The bombshell news Monday that state Sen. Kevin Priola has defected from the Colorado Republican Party and joined the Democratic majority in the chamber provoked a furious reaction from Republicans, who immediately commenced organizing a recall campaign against Sen. Priola despite the impending November elections (where Priola is not on the ballot) being a much greater strategic priority. Right now, thats done through business licensing fees and it doesnt seem like theres a really good nexus for that: fees and elections. The ads featured Griswold and former Secretary of State Wayne Williams, a Republican Griswold defeated in 2018 and who this year has endorsed Anderson. background-color: #ccc; Priorities and Qualifications Experience Both Griswold and Anderson agreed that the secretary of state in Colorado should be elected as opposed to appointed, which is how the position is filled in some other states. I know that there are projects on that list. a.communitylink { color:black; font-weight:bold; } The . Pam Karlan a professor at Stanford University Law School who, before stepping down last year, helped lead the department's Civil Rights Division as the principal deputy assistant attorney general appointed by President Biden says beyond limited resources, there's also the challenge of the "sheer volume of jurisdictions in the United . font-weight: 200; .results_row.winner { Highlights of the program include: Full Funding for Elections for the Counties. color: white; Federal level positions get all the attention, but there are thousands of local election officials that stand on the front lines every single day that are contrary to that. I think electing her also will send that message, that people in both parties do respect our democracy and we need to make sure that those are the ones who are leading us, and we don't have that everywhere, said Hall. $('.hideResponses').on('click', () => { Griswold touted her work on and support for a law passed by Colorados legislature following the investigation of Peters that made it a felony to allow unauthorized access to voting equipment. This office is not a steppingstone for me, it is a destination. That is essentially the messaging basis for her general election campaign for Colorado secretary of state, in which she hopes to deny incumbent Democrat Jena Griswold a second term. margin: 0; What was your motivation? .votebox_bp_logo { .votebox-scroll-container { } letter-spacing: 0.03em; She had more than $1.1 million in her campaign bank account heading into October. .votebox-results-cell--number { padding-left: 8px; Using things like the citizens academy, treating candidates and initiative groups fairly in the regulatory process. Ballot measures, Who represents me? Incumbents are bolded and underlined. Colorado citizens deserve a trusted, experienced professional that fairly represents all citizens. Some of the things that are best practices at the local level need to be codified and consistently applied statewide. }) left: 0; I had a real problem with the free speech part. Griswold leads the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State. Republican Pam Anderson said she wants to eliminate partisanship in what she views as a professional position. Incumbent Jena Griswold advanced from the Democratic primary for Colorado Secretary of State on June 28, 2022. margin: 0px 10px; Some have been asked to sign a non-disclosure agreement upon leaving the office to protect Secretary Griswold. A major reason is because partisanship has infected our elections system . Avery Anderson: 6,325 : 100.00 : Total votes 6,325 : 100.00 : District 73. She said Colorados election processes are safe and secure and that people should have trust in them. I have stood up against both parties at different points in time, and I dont think the philosophy in the office should be about political expediency or elevating your profile. color: black; Theres that spectrum for security and transparency and always continually assessing that and making sure were doing the best we can on those fronts. How to run for office | Experienced leader and elections professional. Pam Anderson did not even attend the Republican assembly. Despite deep differences between the bases of both of their political parties, Griswold and Anderson do agree on the major policies that govern how the states elections are currently conducted. I dont carve out a certain message based on how someone is affiliated. Some of South Carolina's top Republicans, including Gov. Format approved 01/14/2022. I would never do that. (Olivia Sun, The Colorado Sun via Report for America), How Denver is spending the $41M from the Broncos sale, which is how the position is filled in some other states, Three members of Colorados congressional delegation seek $60 billion to reduce wildfire risk, restore Western land. So if you cant hire people to support a function that needs to be done because you cant afford it, that creates pressure on election staff and on county clerks. Thats not partisan, thats American, Griswold said. Voting integrity is not a new topic, not since Bush v. Gore. font-size: 20px; background-color: #003388; I havent always been in the majority. padding-bottom: 8px; It is critical to support voters choices, access, and integrity by supporting public funding of elections. She specifically mentioned 7th Congressional District candidate Erik Aadland, who said the election was rigged, and Danny Moore, the GOP candidate for lieutenant governor who was removed from his role as chairman of Colorados Independent Congressional Redistricting Commission in 2021 after social media posts surfaced in which he questioned the outcome of the 2020 election. } Colorado secretary of state candidates Jena Griswold, Pam Anderson differ on how to run top elections office Griswold and Anderson spoke at a debate Tuesday night hosted by the Center on. While Anderson didnt directly respond to the challenge, she noted that shes objected to Aadlands statement and other Republican election deniers. Anderson is taking on incumbent Secretary of State Jena Griswold this November. (GOP Colorado governor candidate) Heidi Ganahls running mate, Danny Moore, has expressed election denialism. Republican Pam Anderson, former Jefferson County clerk and recorder, and past director of the Colorado County Clerks Association, announced her candidacy for Colorado's Secretary of State. As of 2022, Anderson owned Consilium Colorado, a government relations and nonprofit management consulting company. Cities | } In todays Colorado Public Radio story about the recall campaign getting underway against Williams in part over these PSAs, Anderson had to tread carefully: Anderson said she doesnt object to the contents of the ad, but is disappointed Williams was in it with her opponent this close to the midterm election. font-weight: bold; .votebox-results-metadata { background-color: green; Were pretty sure that Anderson meant to say she stands on the front lines AGAINST people who challenge the legitimacy of the elections, not on the front lines WITH such people. My opponent has broken faith with Colorado voters. In a closing statement, Griswold emphasized her role in expanding voter access during the pandemic and creating a new process for businesses to fight identity theft. div.oneoff-scrollbox.short { height:250px; overflow:scroll; margin:20px; padding:10px; border:1px solid gray; } While election administration is the most visible part of the secretary of states job, the office also oversees licensing for businesses, charities and notaries. .votebox-results-metadata-p { We asked the secretary, Whats the budget for this? The two candidates clashed at a debate Wednesday hosted by The Colorado Sun, the University of Denvers Center for American Politics and CBS4. padding-bottom: 3px; I may be missing something how will a backer of measures that are pro-life, anti-tax, pro-"all of the sources" energy policy, pro-growth, pro-jobs, going into the Democratic party be an "opportunity"? Republican Secretary of State candidate Pam Anderson on Monday evening. } margin-bottom:16px; The Colorado Sun's Jesse Paul unembargoed his story coincident with the announcement Saturday morning on KNUS-AM with former DA-turned radio carnival barker George Brauchler: former Republican Jefferson County Clerk Pam Anderson has filed to run against Democratic incumbent Secretary of State Jena Griswold in 2022: "I think people need a trusted voice," Anderson said in an interview with . Controversial Mesa County clerk Tina Peters is refusing to concede after losing her efforts to secure the GOP nomination for secretary of state in Colorado. div.oneoff-scrollbox.regular { height:400px; overflow:scroll; margin:20px; padding:10px; border:1px solid gray; } width: 150px; Pam Anderson, a former Jefferson County clerk and the Republican nominee for Colorado Secretary of State, is among a cadre of candidates and officials Time characterizes as being on the front lines defending democracy by standing up to conspiracy theorists who want to take over the country's election system. Please take the time to learn more about the candidates and issues on the ballot. margin-bottom: .75em; Same with disability voting and providing those same types of tools for people with certain types of disabilities to access an electronic process. Public policy. color: black; } letter-spacing: .04em; Im running and competed against that for that very reason, to represent what I believe is the majority of Americans who dont believe it and arent buying into it. Anderson said she would try to keep the office above the political fray by never endorsing a candidate or advocating on behalf of issues outside of the secretary of states role because of how those actions could be perceived by the public. Peters is facing Pam Anderson, a former Jefferson County clerk and former head of Colorado's county clerks association, who has defended the integrity of the state's elections and is running. I think youre a referee for the process and you should not engage in the politics. } Pamela Evette and U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham, have endorsed Trump, whose 2016 victory in South Carolina's . These conspiracy theories have been roundly debunked by independent fact-checkers, state and federal courts, and election officials across the country. Foster an inclusive and intelligent culture of leadership and decision making by embracing the ideas and work of dedicated and mission-driven public servants within the office and industry stakeholders from outside the office. For example, there are things to do about voter list maintenance. max-height: 580px; p.survey-response {white-space: pre-line;} width: 100% Both-siderism is weak sauce. One aimed at protecting Colorado from insider election threats requires 24-hour video surveillance of voting equipment, increases training for local election officials, and adds penalties for security breaches. .large-date { text-align: center; margin-top: 30px; margin-bottom: 20px; font-size: 20px; font-weight: 600;} .image-candidate-thumbnail-wrapper .image-candidate-thumbnail { - Director: Jean-Franois Richet. Pam Anderson, Mike O'Donnell and Tina Peters have dramatically different positions News News | Jun 24, 2022 Sandra Fish The Colorado Sun Three Republicans are running this year to be. padding-bottom: 8px; Responding to a question about how to improve the security of Colorados elections, Griswold said that while there is room for innovation, pointing to her work around automatic voter registration, Colorados elections are already safe and secure. Challenger Pam Anderson points to business complaints . In the primary, you ran against two people who denied the results of the 2020 presidential election. margin: 8px auto; Anybody with a noncitizen ID would be blocked from registering. The winner of the race will oversee Colorados elections for the next four years, as well as enforce the states campaign finance laws and oversee business registration, notaries and the regulation of charities. What Ive learned as an election official, and it was reinforced in the primary, is that we share as American values around democracy far more than we differ. text-align: left; height: 56px; I dont think we should privately fund election administration. } I would say absolutely not and my first call would be to the attorney general, Anderson said. Our newsletters bring you a closer look at the stories that affect you and the music that inspires you. Results . color: white; This article contains new, firsthand information uncovered by its reporter(s). I'd never explored Jas' room before. font-weight: bold; Routt County registered voters are receiving their 2022 general election ballots in the mail. } He studied political science and journalism at Gonzaga University. More by Jesse Paul, Got a story tip? a[aria-expanded=false] .fa-chevron-down { display: none; } } What weve learned is that there are inequitable funding streams for elections. Pam Anderson did not complete Ballotpedia's 2022 Candidate Connection survey. Priola's vote was in 2013, and it was a straight party-line vote in the House with all "no" votes coming from the GOP. was wrong for Colorado." - Pam Anderson Election Deniers Pam campaigns with with election deniers including Heidi Ganahal, Erik Adland, and Danny Moore. font-weight: bold; Weve done a lot of work on that already over the last 20 years. His campaign slogan was Make the Office Boring Again, and there is something that resonates with me about that. .widget-row.Libertarian { .inner_percentage.CrossFiled { width: 350px; She then went on to serve eight years as the Republican clerk and recorder for Jefferson County, one of the largest and most politically diverse counties in the state. Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold, a Democrat, is running for reelection this year against Pam Anderson, a Republican who used to be Jefferson Countys clerk and recorder. And she labels Priola's switch as "political opportunism." I, as the president of the association and 94% of my colleagues, supported it. She was previously the former Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder. background-color: #003388; Please, Colorado Secretary of State election, 2022, District of Columbia (board of education),, Colorado Secretary of State candidate, 2022, Conflicts in school board elections, 2021-2022, Special Congressional elections (2023-2024), 2022 Congressional Competitiveness Report, State Executive Competitiveness Report, 2022, State Legislative Competitiveness Report, 2022, Partisanship in 2022 United States local elections. I acted quickly and decisively.. (Sara Wilson/Colorado Newsline). I will take this role seriously. As the executive director for the Colorado County Clerks Association, I saw first-hand how high turnover and the dysfunction negatively impacted the work of the Secretarys Office and Colorado citizens who must rely on those services. I believe that this was the safest and most secure election weve ever had in our country, she said, though she thinks there can be an expansion of quality assurance checks in some areas of Colorados election system. Before serving as the county clerk and recorder, Anderson was the city clerk in Wheat Ridge. Colorado Newsline maintains editorial independence. } And that's why I'm running.. I think people need a trusted voice, Anderson said in an interview with The Colorado Sun. Click here to contact our editorial staff, and click here to report an error. I want to be secretary of state.. I stand on what I believe and the reasons I believe it. letter-spacing: 0.03em; This is what we do. I think that would be an extremely useful tool to combat mis- and disinformation. I read that, too, Michael. Read the Voter Guide Pam Anderson, a former Jefferson. background-color: grey; Democrats including Griswold say even though Anderson is a booster for the election system, she has not done enough to distance herself from fellow Republican candidates who do believe the 2020 election was rigged. State legislature | 27 days ago. .clearfix { For example, John Elway during a Broncos game. Pam Anderson is a candidate for secretary of state. Our stories may be republished online or in print under Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. text-align: center; She also assists with The Unaffiliated newsletter. $('.hideResponses').show(); The winner of the GOP race is Pam Anderson. overflow: hidden; Petition Withdrawn . I would deal with it in the same way I deal with it now, which is with thoughtful competence. The legislature actually allocated funds to do voter education and outreach, and the initial outlay of radio and TV spots went out. position: absolute; Of course theres a lot of conversation about election integrity and the lies about the 2020 election. .top_disclaimer { .election_results_text { Join. Incumbents are bolded and underlined. There are interest groups on the left and the right that have always weighed in on election administration. margin-top: 16px; 19. r/StardewValley. display: inline-block; Pam Anderson campaigns with election deniers & extremists. We have not closed the loop on cybersecurity. This includes directly interviewing sources and research / analysis of primary source documents. $('#candidate-connection-email-104133').on('click', () => { ga('send', 'event', 'surveycta', 'surveycta-click-email'); }); A new poll shows that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis wins with a commanding 40% in a hypothetical nine-field GOP primary contest. if (window.jQuery) { We cant support to pay that. Property taxes fund local counties primarily, and property values and housing arent doing the same thing in Montezuma County as it is doing in Jefferson County. That very often indicates the decision was made by leadership, and the reps were expected to vote accordingly. [1][2], .votebox { My opponents failed leadership has led to high employee turnover and a decline in employee engagement in the office. background-color: red; Andersons first elected position was in 2003 as city clerk for Wheat Ridge, a nonpartisan position. }, 100); Donald Trump has been the most prominent pusher of election fraud conspiracies since he lost the 2020 presidential election. As election administrators, we should embrace that interest and do everything possible to encourage and incentivize citizens to learn about, and participate in, our election processes. color: #0645ad; a[aria-expanded=true] .fa-chevron-right { display: none; } If we look at it through a partisan lens, it doesnt evolve. Newsline is based in Denver, and coverage of activities at the Capitol are central to its mission, but its reporters are devoted to providing reliable information about topics that concern readers in all parts of the state, from Lamar to Dinosaur, from Durango to Sterling. } In a new term, I will continue to protect the right to vote for every Coloradan and make this the best state in the nation to open a business, she said. That is essentially the messaging basis for her general election campaign for Colorado secretary of state, in which she hopes to deny incumbent Democrat Jena Griswold a second term. font-weight: 100; .mw-body #mw-content-text th.votebox-results-cell--text { Heres why thats a big deal. padding-left: 10px; display: inline; Even though Im a person of political conscience, I am a pro-choice woman, its not a central position for the office of the secretary of state, Anderson said. Republican Pam Anderson, a former county clerk, launches bid to unseat Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold Anderson, who accused the Democratic incumbent for being hyperpartisan, said she wants to be a secretary of state who both Democrats and Republicans can trust Jesse Paul 8:05 AM MDT on Oct 23, 2021 Credibility: Original Reporting I got that memo but spaced it. The top election official job is as important as ever, following a year that saw high-profile election deniers in the state rise to national prominence and amid a persistent movement of far-right election integrity activists who claim, falsely, that widespread voter fraud plagues the states elections. There was a data error, Griswold said. Thats why when I am elected Secretary of State, I will launch Colorados first Colorado Initiative Academy. Colorado Newsline provides fair and accurate reporting on politics, policy and other stories of interest to Coloradans. margin: auto; } background-color: green; .inner_percentage, .inner_percentage.Nonpartisan, .inner_percentage.Independent, .inner_percentage.Constitution, .inner_percentage.unknown { } $('.pastResponses').hide(); .widget-row.value-only { Griswold briefly entertained a 2020 run for U.S. Senate, but after raising hundreds of thousands of dollars through an exploratory committee decided against a bid. .widget-key { } Pam Anderson, a former Jefferson County clerk, will win the Republican nomination for Colorado secretary of state, CNN projects. Editors note: Every county has the hardware to print uniform ballots without QR codes. Pam is an election expert. I know with the Help America Vote Act, theres just been an additional outlay for cybersecurity and things like that. .votebox_legend { } Griswold said she would never support someone who is using the office for their posture, to destabilize this country, to try to destroy democracy for their own political benefit.. The other proposal, the Vote Without Fear Act, bans the open carry of firearms within 100 feet of a polling location. But politics is a contact sport and both sides are within the range of reasonable here. } Pam Anderson, the Republican candidate from Wheat Ridge running to unseat Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold in the November 2022 race, hopes to remove politics from the office.. $('.showResponses').on('click', () => { Is there anything else youd like to add? Anderson has said that should she win she would put a renewed focus on the management side of the job, reducing staff turnover in the office and making sure its response times to business and nonprofits are swift. U.S. President | .external_links_table { width: auto !important; } Citizens who complete the academy could receive increased pay to serve as election judges in future elections. Anderson has been consistent in saying that the 2020 election results were legitimate but has also campaigned with election fraud conspiracist Erik Aadland, a Republican running for Colorados 7th Congressional District, whos said outright that the 2020 election was absolutely rigged.. She defeated indicted county clerk Tina Peters in the GOP primary and now hopes to oust incumbent Democratic Secretary of State Jena Griswold. More by Sandra Fish, Got a story tip? Its tough to get that support and we may need to consider general funding some of those elections. if(document.getElementsByClassName("reference").length==0) if(document.getElementById('Footnotes')!==null) document.getElementById('Footnotes') = 'none'; What's on my ballot? } I think that theres judgment issues. })(); See also: Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection. In the 3.5 years Secretary Griswold has been in office, many have served in this role. Its easy for one party or the other to want to brand or make it specific. width: 100%; top: -1px; #20. I also think that we need to implement something we do at the local level very well called a citizens academy. margin-bottom: 1px; 333. One: for voter privacy. - Runtime: 107 minutes. I am Pam Anderson, and I am running to be. display: block; .expand-all:hover, .collapse-all:hover {cursor: pointer; text-decoration: underline;} On June 28, 2022, she won the Republican primary. What did you learn from that primary that you can bring into the general and, if elected, into the office? I put this whole thing in standard political messaging where each side is going for any opportunity they can get. .contact_office { margin-top: 0.3em; margin-bottom: 0em;margin-right: 0.5em;} I also supported something that got amended out on requiring the secretary of state to become a certified election official. width: 250px; It would also create an opportunity for Coloradans to come and do a deeper dive on some of the things that people of good conscience have questions on. As your next Secretary of State, here is my commitment to you: Rebuild the Leadership, Organization, and Management in the Office. .race_header, .results_text, .results_table_container, .votebox_legend { It takes a good days drive to cover Colorado, but well help you do it in a few minutes. } As weve discussed, Democrats are thrilled at the prospect of Republicans occupying themselves with vengeance against their own instead of winning Democratic seats up for election in November. But we could never get a budget and we could never get a vision on that. My goal is to provide that fair and equitable process so that candidates who are trying to access the process are treated fairly and initiative groups on one side or the other feel like they are treated fairly. Earlier you mentioned spending scarce resources in the office. I will lead on passing legislation that will prohibit elected officials from using taxpayer money for ads with any candidates image, couched as voter outreach. div.survey-scrollbox { height:400px; overflow:scroll; margin:20px; padding:10px; border:1px solid gray; } Wayne Williams also testified against that bill that year. My opponent is far more concerned with politics and advancing her own career, rather than doing what is best for all Colorado citizens. GOP challenger Pam Anderson, 52, served eight years as the former Jefferson County clerk and recorder and then led the state clerks association, working to improve election administration at the state Legislature. It is elected and I think that part is important. Engage industry partners for the business division on tangible input for rulemaking and project implementations. Secretary of state candidate Pam Anderson speaks during a Colorado Republican Party press conference on Aug. 9, 2022. You mentioned some security issues, for example. I think we have had elected officials on both the left and the right use their platform in a partisan way that throws fuel on the fire on some of the questions and mistrust around election conspiracies. Reach him by email at [emailprotected], The Pansy-demic: A Talk Show Host Wants to Let the Elderly Die to Save the Economy, Coloradans Need Care and Compassion, Not Incarceration, to Overcome Substance Use, GOP Senate Candidate Eli Bremers Connection to Trump Hurts His Chances to Beat Bennet, Experts Say, ODea Slams Wilderness-Protection Bill As an Attempt To Shove Through a Bill Without Bipartisan Support, Colorado Republicans Keep Campaigning With Their Conspiracist Fellow GOP Candidates, Big Oil Booster: Boebert Pushes Industry-Backed Effort to Cut Drilling Regulations, Lets Make People Choose a Side, GOP Chair Candidates Vow to Close Primary, Boebert Co-Sponsors Resolution to End U.S. Military Aid to Ukraine. We had weeks before the primary to get ready. Pam Anderson defeated Mike O'Donnell and Tina Peters in the Republican primary for Colorado Secretary of State on June 28, 2022. I think my opponent and I are on opposite sides of the coin on that philosophy. background: #4c4c4c; Thequestion is non sequitur. padding-top: 8px; Anderson said, however, that Colorado should consider making the secretary of state a nonpartisan position similar to city council and school board seats. .electionsectionheading { It was a little over $6 million. .widget-row.heading {
max-width: 75px; } display: block; Anderson's campaign website stated the following: Pam has concrete plans when elected Colorado Secretary of State to solve problems and restore excellence for Coloradans. Every County has the hardware to print uniform ballots without QR codes citizens deserve a trusted, experienced professional fairly....Results_Row.Winner { Highlights of the 2020 presidential election pamela Evette and U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham, have endorsed,! Colorados first Colorado Initiative Academy to contact our editorial staff, and the lies about the 2020 election! Think my opponent and i am running to be codified and consistently applied statewide. } ) ( ;. She had more than $ 1.1 million in her campaign bank account heading into October candidate Secretary... The primary to get ready ran against two people who denied the results the! Cybersecurity and things like that that shes objected to Aadlands statement and other Republican election deniers on Monday evening }! 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Elections professional at a debate Wednesday hosted by the Colorado Sun, the Vote without Fear,... The initial outlay of radio and TV spots went out display: none ; } width: 100 ;!How Rich Is President Museveni,
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