how to use peppermint oil to stop milk production

Oregano. Too Much of a Good Thing How to Decrease Breast Milk Supply. What's the deal? Topical peppermint gel and solutions have been studied for the prevention of pain and cracked nipples and areolas in nursing women. If peppermint oil reduced milk production from milking cows farmers would not use it. University of Rochester Medical Center. As a result, researchers dont recommend binding. Learn more about things to keep in mind when buying a, Goat's milk or goat's milk-based formulas may be a healthy option for babies with cow milk sensitivities or for those with other health concerns about, A baby's kidneys usually mature quickly after birth. It helps new mothers to boost their milk production. Basil and Lavender can assist as well. Parsley I found that there were several oils in addition to peppermint and lemon balm that may work to help reduce my milk supply. If your milk supply is low or you just need some extra expressed milk for bottles, you may be wondering how to combine breastfeeding and pumping and, When it comes to how to stop breastfeeding while minimizing side effects, slow and steady wins the race. Engorgement usually only lasts 24-48 hours. Try it: Shop for sage tea (including ones intended for use during weaning), chasteberry tea, and parsley. This drug isnt approved for this use by the FDA, but may be prescribed off-label. When using them, it is best to stay on the safe side and apply them topically. The plant's first recorded appearance dates back to 1000 BC when dried peppermint leaves were found entombed in ancient Egyptian pyramids. Jasmine flowers seem to be an effective and inexpensive method of suppressing lactation. National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine (NCBI PubMed database). You can use a tincture of sage instead: 30-60 drops of tincture, 3-6 times a day. They can be used together with antibiotics. My symptoms of a bacterial die off in the small intestine like dehydration, frequent urination subsided about after 3-4 days but I kept taking it for about 2-3 weeks by slowly lowering the dose. This happens because milk production works on a feedback system. To reduce acid reflux, use non-fat milk, ginger, apple cider vinegar, or lemon tea. There are many times when it is not quite as simple as that. But, it is always going to be easier to decrease a milk supply than increase a low milk supply. (2017). Apply Cabbage Leaves. Your email address will not be published. Parsley. Several factors will affect how long it takes for your milk to dry up, including your babys age and how much milk your bodys making. Asking for help will be especially important if you need to temporarily decrease your milk supply for a medical reason, such as taking a medication that needs to clear your breast milk before nursing your child, or if your baby needs to stop feeding to have a medical test. If he has drained one breast and does not seem satisfied, then offer the other side. Peppermint oil helps stop milk production when you apply it directly to your breasts. Simply steep a teaspoon of dried sage in a hot cup of water for approximately 15 minutes. Carefully watch your baby for any change in behavior. Breastfeeding Medicine: Treatment of Maternal Hypergalactia., Drugs and Lactation Database (LactMed): Cabbage., Journal of Chiropractic Medicine: Ultrasound as a treatment of mammary blocked duct among 25 postpartum lactating women: a retrospective case series., South African Medical Journal: Suppression of lactation with high doses of pyridoxine., StatPearls: Physiology, Breast Milk., The Journal of Perinatal Education:Factors Related to Breastfeeding Discontinuation Between Hospital Discharge and 2 Weeks Postpartum.. Breast Engorgement Causes, Treatments, and Prevention, How to Increase Breast Milk Supply by Pumping, How to Increase Breast Milk Supply With Galactagogues, Thrush and Breastfeeding Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment, Common Breastfeeding Questions and Challenges, Annex 1: Acceptable Reasons for Use of Breast-Milk Substitutes. Some women claim to have successfully used the strong peppermint candies (for example, Altoids) for . This is because it would be a much higher concentrated dose than the usual maternal doses considered to be not harmful by LactMed. Please check them out. When you are applying the oil topically, it is best to ensure that the oil does not come in contact with your baby. Its also possible to experience let-down sensations or leaking for months after suppressing lactation. Take a glass of warm water, add a drop of peppermint oil, teaspoon of organic apple cider vinegar and 1 teaspoon of Manuka honey and stir it up. If enteric-coated peppermint oil capsules are taken at the same time as antacids . If you are thinking about trying to reduce your milk supply it is important to determine if that is what the issue is. 2009. Rub it into the scalp and leave for at least 30 minutes (it is a good idea to do a test on a small skin patch to make sure you don't develop any skin . (2017). Other parents may need to stop making milk due to going back to work, needing to travel away from their baby, or for a medical reason, though the weaning might only be temporary. In this blog post, I will explain everything you need to know about how to decrease breast milk supply. Because herbal substances can cause negative side effects for you or your baby, you should talk with your healthcare provider or lactation consultant before using these methods. More recent studies, including ones from a 2017 literature review, have presented conflicting information regarding the effectiveness of this option. Off-label drug use means a drug thats approved by the FDA for one purpose is used for a different purpose that hasnt yet been approved. Test the mixture on the small part of your skin. It works better when applied topically as opposed to when it is eaten. Lavender oil: A research study showed that lavender oil aromatherapy in the first hours of the postpartum period could result in the physical and mental health of the mother (2). Place one leaf over each breast before putting . Of all the benefits of using peppermint oil for hair growth, this is by far the biggest. It's the estrogen inthe pillthat may prevent or reduce the production of breast milk supply. 2009. If you are in the throes of an acid reflux attack, don't ingest peppermint, as it may further relax the LES. Drying up your milk supply is a highly individual decision and is sometimes necessary for a variety of reasons. You may get to the point where you need to feed both breasts at a feeding. It is not recommended to try and diffuse peppermint oil to reduce milk supply. Does peppermint oil help dry up breast milk? Unlike the mini-pillwhich is approved for breastfeeding parents and only contains progestincombination pills contain estrogen and progestin. People commonly use it to flavor food and drinks, especially tea. Lemon balm. Jasmine flowers can help to stop milk production and supply. If the breasts are completely drained, then it tells them to step up milk production. Drying up your breast milk is a process that can take time. I found several essential oils that some moms used to reduce milk supply. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. This statistic shows the peppermint oil production in the U.S. from 2001 to 2022. 5. If you havent breastfed your infant yet, high doses of vitamins B-1 (thiamine), B-6 (pyridoxine), and B-12 (cobalamin) may work to suppress lactation. They started eating solids at 6 months (now they eat 2-3 times a day), and my breasts cant seem to slow down. 1. Drink sage tea made with 1 to 3 grams of dried sage leaves. Talk with your medical provider about the recommended timing for starting a pill containing estrogen when youre postpartum. For example, some parents choose to stop breastfeeding at 3 months old, 6 months old, 1 year old, or at any time before or after. Last medically reviewed on August 26, 2022. Add in the vegetable oil. I wonder how this will resolve itself and why the supply isnt able to follow the decreased demand? New parents who choose not to breastfeed will dry up their breast milk in the early days after giving birth. Peppermint. I was told not pump or exspress now , is there anything I am doing wrong ? The good thing is peppermint does not have long-lasting effects. Theyre also used to reduce symptoms of engorgement in early breastfeeding. applying a cold compress or ice pack to relieve pain and swelling. Applying 2-3 drops of peppermint oil on specific sections of your body may help reduce your fever. This was me with all three of my babies. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. So, if you're trying to dry up your milk supply, your doctor might suggest taking these medications to help the process along. La Leche League USA. Additionally, parents of babies who are transitioning to formula, cow's milk (recommended after age 1), and/or solid foods (recommended at 6 months old) may want to start drying up their milk at various points in their baby's development. Rarely, peppermint oil can cause allergic reactions. However, you dont have to pump until you are empty. Progestin-only birth control doesnt necessarily impact supply. A mom may start pumping to build up a stash of milk in the freezer. 3. Even when used correctly, pseudoephedrine can have serious side effects. In addition, peppermint oil vapor is sometimes inhaled to treat symptoms of colds and coughs . Do not administer peppermint oil to infants and children. Robin Elise Weiss, PhD, MPH is a professor, author, childbirth and postpartum educator, certified doula, and lactation counselor. Medications to diminish milk production. If you must face the showerhead, try using a towel draped over your breasts. The maximum dose is 60 mg, four times each day (maximum 240mg in any 24-hour period). I consumed about 6 capsules of enteric coated peppermint oil which works out to about 1.2ml of oil three times a day for about two weeks. Possible side effects of peppermint oil taken orally include heartburn, nausea, abdominal pain, and dry mouth. Your supply may down-regulate on its own. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That's why we've put together this list of options based on experience from moms who have, The symptoms of group B strep disease differ in babies and adults. So, she keeps pumping until she is empty. Your doctor can explain the benefits and risks. In a 2003 study on non-breastfeeding, postpartum women, the effects of binding were compared to those of wearing a support bra. Reduce a fever. Haha! This mixture will fit In a 10-milliliter bottle. Sometimes it takes that long for your body to figure out how much milk it should be making. You want to make sure that your skin is not irritated and you do not have a rash after applying the oil. Peppermint oil has been historically used orally and topically to treat digestive disorders, cough, and other upper respiratory symptoms. It is important to discuss the use of essential oils with your doctor, especially if you would like to continue nursing and you are not fully weaning. The two best essential oils for reducing milk supply are peppermint oil and lemon balm oil. Sage is an herb that can decrease supply. Kabiri M, et al. Herbalists often recommend drinking several cups of herbal teas throughout the day to help dry up breast milk. There are foods that can decrease milk supply. Breasts that get hard with no relief can shut down milk production because of the pressure. Marcus RG. Place one leaf over each breast before putting on a bra. She starts shopping for a new freezer! In 2022, almost 3.35 million pounds of peppermint oil were produced in the United States. If a mom is interested in using sage tea, then it may be best to use sage tea when she is completely sure she is ready to wean. I struggle sooo much with this! He is 4 weeks old. Verywell Family's content is for informational and educational purposes only. By the third or fourth day after delivery, your milk will "come in." If you are not seeing much difference you can increase the amount. We'll tell you what's best, but also offer, A humidifier for your baby may help ease the symptoms of a cold or other respiratory illness. There can be too much of a good thing when it comes to breast milk. This is because the FDA regulates the testing and approval of drugs, but not how doctors use drugs to treat their patients. These oils are labeled differently and are referred to as Vitality oils . Stimulating your breasts or nipples while they're drying up could lead to the continued production of a small amount of breast milk, which prolongs the process. Pseudoephedrine can decrease milk supply (Source). And if you need to pump, only doing as much as you need for the desired results. I take peppermint essential oils and no more milk tea. And also use cabbage in my bra. Lactation suppression can be uncomfortable at times, but if you experience pain and other worrisome symptoms, call your doctor, midwife, or lactation consultant. Certain components of peppermint oil may calm the digestive pains common in IBS. Pumping andhand expressing, or emptying the breast completely, signals your body to keep making breastmilk. So, your doctor can prescribe a drug however they think is best for your care. Why Does It Work. "The menthol in peppermint has a decompressing effect on the intestinal smooth muscle. A barrel of oil is worth about $10,000. You should talk with your healthcare provider or lactation consultant before starting a new vitamin supplement. Try it: Shop for vitamin B-1, vitamin B-6, and vitamin B-12 supplements. How can I increase this to reach a sweet spot. If you are interested in using essential oils to reduce your milk supply, make sure that your children do not come in contact with the essential oils. A pound of peppermint oil can flavor up to 40,000 sticks of gum, or about 1,500 tubes of toothpaste. But stopping breastfeeding abruptly may cause side effects. Evaluation and management of galactorrhea. Inflammation of the mouth. However, pseudoephedrine is sometimes used off-label and even illegally, so the ability to purchase it is limited in some states. I was pumping 8 oz after feedings now I barely get 2. Listen to your breasts. So, how do you use essential oils to decrease your milk supply? However, the extent to which they work depends on whether or not they contain the right herbs to dry up breast . Some people choose to pump and donate the breastmilk they make but are not planning to use. Sage essential oil can be toxic when consumed in high doses, and it is not recommended for reducing milk supply. After you have made the decision to dry up your breast milk, you'll make a plan for which approach you will take. Some moms who have used sage tea to reduce their milk supply were unable to get their milk supply back. Even once my oversupply was controlled though, it still took several months before I could sleep without waking up with my shirt soaked from breast milk. Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available. Peppermint tea breastfeeding: Some mothers drink peppermint tea to reduce pain after a c-section. Lactation Suppression. Thanks! I had heard about sage tea being used to reduce milk supply, so I decided to research if sage oil has been used to reduce milk supply. I preferred to go the more natural route to reduce my milk supply. Pseudoephedrine, commonly sold under the brand name Sudafed, treats cold symptoms because it decreasessecretionsincluding breast milk. How to quickly and easily scald high lipase breast milk. Lavender oil is one of the basic oils for aromatherapy. The Healthy Pregnancy Book: Month by Month, Everything You Need to Know from Americas Baby Experts. Also we do bottle once a day to help me get sleep. World Health Organization. Researchers have discovered that increasing fluids may not actually increase supply. Annex 1: Acceptable Reasons for Use of Breast-Milk Substitutes in Infant and Young Child Feeding: Model Chapter for Textbooks for Medical Students and Allied Health Professionals. There are many different reasons for wanting to dry up your breast milkand just as many "right" times to do it. If your babys appetite is not keeping up with how much milk you are making, you may want to pump. In fact, some breastfeeding parents report being able to express small amounts of breast milk long after their child has stopped nursing. I want to be clear, when you get engorged you need for your breasts to soften at least every four hours. Hopefully, your body will start to adjust soon. As with many things, it is always good to discuss your situation with a lactation consultant. However, how long this takes is different for each person. Once you decide weaning will be best for you and your baby, you can try several methods for drying up your breast milk supply. Still finding myself painfully engorged every morning, and it would be nice to find a solution to that other than pumping in the middle of the night, but things are manageable at the moment. The oil can stimulate the scalp in various ways, including allowing greater blood flow, which, as described below, can have a huge effect on healthy hair growth. Parsley has also been used to reduce milk supply. Create a massage oil by combining 10mL of a carrier oil such as jojoba or almond oil and two drops of peppermint. I recommend talking to your health care provider if you do this. Brian Levine, MD, MS, FACOG, is board-certified in obstetrics-gynecology, as well as reproductive endocrinology and infertility (REI). Traditionally, peppermint essential oils have been used for decreasing milk supply. A mom who can pump more than 3 oz after feeding her baby should only pump once every 2-3 days to build that stash. Wearingbreast padsinside your bra can soak upunexpected leaks. One of the great things about Young Living oils is that they have essential oils that are safe to ingest. The carrier oil also makes it easier for your skin to absorb the benefits from the essential oil without irritating your skin. Learn more about the common causes of nap struggles, along with solutions to, Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. Whether you have breastfed before or not, patience, medication, and a few tricks can help you reduce your milk supply with less discomfort. 2017;148(6):392-398. doi:10.1016/j.adaj.2017.01.025 Epub 2017 Mar 11. Be sure to wipe off the peppermint oil before the next nursing or pumping session to avoid transferring it to your baby. Replace them when they wilt. There are 3 oils that are fantastic for boosting your supply: Fennel, Basil, and Clary Sage. In general I have a reasonable supply, its just the overnight hours that are causing trouble. This post may contain affiliate links. Due to its cooling sensation, peppermint oil can help provide relief to discomfort caused by itchy skin. He is the director and founding partner of CCRM New York and was named a rising star by Super Doctors from 2017 to 2019. The flavor of peppermint comes primarily from its menthol content, but 1,8-cineol (eucalyptol) is also present. It can relieve itchy skin. This is not intended as medical advice. First time mothers can also get rid of anxiety and tension from the aroma of this oil. She has to pump even more often to stay comfortable. There is no way to stop this process. There are many reasons why you may want to quickly dry up your breast milk supply. Management of breast milk oversupply in traditional Persian medicine. If you have been advised to temporarily wean your baby from breast milk, you'll need to understand why weaning is necessary before you pick a method of drying up your milk (even temporarily). Speak with your doctor, midwife, or lactation consultant about your options before trying any of these methods. Others may need additional doses. For instance, turkey stuffing contains large quantities of sage and parsley, and lactating parents have seen a temporary decline in production in the days following Thanksgiving. Herbal teas containing sage are available. This may be why it is a common remedy for engorgement. Lawrence, Ruth A., MD, Lawrence, Robert M., MD. If you stop taking peppermint oil, then you will notice that the milk production is back to normal within 2 to 3 days. There are several reasons why a mother may be interested in decreasing your milk supply. How much peppermint will decrease milk supply? 2014. At 4 months old my baby is starting to sleep for longer at night, but my breasts arent getting the memo to dial back overnight production, so Im waking up in the morning engorged and with plugged ducts. However, some species of sage contain thujone, which can affect the nervous system. Peppermint also helps to treat menstrual cramps. Always consult with your physician before trying to reduce or prevent your milk production. You can drink peppermint tea, eat peppermint candies or put a drop of essential oil in your water or in a capsule. (Just kidding. You are not trying to dry up so dont leave them on continuously. Tips for Mothers Who Temporarily Stop Breastfeeding. One study showed that jasmine flowers reduced prolactin levels. To do this, you will want to mix 3 drops of essential oil with 2 teaspoons of carrier oil. A systematic review. Just pump until you are more comfortable. Lemon Balm Oil is another essential oil which may help to reduce milk supply. Some of it is just the luck of the draw. A carrier oil is important because you will need to dilute the essential oil. Contraceptive pills that contain the hormone estrogen, on the other hand, may work well for suppressing lactation. 2017;42(4):373-382. doi:10.1111/jcpt.12526 [Epub ahead of print]. The drugs are no longer given because many were found to not only be ineffective but also have adverse side effects. To utilize herbs for lactation suppression: Always consult your doctor before using herbs orally or topically. (2014). 30% said they did, specifically if they had 3 or more drops of essential oil a day (this is the equivalent of 10 cups of our Final Push which is 40% peppermint, or 3-4 cups of a pure peppermint blend). So you recommend drinking peppermint tea before bed? Lemon balm essential oil should not be ingested. Diffuse this grounding blend whenever your mind needs clarity, such as during moments of spiritual study or meditation. I have to drink at least 1l of peppermint tea to not get engorged. So, the promises on the labels may not be accurate. Cabbage leaves secretes enzymes that naturally drys up the production of milk. He still eats often during the day. If youre weaning due to a medical condition (or other reasons), but still want to provide breast milk for a baby, there are milk banks across the United States and Canada. I struggled with clogged ducts while I was breastfeeding and pumping. Whatever your reasons for suppressing lactation, there are a variety of ways to effectively and safely dry up your breast milk while minimizing the risk of infection or engorgement. Drink one cup of peppermint tea 2 to 3 times a day to soothe menstrual pains. Talk to a lactation consultant about supply maintenance, as there are different strategies you can use. She may want to eat very frequently most of the time. Rub the peppermint oil on to one or several of the following areas: [4] Forehead and temples. With my first it took 2 months to get the oversupply under control. Methods and results: A lactating mammary epithelial cell (MEC) culture model that produces major milk components is prepared. Joint conditions. This process of drying up breast milk is called lactation suppression. Basil does not carry the same warning as Fennel and can be used for more than 10 days in a row. Swift K, et al. This option requires a prescription, so consult with your OB/GYN on if this is a good option for you. While it was once recommended to put cabbage leaves in your bra to provide relief, some research has found no difference in comfort between those who used cabbage leaves compared to other cold compresses. Drug Levels. These two oils appear to be the most effective and safest of the essential oils. Eighteen lactating women were given 100 mg of l-menthol in a capsule on 3 test days. Because of the high concentration of menthol, it is more likely that peppermint may reduce milk supply than spearmint. If you are breastfeeding and using peppermint oil, it is recommended to use peppermint oil after nursing or . 2003;56(1):18-24.doi:10.1046/j.1365-2125.2003.01822.x. If you were previously feeding your baby or pumping, decreasing feedings or pumping sessions slowly will cause you the least discomfort. Gently massage the area while expressing or breastfeeding. Research shows that in women who have not yet started producing breast milk vitamin B can limit lactation. Because of a lack of data, oregano in amounts higher than those found in foods as a flavoring should probably be avoided during breastfeeding. LactMed database from the NIH, US National Library of Medicine. These are medications that need to be avoided while you are breastfeeding because they are known to decrease breast milk supply. Use peppermint oil topically only if youve completely stopped breastfeeding it can be toxic to your baby. Cole, M. Lactation after perinatal, neonatal, or infant loss. Side Effects. 4. For a daily massage to stimulate new growth, add two drops of peppermint oil to one tablespoon of carrier oil such as jojoba oil or coconut oil. However, even if you don't breastfeed at all, you make breast milk for at least a few weeks after your baby is born. It has a rather bitter taste so you may want to sweeten it with some honey. Healthline only shows you brands and products that we stand behind. You pump large amounts of milk, even if you have just fed. 4. By Robin Elise Weiss, PhD, MPH There are a number of home remedies for mastitis that you can try when you first have symptoms. If you're trying to catch the mice, strategically spray the peppermint oil in places that don't have a mousetrap. Large doses can cause heartburn, nausea and vomiting. Most mothers see a drop in milk production after taking one pill a day for one week. People sometimes also use peppermint oil and leaves to treat various conditions, from heartburn to tension headaches. Pyridoxine,Parlodel (bromocriptine), and high doses ofestrogenwere once used to help dry up a new parent's breast milk supply, but these drugs are no longer given. There is no set timeline for the lactation suppression process. You can use this to your advantage to decrease your milk supply. These organizations also take donations from parents whove either lost a child or otherwise wish to donate their milk. While not necessary, in addition to cutting back or not breastfeeding, there are medications that may help curtail your supply. After your baby is born,breast milk production increases. Cool and then strain the herbs out and store in the refrigerator. Two best essential oils, some species of sage instead: 30-60 of. Can be too much of a carrier oil pound of peppermint oil before the next nursing or after baby! Adjust soon told not pump or exspress now, is board-certified in obstetrics-gynecology as. Throughout the day to soothe menstrual pains up so dont leave them on.. The testing and approval of drugs, but not how doctors use drugs to treat disorders. Just fed 100 mg of l-menthol in a hot cup of water for approximately 15.! 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how to use peppermint oil to stop milk production