Wear of the service brake must be compensated for by means of a system of automatic adjustment. The second feature is a unique cam design that applies the brake shoe. And third, it makes sure that they dont forget to turn off your engine before they start inspecting other parts of your car. 1 question, Was the hydraulic brakes vacuum boosted or Hydro boosted? If instrument repair, replacement, or adjustment is necessary, make not more than 10 additional stops or snubs after such repair, replacement, or adjustment. Same issue happened. S5.1.1.4 In the fourth effectiveness test, a vehicle with a GVWR of 10,000 pounds or less shall be capable of stopping from 30 and 60 mph within the corresponding distances specified in column I of table II. The wheels on the two rearmost nonliftable, nonsteerable axles may lock up according to (b). 3) Here are the types of tests that must be conducted on a typical air brake system: a) The Governor Cut in/Cut out test is to make sure that the governor is applying or cutting off air pressure to the air reservoir tanks as needed. The parking or emergency brake on a heavy vehicle can only be held into position by something that cannot leak away. Air >hydraulic. (b) In the case of a vehicle with a GVWR greater than 4,536 kilograms (10,000 pounds), with a force applied to the control not to exceed 150 pounds for a foot-operated system and 125 pounds for a hand-operated system. A straight truck or bus air brake system would not leak at a rate of more than how many PSI per . Service Brake Test Disengage (push-in) Parking brake and accelerate to 5 mph in a straight line. Advanced Member, BJ Henderson If both tests are successful with no issues found, your hydraulic brakes are functioning properly! Printablee 142k followers More information When stopped four consecutive times under the conditions specified in S6, each vehicle with a GVWR greater than 10,000 pounds manufactured on or after July 1, 2005 and each vehicle with a GVWR greater than 10,000 pounds manufactured in two or more stages on or after July 1, 2006 shall stop from 30 mph or 75 percent of the maximum drive-through speed, whichever is less, at least three times within the 12-foot lane, without any part of the vehicle leaving the roadway. The CamLaster brake has 2 key design differences over traditional S-cam brakes. Make four stops, each from 60 mph by a continuous application of the service brake control. (eg: Any brake fluid or power steering fluid leak A (b) For vehicles with a GVWR greater than 10,000 pounds, stability and control during braking tests are conducted on a 500-foot-radius curved roadway with a wet level surface having a peak friction coefficient of 0.55 when measured on a straight or curved section of the curved roadway using an ASTM F2493 standard reference tire, in accordance with ASTM E1337-19 at a speed of 40 mph, with water delivery. Hydraulic brakes work by using fluid pressure to go against the brake pads. TEST 3: Service brake warning system test. Apply the brake control as quickly as possible. 6 0 obj<> endobj (f) For a vehicle with electric transmission of the service brake control signal, failure of a brake control circuit. S5.1.6 Spike stops. . When you are towing a trailer, the more weight that is on the trailer, the harder you will need to pull down on the lever to activate the brakes. Finally, remember to do a thorough check of your vehicle before starting your trip. S5.3 Brake system indicator lamp. If the propulsion batteries are depleted during a test sequence such that the vehicle reaches automatic shut-down, will not accelerate, or the low state of charge warning lamp is illuminated, the vehicle is to be accelerated to brake test speed by auxiliary means. attacks or slurs, hate speech, demonstrably false information, excessive profanity, or that are thinly veiled promotions for a product, will not be approved. If everything looks good there, move on to the calipers. Again, watch for any pressure loss or fluctuations that could indicate a problem. 1 CFR 1.1 The wind velocity is zero. The force required for actuation of a hand-operated brake system shall be measured at the center of the hand grip area or at a distance of 112 inches from the end of the actuation lever, as illustrated in Figure II. Then apply firm pressure to the pedal and hold for five seconds. There's a reason big rigs have air brakes! Wheel lockup means 100 percent wheel slip. If there is a significant drop in pressure or if the needle fluctuates wildly, this indicates a leak in the system and needs to be repaired before continuing with the test. Place bus in Neutral and set parking brake. Cooling fins between the machined pad surfaces of the rotor allow air to flow between the rotor surfaces as the wheel turns. Turn the engine off. Drivers have been required to have a commercial driver's license (CDL) in order to drive certain commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) since April 1, 1992. At this point, stop pumping and hold your foot on the pedal for a few seconds. 2. (b) Any visible brake fluid or lubricant on the friction surface of the brake, or leakage at the master cylinder or brake power unit reservoir cover, seal and filler openings. Repeat S7.7.1 or S7.7.2 as applicable except with the vehicle at lightly loaded vehicles weight or at manufacturer's option, for a vehicle with GVWR greater than 10,000 pounds, at lightly loaded vehicle weight plus not more than an additional 1,000 pounds for a roll bar structure on the vehicle. - Other Regulations Relating to Transportation, - National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Department of Transportation, https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-49/subtitle-B/chapter-V/part-571/subpart-B/section-571.105. At completion of 10 spike stops, make six effectiveness stops from 60 mph. The battery or batteries providing power to those electrically-actuated brakes, at the beginning of each test, shall be in a depleted state of charge for conditions (a), (b), or (c) of this paragraph as appropriate. information or personal data. Some have air brakes but most operators have hydraulic.One of the reasons they use against air brakes is because there is such a turn over of drivers they don't want to provide the extra training. If You are Doing a Pre-Trip on the Side of a Street, You Should: Which Three Test Would You Perform on a Hydraulic System? A vehicle with a GVWR of 10,000 pounds or less may have a single common indicator lamp. Air Brakes - They just plain Sound Bad-Ass!! The main advantage of hydraulic brakes over other types of brakes is that they can generate much greater force, making them ideal for heavy-duty applications. Ask Your Own Medium and Heavy Trucks Question If a battery is replaced rather than recharged, the replacement battery is to be charged and measured for state of charge in accordance with these procedures. formatting. If the vehicle does not remain stationary, reapplication of the service brake to hold the vehicle stationary, with reapplication of a force to the parking brake control at the level specified in S7.7.1.3 (a) or (b) as appropriate for the vehicle being tested (without release of the ratcheting or other holding mechanism of the parking brake) may be used twice to attain a stationary position. This content is from the eCFR and may include recent changes applied to the CFR. S6.13 Control forces. After each snub, accelerate at maximum rate to 40 mph and maintain that speed until making the next brake application at a point 1.5 mi from the point of the previous brake application. S5.1.5.1 The control force used for the baseline check stops or snubs shall be not less than 10 pounds, nor more than 60 pounds, except that the control force for a vehicle with a GVWR of 10,000 pounds or more may be between 10 and 90 pounds. Establish an initial brake temperature before the first brake application of 130 F. The choice of this option must not be construed as adding to the requirements specified in S5.1.2 and S5.1.3.) 16. Make four stops if the vehicle is equipped with a split service brake system, or 10 stops if the vehicle is not so equipped, each from 60 mph, by a continuous application of the service brake control. HW[sF~eWJe! If no recommendations are furnished, run the vehicle in an unburnished condition. Each vehicle with a GVWR of 10,000 lbs. 0000004589 00000 n 322, 30111, 30115, 30117, and 30166; delegation of authority at 49 CFR 1.95. Bookmarked content can then be accessed anytime on all of your logged in devices! S7.4 Service brake system - burnish procedure. I have been a medium duty bus tech for decades. xref Open the window and listen for the air leaks. (E) If a separate indicator is used for the regenerative brake system, the symbol RBS may be used. S7.7.1.1 Condition the parking brake friction elements so that the temperature at the beginning of the test is at any level not more than 150 F. School Bus Types Air Brakes Diagnosis And Repair Hydraulic Brakes Diagnosis And Repair Wheel Bearing Diagnosis And Repair ASE PRACTICE TEST IN THE BACK OF THE MOTOR AGE TRAINING ASE S4 BOOK Our ASE Practice test questions are perfect for measuring your knowledge of the required information. By regularly performing these three tests, you can catch potential problems early and keep your hydraulic system running smoothly. Navigate by entering citations or phrases I Vote Air Brakes, I agree about that they lock up, and you can't move, instead of that I can't stop. 0000000016 00000 n S7.12 Service brake system - second reburnish. Great for long drives. If the power assist fail on a hydraulic brake system A. you will NOT be able to stop the bus B. It is not an official legal edition of the CFR. Control force readings may be terminated when vehicle speed falls to 5 mph. will also bring you to search results. The letters and background of a single common indicator shall be of contrasting colors, one of which is red. (b) For an EV equipped with an RBS that is not part of the service brake system, the RBS is operational and set to produce the maximum regenerative braking effect during the burnishes, and is disabled during the test procedures. Article author: cdl-prep.com Reviews from users 3 (3791 Ratings). (including driver and instrumentation); (b) For vehicles with a GVWR greater than 10,000 lbs., unloaded vehicle weight plus 500 lbs. S5.2.2.1 The vehicle's parking brake and parking mechanism, when both are engaged, shall be capable of holding the vehicle stationary (to the limit of traction of the braked wheels) for 5 minutes, in both forward and reverse directions, on a 30 percent grade. This questions appears in the following tests: Colorado Double District Of Columbia Class A Knowledge Test Illinois Passenger Otherwise, you could find yourself in a dangerous situation while driving. If the pedal sinks down, this indicates that there is a leak in the system and it needs to be repaired before use. Wheels on other axles of the vehicle may be indirectly controlled by the antilock brake system. For S7.3, S7.5, S7.8, S7.15, S7.17, S7.11.1.2, S7.11.2.2, S7.11.3.2, and as required for S7.13, the transmission selector control is in neutral for all decelerations. Facebook Page: Blue Bird Corporation Fans. (D) If a separate indicator lamp is provided for application of the parking brake, the single word Park may be used for S5.3.1(d). However, a regular schedule for periodic inspection should be established based on the severity of operation, i.e., frequent stop and go driving in urban traffic. A course for truck, bus & RV drivers operating a vehicle fitted with air brakes. (Dual wheels on one side of an axle are considered a single wheel.). Scope and application. (c) The service brakes shall be capable of stopping each vehicle with a GVWR greater than 10,000 pounds in two effectiveness tests within the distances and from the speeds specified in S5.1.1.2 and S5.1.1.3. YOU must set the parking brake immediately C. your service brakes will still work, using extra leg power 17. S5.2.2.2 The vehicle's parking brake, with the parking mechanism not engaged, shall be capable of holding the vehicle stationary for 5 minutes, in both forward and reverse directions, on a 20 percent grade. We recommend you directly contact the agency responsible for the content in question. Backup system means a portion of a service brake system, such as a pump, that automatically supplies energy, in the event of a primary brake power source failure. The parking brake tests for any vehicle on different grades, in different directions, and for different loads may be conducted in any order. Your bus will have a low air pressure warning signal. 6 11 You dont want to get caught taking too long and getting a ticket. Make four stops, each from 60 mph. An example would be? If you have questions or comments regarding a published document please For Federal Register citations affecting 571.105, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.govinfo.gov. The third test is a leaks check. will bring you to those results. 0000000858 00000 n If there are no leaks in the system, you should see the needle on the pressure gauge rise steadily during this time. S7.11.2.2 Vehicles with GVWR greater than 10,000 lb. Except as provided in 5.2.2, the parking brake system on a passenger car and on a school bus with a GVWR of 10,000 pounds or less shall be capable of holding the vehicle stationary (to the limit of traction on the braked wheels) for 5 minutes in both a forward and reverse direction on a 30 percent grade. (a) Check that transmission must be placed in park position to release key; (b) Test as in S7.7.1, except in addition place the transmission control to engage the parking mechanism; and. S6.1.2 For applicable tests specified in S7.5(a), S7.7, S7.8, and S7.9, vehicle weight is lightly loaded vehicle weight, with the added weight, except for the roll bar structure allowed for trucks and buses with a GVWR greater than 10,000 pounds, distributed in the front passenger seat area in passenger cars, multipurpose passenger vehicles, and trucks, and in the area adjacent to the driver's seat in buses. Vehicles with air brakes may use either drum or disc type components. By clicking the submit button below, you are agreeing with Bobit Business Medias Privacy Policy and this outlined level of consent. Once youve released the pedal, check for any leaks around fittings or connections. ASE initiated this Test Series at the request of the National Association for Pupil Transportation . The indicator lamp shall also be activated as a check of lamp function whenever the ignition is turned to the on (run) position. If a vehicle is incapable of attaining a speed specified in S5.1.4 in the time or distance interval set forth, it must be tested at the highest speed attainable in the time or distance interval specified. %PDF-1.4 % S6.15 Selection of compliance options. When the transmission selector control is required to be in neutral for a deceleration, a stop or snub must be obtained by the following procedures: (b) Close the throttle and coast in gear to approximately 2 mph above the test speed; (d) When the test speed is reached, apply the service brakes. The types of vehicles and operations requiring a CDL are outlined below. Foot or service brakes distance shall, at all times, be . Still getting my feet wet and curious as to what people prefer in the long term from a maintenance perspective: hydraulic or air brakes? S5.1.3.2 Brake power assist units. Then, for a vehicle with a GVWR of 10,000 pounds or less, make four stops from 80 mph if the speed attainable in 2 miles is not less than 84 mph. S6.8 Wind velocity. For vehicles with parking brake systems not utilizing the service brake friction elements, burnish the friction elements of such systems prior to parking brake tests according to the manufacturer's published recommendations as furnished to the purchaser. It keeps kids more active. The rotors on both front and rear brake groups are protected on the inboard side by splash shields bolted to the wheel end anchor plates. The second test is a flow check. 8 0 obj<>stream The force applied to the brake pedal by the driver must be sufficient to provide enough braking power so that the vehicle stops smoothly and under control. Park your car on level ground and set the parking brake. (This test is not applicable to a vehicle which has a GVWR of not less than 7,716 pounds and not greater than 10,000 pounds and is not a school bus.). Our questions focus on all the important topics school bus drivers need to know, such as: loading and unloading children, safe driving, handling emergencies and more. 0000000656 00000 n Next, check the brake hoses for any leaks or damage. bluebirdvision Brake power assist unit means a device installed in a hydraulic brake system that reduces the operator effort required to actuate the system, and that if inoperative does not prevent the operator from braking the vehicle by a continued application of muscular force on the service brake control. Spike stop means a stop resulting from the application of 200 lbs of force on the service brake control in 0.08 s. Split service brake system means a brake system consisting of two or more subsystems actuated by a single control, designed so that a single failure in any subsystem (such as a leakage-type failure of a pressure component of a hydraulic subsystem except structural failure of a housing that is common to two or more subsystems, or an electrical failure in an electric subsystem) does not impair the operation of any other subsystem. The Georgia CDL test consists of 50 questions. When checking for hydraulic leaks in the brake system you should pump the foot pedal ____ times then hold it down A. 56 0 obj<> endobj With transmission in neutral (or declutched), make three snubs from 40 to 20 mph at 10 fpsps for each snub. Required fields are marked *. Also they use the excuse that if they train the drivers on air brakes then the drivers will just go to another employeer that pays more i.e. Test procedure and sequence. Another way to test for leaks is to check the fluid level in the reservoir. Service Brake Test a. 41. Hydraulic Brake Check Pump the brake pedal three times, then hold it down for five seconds. startxref The advantage of this type of system is that if one circuit should fail, the other can still provide some braking power. ____ times then hold it down a system is that if one circuit should fail the. Accelerate to 5 mph in a straight line compensated for by means of a system of automatic.! Side of an axle are considered a single common indicator shall be of contrasting colors, one which. 49 CFR 1.95 problems early and keep your hydraulic brakes work by using fluid pressure to the CFR outlined.. Check for any leaks or damage, Was the hydraulic brakes work by fluid... 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