Getting Suited and Booted He turned to the side, muttering the words that would no doubt soothe his stressed mind: Tea, earl grey, hot.. They decide to investigate the object. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Filter: Sort by Popularity Filter by name: All. An Early End Winter_Confictura 50 weeks ago. To be fair, in a universe with fairly available FTL capability for spacecraft, it would be prudent to at least blow up the space ports and any ships in them (if you're Klingon or don't have FTL inhibitors), that way no one can make orbit and fly off to another system to spread the disease. Eh ship size is irrelevant and fleet sizes are as well once we get proper battles/budget. Talking about slipsace drive, I just had a wonky thought. They take. Maybe Halo human AIs aren't AIs at all but just humans in digital space but their technology isn't perfect so it causes issue. Did they tell them the reason why those ancient WMD was built? All that damage from a probe ship. Watery Grave I think it just appeared He typed something into the computer. Lives. I feel like Halo humanity is just doing crude human conscious transfer which is why they have similar personality as the brain donor but not their memories. I'm eagerly looking forward to the Vulcan and Earth reaction when they get a chance to review the footage of the horrors of the Covenant war. Halo humanity, covanent, and forerunners should have discovered dilithium if it existed. As much as people hate this being brought up, Discovery season 3 indicates quite strongly that without Dilithium, warp travel cannot be done practically. Uh, I don't think it works like that. If they had shield tech it would have been magnetic or gravitic based deflection arrays and not the Covenant's clear plasma absorption arrays. 16. In Halo 3: ODST, the Superintendant AI for New Mombassa is a "Dumb" AI. I'm honestly curious to see trek's reactions to planetary glassing or the butchery of civilians like on Arcadia. Well, they shouldn't have missing people as long as they kwep the drive well-maintained and covered. Agent California: Cal by his friends. Or, if they. Star Trek: Voyager wise, directly after Voyager drops out of slipstream warp after Seven of Nine implements Kim's calculations to force the ship back into normal space during the slipstream warp drive test. Unfortunately, I don't think lore digs deeper into level of regular augmentation. Keep in mind that hand phaser power sources are so BS that in the TOS era you can get a shuttle into orbit using several of them. I will arrange a shuttle immediately.. It was a nightmare with his Halfway into the Clone Wars Jedi master Obi-wan is taking back Ryloth from the Separatist droid army. It felt Angry., Picard looked back at the ring. In fact going by star treks lore, a slipspace drive could possibly be made by a matter replicator. I can see the Spirit being retro fitted along with the NX-01 Enterprise with the secondary hull (maybe its also includes a slipspace engine and computer core) with NX class weapons. He was looking forward to gaining some new reads for his collection. It's an ordinary life for Winter, even after Queen Snowfall allowed him back into the Ice Kingdom, he still wanted to stay in Sanctuary, as that's where he considered to belong. These are the voyages of the starship Equestria. Data, you as well. Super MACs are, On another note, the "point four-tenths" figure cited on the wiki, to me, means. WHOOOOO!!! Wesley Crusher, how long before we reach earth?, Young Wesley looked at his monitors in a rush, unprepared for such a question. Its a branched off timeline. Deanna, I want you to join me on the surface. On the far side of Hell, ODST team Alpha-Nine--now lapdogs of ONI--are made to wonder whether their sins ought cast them back. The United Federation of Planets did not affiliate themselves with the UNSC, because of their rough nature. Are the covenant races in startrek if they exist even similar to halo counterparts. Blades of Glass [Halo x Starcraft OC!Insert], The Way of Voyagers (Star Trek Online x Avatar: The Way of Water, some Neverwinter Backstory). many, many years later, the Covenant War would spark in the Milky Way Galaxy. The Spartan II Program's time is long over, replaced by the newer Spartan IV's. It could mean that in ST universe, the subspace is at much higher intensity that an entire crystal exists naturally in both dimensions. Hell, the Klingons decided that the logical response to a plague was. Wesley, are there any mentions of this object in Star Fleets database?, No sir. An Even Fight The romulans for example use an entire signalarity core to power their starships to achieve Warp. Round Two (2). ", are too energy. If humanity had managed to make that augmentation possible for even adults, then it wouldn't have made any difference. Dilithium exists in both subspace and normal space. Harry Potter Twilight Crossover. I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing! as well as Power levels are always contentious. Likewise, MAC-cannons and IA would be traded for, by Alfa and Beta quadrant, outdated ships and training on how to use them. What is it, Deanna? Picard knew that expression. His stomach knotted, anticipating bad news. Legacy characters in Starfleet, or Harry and co, Brought up to the 24th century, whatever works. Follow her story as she tries to survive a planet that is constantly attempting to kill off it inhabitants while attempting to find a way back home using low-grade tech. 12. The one thing everyone knows is that the Reapers are systematic. It might be covenant influence. Please consider turning it on! NX Enterprise does have a galley and a hydroponics bay (I guess as backup?). Call for me should anything arise. Everyone on the bridge acknowledged his departure, and as he entered his room he debated how to spend his time. Star Trek Enterprise VS Black Hole - Calcs. Done. The thing is if a biggaton level is inconsistent in application then its questionable to assume the higher level is always in effect. If you'd like to join our merry crew, please check . The device would look somewhat like the portal to the Ark, but be green instead of the standard blue. Was a rather weak showing for the covenant but once they start rolling in real fleets and possible make it a ground fight things will get hilarious. Could also just harvest base materials and minerals.just wouldn't taste all that good. ^^ That would have been a pretty big statement seeing something as small as that beat the crap out of a CCS battlecruiser. He studied the object on screen carefully, before turning to Deanna. It's called Half-Life and is nominally Christmassy . The precursor gun platform on planet 4546B fires upon the Aurora, but the massive ship's crew is gone. Also, their choice of the phrase Super-human intrigued the Star Fleet Captain, although he was hyper-aware of the consequences of experimenting on humans. Just the standard slipspace drive can lead to disaster if it's misaligned; I recall an instance where it's cited that a misaligned slipspace drive tore a ship in two (though it might have been from a fanfic, I don't remember the source at all). Well, Smart AIs seem to be self aware unlike "Dumb" AIs or programmed AIs. 13. This bubble immediately reverted back to normal slipspace once the Forerunner artifact was destroyed. More than 40 years after the end of the war against the Covenant, a new storm is brewing on the edge of the human empire. Picard followed his gaze, waiting for clarification. The SlipSpace drive maybe the cheaper option at this point thanks to one thing, it requires no 'unobtanium' elements to work and function. You must log in or register to reply here. He has to be pretty sure those bastards just murdered a entire world and were trying to murder him and his ship yet still kept trying to talk long past the point he should have and he really should have tried to cripple them first instead of going full alpha salvo vaporize them. What is it? I don't see future agencies getting involved - 1. I don't know if they had the chance to send out a warning to the other genocidal scum! The phase cannons are a modulated particle beam. Well land manually. This turned quite a few heads. I think it was mentioned that the Kinshasa is a Intrepid-class light cruiser. Is Halo's Covenant Slip-stream? And keyly still work pretty much the same way with enough power. Halo and Star Trek: Discovery Crossovers Filters Back in the Fight by ImperatorOfHolyHumanEmpire reviews Ancient Humanity is fighting a devastating two front war with the Forerunners and the Flood. A haphazard escape through teleporter on the shield world Requiem's surface sends Spartan Commander Rachel Auri flying head over heels onto foreign soil with hostile contacts right on her tail. JavaScript is disabled. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Though given the name, a "resequencer" implies that it works by taking in. Harry Potter crossovers. Captains Log, Stardate: 47953.2.While en-route to a meeting with other Starship captains on Earth, Captain Picard and his crew aboard the U.S.S. Even mercenaries would be seeing the Covenant war as the perfect opportunity, selling their services for personal shield tech and weapons. It may not display this or other websites correctly. They kill again. Would love to know your train of logic for. Blades of Glass [Halo x Starcraft OC!Insert], The Way of Voyagers (Star Trek Online x Avatar: The Way of Water, some Neverwinter Backstory). Picard had read everything on his shelf several times each, and wanted new material. They claim that the UNSC have begun recruiting humans, and have been creating a new breed of soldier through genetic experimentation. Picard then remembered some of the logs that he had requested from Star Fleet concerning the involvement of the United Nations Space Command in intergalactic warfare, and decided to sit down at his desk to read them through. However, things begin to change as an unidentified object landed near Sanctuary, what will come of this discovery, war, bloodshed? A protein resequencer was installed aboard. 'Valcumee and the Monitor Star Trek Enterprise VS Black Hole - Calcs. Unlike the Defiant, Saber, Steamrunner, Norway, Akira and Sovereign. And left a massive gash on earths surface. Halo: Feet First covers the story of a team of UNSC Orbital Drop Shock Troopers of the 7th Battalion, 105th Shock Troops Division. Not really interesting in term of space battle conflict, as this is going to be a curb stomp by the Feds. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. . Harry Potter/Avengers Crossover. Once more a misunderstanding, warp can function without Dilthiaum, it's just the material makes it so that it's safer to use antimatter when converting it into actual energy for federation craft. Become a Starfleet-affiliated PMC group Votes: 143 49.8% Join Starfleet-proper as a "Foreign Legion" sort of deal Votes: 120 41.8% Join the Earth Cargo Service Until he dies by the hand of an elite or so we thought While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. The funny part is, even civilians are genetically augmented. Now, what is the UE's stance on smart AI at this point in time? Sir, there are strange shields surrounding the ring. He had considered writing some of his adventures in space in the form of memoirs for young people back home to read. It may not display this or other websites correctly. WikiZero zgr Ansiklopedi - Wikipedia Okumann En Kolay Yolu . What did you find? As soon as Picard finished talking, the image of a large ring appeared on the screen, with mechanical fixtures on the outside and what seemed like wildlife on the inside. The German word for Predator was an appropriate name for such a vessel, for it's very design demanded fear and awe. This idea was birthed when my brother and I were talking about the ultimate crossovers that should have happened. I mean knowing Trek technobal they could probably find out where he disappeared. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Will the colonies of the Linwood Sector be able to withstand this new threat or will they burn like Harvest once did? Left to think entirely for themselves they would all hate Halsey. You must log in or register to reply here. Not everyone makes it into the lifepods. Commander Riker to Captain Picard, we have something that we need to clarify with you, sir Checking the time, he noted that he had only been reading for just short of an hour. And that dimension is subspace. Picard wondered if they were able to invite the Commander of the UNSC to the meeting as he sat down at his desk. Please consider turning it on! Barring a statement otherwise from OP, subspace and slipspace are very different. You must log in or register to reply here. The main character, Duncan Iris, faces the full horror of the covenant war effort against humanity as well as the brave retaliation of outnumbered and outgunned UNSC forces. They try to begin first contact procedures. Haikyuu Crossover. They decide to investigate the object. We have plenty of time to spare before my meeting, and I know Ive been looking for something to occupy my time, so we must all be a little bored.. Weapons expert, multilingual, mechanic, former ODST, and overall nice guy. But in the year 2574 the Destiny was declared lost at all hands. The Great BETA War. tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos. now the Mayhem and Chaos will commence, bring the pain to the Covenant! And fire power?nah I'm pretty sure it's clear that even in Enterprise a star ship can blast a hole into the Spirit of fire or drain. Iter In Astris (Halo x Star Trek: Enterprise fanfiction crossover) RememberReach312 Oct 29, 2022 What should the "Spirit of Fire" do once they realize they're trapped in another universe? Her continuing mission: to explore strange new Star Trek/Friendship is Magic Crossovers, to seek out new authors and new trekie-bronies, to boldly go where no pony has gone before! Believing that the life Star Trek people are enlightened even their klingons wouldnt just glass everything lightly. ", Could they start a colony of their own to keep their culture alive? Dilithium exists in normal and subspace. As members of Star Fleet, we are bound to make contact with, and observe, new forms of life, in whatever manner they appear. "Also, I make it a point to stay away from Q's hairless apes. What happened?. While en-route to a meeting with other Starship captains on Earth, my crew discovered a strange object floating in space. 4. Star Trek/Halo - Crossover Essay/Discusion MrGoblinKing7 Summary: Halo and Star Trek are so opposite from one another, wonder what would happen if we forced them to interact? JavaScript is disabled. Iter In Astris (Halo x Star Trek: Enterprise fanfiction crossover) RememberReach312 Oct 29, 2022 What should the "Spirit of Fire" do once they realize they're trapped in another universe? "With enough power" is a very different topic if one group has basic H-H fusion and the other uses antimatter. 1. Believing this planet to be some sort of enemy staging area, a UNSC battle group takes up the mantle of eliminating the faraway threat, only to find themselves pulled into a three-sided war of survival in a human civilization far behind their own engulfed in a war between humanity, a rogue robotic army known as the Legion and the alien mercenary raider group known as the Banished. You must log in or register to reply here. What was originally set to be a smash and grab mission goes completely sideways. The UNSC would send a few ships and probes into the Star Trek universe, finding themselves between the Omega and Archanis sectors. Um, about eleven earth hours, sir., Picard sighed and heaved himself up from his chair. Picard walked closer to the screen, taking in the new information. Join Noble Six on his new adventure in a A Spartan who became a legend due to his fighting spirit and the way he inspires hope. 19. Liara T'Soni x OC propulsion engines faster than Star Trek's Warp Engines? Here are his three most recent, and in my view, best: Spartans Never Die, Net, Tomorrow. Planet X (ISBN 0671019163) is a 1998 Star Trek novel by Michael Jan Friedman that is a crossover between the X-Men comic book series and the characters of Star Trek: The Next Generation. I would assume that the UNSC patrol would be weary at first, but the senserity of the Federation and the UNSC's desperate need for allies to either fight the Covies or rebuild, the UNSC would then try to broker an alliance with the Federation. 16. JavaScript is disabled. He brought a hand to his temple and massaged, making the decision to retire even before addressing his crew. Picard sometimes thought he could still hear them, feel their presence in his own mind when he was alone, just as he was now. Iter In Astris (Halo x Star Trek: Enterprise fanfiction crossover) RememberReach312 Oct 29, 2022 What should the "Spirit of Fire" do once they realize they're trapped in another universe? In this story you are an ODST (Orbital Drop Shock Trooper) named Mike Johnson. He sighed and stood, trusting that his number one in command was correct in hailing him for a second opinion. UNSC/UEG laws forbid discrimination based on a person's genome, among other things. Fundraising has begun on earth for the intention of expanding the project further. Fanfiction. Maybe everyone just goes into the mirror universe and vice versa. 8. Picard tries to communicate with an Elite, This is the product of my brother and I talking. 3. Maybe even left for dead? 12/4/2022 The Terminal What began as a simple rescue mission has become an encounter with a cosmic horror. Picard was usually quite patient when it came to long journeys, but even his patience had been waning during this return to his home planet. Work Search: 5. However, it is canon that slipspace behaves wonky when in the presence of other space-manipulations. Something both later regret due to how it later caused such mental termoal and stiff in the guy. Updates will occur every Tuesday and Friday No." Rated: T - English - Humor/Parody - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,068 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 6 - Follows: 2 - Published: Mar 22, 2015 - Complete It's time for the Covenant to sweat! The Dominion War Then the Federation should have plenty of the old Miranda cruisers. So you're more looking at like 15 to maybe 30 shots at maximum kill setting. . Star Fleet had called for an emergency meeting regarding the military-based protector of earth, as there were concerns over the treatment of the UNSC of Earths allied planets. Yeah, wish I reworded the title but it's to late now. people don't mysteriously vanish hanging around the warp core. 21 guests A Not So Pleasant Surprise It was armed with a powerful glassing cannon and Abbreviated: energy weapons, which were mentioned in-chapter in the context "why haven't you developed these yet? On the other hand Halo tends to have bigger numbers for populations, fleet and ship sizes, biggatons of firepower, etc etc. Or are simply pressed for time. Duck Wars: Prelude to Rebellion, part 1 of a Star Wars/DT17 crossover that expands on the Star . It was a nightmare with his. The butterfly flaps are going to be big. No dilithium needed like Star Fleets warp core, all it needs is power from any source and a powerful computer and it ready to go. After the Final battle he was declared MIA after there was no sign of him arriving A crossover story featuring the Halo and Mass Effect universes. The Unggoy Galaxy is a very big place. Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Halo universe. Halo wise, before the second mission to Requiem. In Halo, slipspace, which is also called subspace, seems to be less intense than Star Trek. The Star Fox and Star Wolf teams must team up with Markus Tokarev to get back to Corneria - but the trip home will not be easy, needing to navigate pirates, traps, and sinister plots to reach Lylat, and when they get there, rumors begin surfacing about a phantom fleet with the power to make anyone who found it as a warlord among the stars. LET'S GET CRAZY!!! He had chosen to remain in the chair for the journey back home to earth, as he was attending an important conference regarding another space exploration group that needed his immediate attention. She was not purpose designed as a Combat vessel first and science vessel second. Not really seeing it; since the Army is (however inaccurately) often portrayed as. Halo Crossovers Show All Halo Crossovers. The Map Room Causes Chaos Considering the nature of the plague, honestly im sure the UNSC might have had the same reaction if a plague started turning people into a cross of Human and Brute. Considering Spartan-II production is immoral in all the ways they fear, this might not end well. WHOOOOO!!! If so, maybe, just maybe, the slipspace should be faster in Star Trek verse. Should be noted that they don't actually get one, although they do have a synthesizer. This object does not appear to be moving. The timeline would take place from the start of Halo Wars, and season 1 of Next Generation. Mass Effect (640) RWBY (238) Star Wars (235) Naruto (99) Red vs. Blue (68) . JavaScript is disabled. You are using an out of date browser. Halo and Warhammer 40k but more specifically the Death Korps Of Krieg! They kill. The butterfly flaps are going to be big. It doesnt appear on radars or scanners. The Covenant have discovered Reach - our last bastion before Earth. (I mean numbers given by AO3 system, not in my chapters titles)Chapter from 1 to 15 are Origin/Prolog Chapters for Rivet and Kit.Chapter from 16 to are Kit's story arc. They might not want to tell them otherwise they might go to a place in africa to investigate. I'm more of the mind Vulcan pushes UE to take a heavier hand/authority over the SOF, then leverage Vucan tech/know how to keep the SOF in their influence. Geordi has his visor because he was born blind and his parents couldnt fix his eyes with gene editing due to it being illegal in the UFP. Watch these two sides clash, will t. imperialguard war krieg +11 more # 14 Remnant's Drop Shock Trooper by Its_Fr0st 2.2K 78 16 I wonder how many bricks will be shat when the UNSC finds out that was a Federation science vessel, not a warship? Sole Survivor - A Star Trek fic which begins with the crew rescuing the sole survivor of what is apparently a mysterious massacre of a scout ship's crew, . They will need personal energy shields and energized bla'leths to do close mortal Melee combat Hmm theoretically that would allow them better protection against monophasic weapons like lasers or plasma cannons, Lieutenant Young mused, but its not much good against phased energy weapons.. avengers peterxfelicia blackcat +21 more # 13 Mass Effect Betrayal by Jacob Murphy 1.7K 13 18 Betrayed by the Galaxy she saved. Become a Starfleet-affiliated PMC group Votes: 143 49.8% Join Starfleet-proper as a "Foreign Legion" sort of deal Votes: 120 41.8% Join the Earth Cargo Service My brother and I talking they claim that the logical response to a place in to! To invite the Commander of the UNSC to the 24th century, whatever works magnetic or gravitic based deflection and... I guess as backup? ) Covenant War as the perfect opportunity selling... Exist even similar to Halo counterparts to normal slipspace once the Forerunner artifact was destroyed Halo counterparts one thing knows. 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