to drive Othello mad. One strategy for helping students to focus on the details of Iago's language would be to provide them with a handout of the key rhetorical terms to be used throughout the reading of Othello. They drowned and were defeated in battle. Before dividing students into groups, initiate a class discussion with the following observation and question: The characters in the play refer to Iago as "honest." Here we see Roderigo acknowledge what Iago is doing to him and how Roderigo will no longer tolerate it. Yet, at the same time, when he tells of stabbing the Turk, he also stabs himself. Chicago's Shakespeare Theatre essay, "1604 and All That,"along withWashington DC's Shakespeare Theatre Company'sA Cultural Context for Othello,and the Folger Shakespeare Library's "American Moor,"provide insights into what it meant to be a moor in Shakespeare's time. Much like the stereotypes that are hurled his way, Othello contrasts the "barbarous" behavior with the "Christian" brotherhood of the Venetians. Desdemona is so in love with Othello and Iago is gonna turn that purity into darkness. Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. Refine any search. Insider's Guide: Language in Othello Othello by William . The . Does Othello's final speech redeem him? Iago is, of course, the serpent who uses "Eve" (Desdemona) to get to "Adam" (Othello). Who said the quote? Overall I have concluded some ways in which the play could be interpreted, the fact that Iago tends to hide his true character in order to be in everyone good graces: this is the idea of Iago puzzling characters into his plot. Roderigo is deceived by Iago whom he trusted so dearly, However, along with his word choice, Iago is clever at the timing of what he says. Impure thoughts about Desdemona he saw between his wife and to see about the,... Emilia and the discord to come storm that it no longer threatens Cyprus explore basis. He & # x27 ; s safety roof. of service and privacy.... Cassio are together, which is very dear to him and how Roderigo will no threatens. Roderigo acknowledge what Iago is gon na turn that purity into darkness quot ; whether to Othello. 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