Catch a tagged trout, win a prize. To participate in the opener and the derby, Washington anglers must have an annual freshwater, combination, or Fish Washington fishing license valid through Marine Area 10. The rule is effective on April 1, 2022. There are more than 7,000 lakes, ponds and reservoirs in Washington, and hundreds of WDFW-managed water-access areas, including some with areas accessible for people with disabilities. Anglers are advised to check the new regulations before they go. This item is required during Free Fishing Weekend. size. Residents can find which lakes have been stocked most recently on the WDFW website. Daily limit 3. As we move into Spring, we will ramp up our involvement in local communities to talk with people about responsible wildlife viewing and outdoor recreation, and how people can create wildlife habitat at home. Details on water access area locations can be found on WDFW's website. size. Catch Record Cards are required statewide. Release wild Chinook. What you need to know about avian influenza, including keeping yourself and domestic animals safe, is at the link. Harbor Island (Duwamish Waterways) (see 6 on next page for boundaries). Freshwater areas are open 24 hours per day when open. WDFW staff, alongside employees from several agency partners, conducted wild captures of Columbia Basin pygmy rabbits in February 2023 to collect data on the rabbits, complete a health exam, and vaccinate the rabbits against an emerging threat - rabbit hemorrhagic disease. Cowlitz River from Interstate 5 Bridge downstream 96 bank rods kept two Chinook and eight steelhead. Areas listed within Special Rules show all game fish and salmon fishing opportunities for the specific area listed. Whether its attending a community festival, family fishing event, or visiting a WDFW wildlife area, we hope you find a way to connect with nature wherever you are. The licenses are available online, through dealers, or by calling 1-866-246-9453. Starting October 1 to June 20 2023 you can continue to fish for Hatchery Chinook and Coho. Winds SSW at 10 to 20 mph. All freshwater areas are closed to fishing for salmon, Dolly Varden/bull trout, lamprey, and grass carp. Portland, Oregon. See Definitions. Marine Area 4 east of Bonilla-Tatoosh is open year-round for certain bottomfish and lingcod opens March 11. WebSeattle and Washington State Fishing Report March 2022 March 1, 2022 // by Andrew Moravec Its becoming a little tough to focus on work with all these awesome March fishing options in front of us, the age old struggle of a fisherman! Daily limit 2. Lead core line prohibited. See Catch Record Cards & Codes for more details on CRC. Mentored Youth Day is the Saturday before Regular SeasonOpening Day. Reference the bottom of your CRC for more reporting information. NO HARVEST:12:01 a.m. the secondSaturday in Aprilto12:01 a.m. the second Saturday in June. No min. This is also the first lowland lakes opener in which those anglers can use the new Fish Washington mobile app to help find a fishing hole near them. Winds SSW at 10 to 20 mph. In Grant, Adams, Okanogan, and Douglas counties, you may fish up to the base of all man-made dams or other obstructions (in listed and unlisted areas), except Zosel Dam. This endorsement can be added to an annual or short-term combination or shellfish/seaweed license. Get Outdoors License: Included in the license is an Annual Fish Washington License, endorsements (Two-pole and Puget Sound Crab), Deer + Elk + Bear + Cougar License with discounted Small Game License, Deer, Elk, Bear, Cougar tags + 2 Turkey tags, Migratory Bird Permit and Migratory Bird Hunt Authorization. This is in addition to Copalis open on Saturday, March 4, March 6, and March 8. PA's Best Fishing Waters Over 20,000 species of invertebrates (from mussels to bees)! The cost of fishing and hunting licenses remains the same as last year, and most annual licenses include a Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) vehicle-access pass. Anyone who parks on Washington state recreation lands must use either the WDFW Vehicle Access Pass or the Discover Pass. On these days, fishing licenses, endorsements and parking passes are not required. These invasive crabs pose a threat to native shellfish, eelgrass, and estuary habitat critical for salmon and many other species. Beaver ponds located within or connected to streams listed as open to trout and other game fish follow the same rules as the stream. Chinook - min. The higher the biodiversity (or the more variety), the more resilient species and ecosystems are to external forces such as climate change, habitat loss, disease, invasive species, overexploitation, and pollution. To recover Chinook, we need to restore more of our regions estuaries. Purchase online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.Online: Toll-free: (866) 246-9453 Monday-Friday 8:00 A.M.-4:45 P.M. The first 3-day commercial halibut fishing season of 2022 in federal waters off the West Coast begins next week. Short-Term Combination License: These licenses work just like a Combination License and require the purchase of other endorsements where applicable. With the endorsement you will be issued a complimentary Puget Sound Crab Catch Record Card (CRC) for the summer and winter seasons. You DO NOT need a license if you are fishing for common carp, crawfish, bullfrogs, smelt (in freshwater), or to collect relic shells. A snag, which is sometimes called a wildlife tree, is a dead tree that is left upright to decompose naturally for as long as it is safe. Snow this morning will give way to rain showers this afternoon. The cost of the permit is $94 ($70 non-refundable application fee plus $24 permit fee). Additional information on fishing opportunities including areas and species open to angling without a license will be announced in Spring 2023 see There is no fee for youth anglers, but the endorsement and CRC are still required. Horseshoe Lake, April 14 3,361 rainbow, 2.50 fish per pound from Goldendale Hatchery. Live aquatic animals (other than fish) collected from the water being fished. Anglers parking at WDFW water-access sites are required to display on their vehicle the WDFW Vehicle Access Pass that is provided free with every annual fishing license purchasedor a Discover Pass. WebFloating Homes for Sale in Portland Oregon, Houseboats, Moorages, and Floating Homes in Portland Oregon, Graham Marden, Broker to $299,999 in Portland Oregon (Click a home image below to view all photos and details for that property. Chance of rain 80%. How to set up an appointment can be found by visiting the chronic wasting disease (CWD) surveillance programlink for more information. Other state and federal agencies operate hundreds more. Preproposal Notice CR-101 filed with Code Reviser. Bremerton Boardwalk, Illahee State Park Pier, Seacrest Pier, and Waterman Pier. Shilshole Bay(see 1 on next page for boundaries), West Elliot Bay (see 4 on next page for boundaries), East Elliott Bay (see 5 on next page for boundaries). WDFW shellfish managers confirmed coastal razor clam digging reopens at Mocrocks Friday, March 3 followed by opportunities March 5 and March 7. OLYMPIA - The statewide trout fishing season will start heating up in Washington beginning April 24, when hundreds of lakes throughout Washington open for business and the annual statewide trout derby kicks off for 2021. size. License Information. A crab identification guide isalso available on that webpage. You may qualify for reduced fees if you are a: Salmon, Trout, & Steelhead Handling Rules, Marine Preserves, Conservation, and Shellfish Protection, Puget Sound & Coastal Rivers Special Rules: A-C, Puget Sound & Coastal Rivers Special Rules: D-K, Puget Sound & Coastal Rivers Special Rules: L-R, Puget Sound & Coastal Rivers Special Rules: S-Z, Columbia Basin Rivers Special Rules: Columbia River, 2022 Sport Fishing Regulations PDF (28.6MB),,, Daily limit 2. Learn about sea-run cutthroat fishing in this video, or read about recent community science research. Release chum. OLYMPIA Trout fishing in Washington reaches full speed April 28 when hundreds of lowland lakes stocked with millions of fish open for a six-month season. To determine if you qualify, visit or call (360) 902-2464. From January 1 to March 14; and from 12:01 a.m. of the first Saturday in Mayto December 31. The derby runs through Oct. 31. The department considered amendments to several recreational fishing regulations including shellfish, gamefish, and forage fish. What can be done? WDFW employees and their immediate families are not eligible to claim fishing derby prizes. Title VI/ADA Compliance Coordinator Learn more on our website. Download the Fish Washington app, which provides up-to-date fishing regulations on your mobile device. Washington State recreational fishing seasons and regulations for July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022. There are more than 1,000 prizes available in 2021, with a total value of more than $38,000. Freshwater License: Allows you to fish in freshwater areas only. Supporting biodiversity supports a better environment for us all. When was 1000 Hur You do not need this license if you already have a shellfish/seaweed or combination license. For unlisted species ( e.g., sucker and rock bass), the season is open year-round. 9 Orchard Rocks Conservation Area: Waters and bedlands of Rich Passage within a 400 yard radius of Orchard Rocks CLOSED to fishing for, harvesting, and possession of fish and shellfish. Descending device required onboard vessels. Reference the bottom of your CRC for more reporting information. Information on the pass can be found at WDFWs online licensing website. size 36. See Definitions. Recreational fishing 2022 season. Click on this YouTube video that explains how capturing and collaring work and why we do this work. Winds SW at 10 to 15 mph. The following weekend Saturday, April 3 a single, statewide Opening Day of Trout Season will begin at 8:00 a.m. Adult Anglers: If 15 years or older, you are required to have a fishing license, catch record cards (CRC) and any endorsements needed to fish for specific species and specific areas. Shellfish/Seaweed License: Allows you to harvest razor clams, red rock crab, goose barnacles, mussels, octopus, oysters, scallops, sea cucumbers, sea urchins, shrimp, softshell and hardshell clams, squid, seaweed, coastal Dungeness crab and Puget Sound Dungeness crab. Also included in these proposals are some clarification and simplification changes that include separate containers for smelt, shrimp head retention changes, clarification of "single-point hooks, concurrent rule reflections for steelhead season on the Snake river with Idaho and clarifying section of the Columbia with Catch Record Card locations. WDFW and allies including Native American tribes and shellfish growers are finishing up an unprecedented year of trapping for European green crabs. Single-point barbless hooks are required in areas designated as "fly fishing only" or "selective gear rules.". PA Fishing FAQ's Any sturgeon not to be retained must be released immediately. Daily limit 2. Free Fishing Weekend is open to everyone, including residents and non-residents. size. More on bass: Largemouth Bass Rock Bass Smallmouth Bass Trout Trout can be found in Washington lakes and rivers year-round, with fishing season usually beginning around April and WebRECORD-BREAKING FISH: HUGE CATCHES THAT MADE HEADLINES IN 2022 In reference to imitation butter under Title V, Chapter 192, section 143, the product can only be sold under the name of "oleomargarine." To ensure these salmon fisheries are successful long-term, it is vital that anglers learn how to reduce catching sublegal (undersized) Chinook. The 2021 trout season will include a single, statewide Mentored Youth Trout Fishing Day beginning at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, March 27. Adults may assist youth but are not required to have a license if they will not be fishing/harvesting themselves. WebKey Fishing Dates Free Fishing Weekend: is on June 10-11, 2023. New Diverging Diamond, Lane Widening Coming To State Route 18, New Family Entertainment Center Opens In Issaquah, Little Bit Therapeutic Riding Center Open House and Program Showcase, Legislative Roundup: Several Bills Advance Out Of WA House This Week, Federal Airport Grants To Improve Security Screening Lines At SEA, Full 'Worm Moon' Over Puget Sound Next Week, Sammamish-Issaquah Jobs: See Who's Hiring In The Area, New Dogs, Cats, Pets Available For Adoption In The Sammamish-Issaquah Area. Please contact Customer Support at 1-800-613-1303. Release chum and wild Chinook. Daily limit is a total of 15 bottomfish (see Definitions) subject to individual limits and seasons as shown on previous page. Free Fishing Weekend: is on June 10-11, 2023. There are more than 800 prizes available in 2022, with a total value of more than $37,000. (From the Apple Cove Point-Edwards Point to a line projected true east-west through the north tip of Vashon Island), Salmon, Trout, & Steelhead Handling Rules, Marine Preserves, Conservation, and Shellfish Protection, Puget Sound & Coastal Rivers Special Rules: A-C, Puget Sound & Coastal Rivers Special Rules: D-K, Puget Sound & Coastal Rivers Special Rules: L-R, Puget Sound & Coastal Rivers Special Rules: S-Z, Columbia Basin Rivers Special Rules: Columbia River, 2022 Sport Fishing Regulations PDF (28.6MB). Closure does not affect privately owned fish in net pens and the harvest of clams, oysters, and mussels by tideland owners and their families. Saltwater License: Allows you to fish in saltwater areas only. To obtain the new Fish Washington mobile phone app, visit WDFWs website (, the Google Play store or Apples App store. A CRC is included. They must follow all the rules and restrictions for that species and/or body of water and are allowed the same daily limit as an adult. This rule making addressed critical conservation objectives with changes to Sea Cucumber harvest seasons, changes to Cutthroat trout retention in several streams throughout areas of Puget Sound and Hood Canal, particularly around the Kitsap Peninsula and south Sound streams, and closes steelhead fishing on the Methow river. Before heading out, anglers should check fishing regulations on WDFWs webpage at or consult the Fish Washington app. Mostly cloudy. Other salmon species - no min. To participate in the opener and the derby, Washington anglers must have an annual freshwater, combination, or Fish Washington fishing license valid through March 31, 2023. Snow this morning will change to rain showers this afternoon. If a freshwater area is not listed in Special Rules, follow the Statewide Freshwater Rules. Youth must be present and take part in the entire process. size 22. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 1. If fish is retained, remove tag and send with above information to the address below. The public is encouraged to submit comment on this proposal at this time. Short-term licenses are NOT valid for game fish (see Definitions) for the 8-day period beginning the 4th Saturday in April (April 22-April 30, 2023) unless you are active-duty resident military personnel. Showers early with some clearing overnight. Max. Sinclair Inlet and Port Orchard(see 10 on next page for boundaries) (see 12 for Gorst Creek and 13 Black Jack Creek mouth closures on next page). size 22. Signup today! Opening-day lakes are often stocked in the days prior to the opening of their six-month season; to see where lakes have been recently stocked, or when lakes in your area may be stocked throughout the year, visit, hundreds of license dealers across the state. size. Salmon, Trout, & Steelhead Handling Rules, Marine Preserves, Conservation, and Shellfish Protection, Puget Sound & Coastal Rivers Special Rules: A-C, Puget Sound & Coastal Rivers Special Rules: D-K, Puget Sound & Coastal Rivers Special Rules: L-R, Puget Sound & Coastal Rivers Special Rules: S-Z, Columbia Basin Rivers Special Rules: Columbia River, 2022 Sport Fishing Regulations PDF (28.6MB). Live forage fish in the Columbia River (downstream of Rocky Point/Tongue Point). 4 West Elliott Bay: Waters of Elliott Bay east of a line from West Point to Alki Point up to a line from Duwamish Head to Pier 91, 5 East Elliott Bay: Waters of Elliott Bay east of a line from Duwamish Head to Pier 91 up to the mouth of the Duwamish River including 6 Harbor Island (Duwamish Waterways). Barbed or barbless hooks may be used, and a hook may be single-point, double, or treble, but not more than one line with up to three hooks per angler may be used. Give people space at boat ramps, parking areas, and other shared public spaces. You can help by photographing and reporting suspected European green crabs. Error! Anglers parking at WDFW vehicle water-access areas are required to display the WDFW Vehicle Access Pass free when you purchase an annual fishing license or a Discover Pass. No min. Daily limit 2. You must have the CRC on your person while fishing. If your annual license does not come with a complimentary Vehicle Access Pass, or you would like to access WDFW land without purchasing a license, you must purchase a Discover Pass. Unless noted, annual licenses include a Catch Record Card (CRC) for salmon, steelhead and sturgeon. Cutts may also feed on sculpin, krill, marine worm, or baitfish patterns. Check the WDFW website at or call (360) 902-2700 in April 2023 for information on Pacific halibut seasons and regulations. Juvenile Chinook salmon and other fish species depend on Puget Sound estuaries for shelter and food before heading out into more open waters. With a new season of outdoor adventures about to begin, Washingtonians might want to consider purchasing 2023-24 recreational fishing and hunting licenses before current licenses expire at midnight March 31. Sign up for free Patch newsletters and alerts. Prizes can be claimed by filling out an online form with the tag number, location, date and contact information. One-day Charter Stamps and Temporary Catch Record Cards: Licensed charters and guides offer fishing services for a fee and can issue a 1-day combination license and catch record card. Common regulation terms and definitions can be found on Definitions. No CRC is required. Proudly founded in 1681 as a place of tolerance and freedom. If you need immediate use of a catch record card, you must visit an authorized dealer. 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