Like your camera, mine only could be set to ISO 1600, and I had to turn down exposure by one step. Actually, now Id got to grips with my scanning processes, what really interested me when I scanned this roll is that I found it much easier to get the more saturated colours I like. I would expect you to get some bloody stunning results, Julian! When shooting, you'll need a camera that will allow you to change your ISO manually. Note, it doesn't have the same color style as the other two. Neon lights are very easy to shoot. I often create a new layer with pure white and pure black swatches of colour to help me quickly reference how those tones ought to look in the end. About white balance and colour temperature. Fast speed film will result in the grainiest photographs but is great to use when shooting fast-moving subjects in low light conditions. When it's night time just switch that baby back to 800 because you'll likely need the extra stops of light. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. //]]>. Because of the issues listed previously, I thought shooting a single piece of Instax film instead of placing the entire pack of Instax into the Big Shot would work much better. Photography light calculator. About 20 years ago, I've often used Kodak Ektachrome 1600 (a diapositive film) as ISO 3200. If you plan to shoot indoors in low light conditions, film ISOs of 400, 800, or even 1600 are preferred. CineStill 800T in daylight, dev/scan by Rocket Repro lab, Vancouver. . The rule states that on a sunny day, you should get correct exposure with camera settings of aperture f/16 and shutter speed as the inverse of the ISO (film speed). Combined with high end Zeiss ZM glass, which really provides peak of what I like from lenses in terms of contrast, colour etc, Portra 800 really shines for me. - And yes, this camera goes up to 1/1000. But that was a long time ago. This remarkable emulsion is always in high demand, and its not just the hype: this film delivers for both perfectionists and experimental photographers. Can you shoot 800 ISO in daylight? Right. If you can get a fast-enough shutter speed at ISO 400, use that. I used the reference to create matching colours with adjustments via. It is measured in degrees Kelvin which is the temperature a perfectly black object needs to be heated to in order to glow a certain colour. Let's start by understanding h. When you are unable or unwilling to close your aperture too much (due to desired depth of field and/or diffraction worries) you have to resort to ND filters to make exposure work. I also reflected on how I felt that Id already learned how to shoot it, scan it and process it; and that it hadnt taken that many rolls at all! Shooting CineStill 800T in daylight with and without 85C warming filter: an experiment. Can I develop my b&w film a year after shooting it? The Hexar, of course, has the advantage of a built in light meter that happens to suit me very well. I've never really liked shooting indoors or using a flash so I usually avoid it. I cant remember exactly, but I suspect I might have decided to load a faster film to counteract the effect or also using a slower lens in the winter months. So with my metering being accurate, and the lens being so good, really I was setting myself up to be pleasantly surprised. Or maybe it just has aggressive highlights or some such side-effects? If you are shooting outside and you have lots of sunlight, try to use ISO 100 film, or even slower (you can find films with ISO 50 or 25). Because of this versatility, Ive shot Kodak Portra 800 in a fairly wide range of shooting circumstances. I use ISO 800 colour film to take pictures during my forest walks and with long lenses that I use handheld. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. ISO 400 film has long been marketed for indoor use. Can be pushed to 3000! The image above demonstrates the best-case scenario: I had a reference frame shot with an 85C warming filter right next to the working (no filter) scene. To shoot film well you should understand exactly how an image gets made, so the basics of exposure are a great place to start! The trade-off though is that your results from a higher ISO film will typically be less clean and have more grain. purchases using the links above so that this website may get a small percentage of that sale at no extra charge for you thanks. And that's perfectly okay. . - If I would choose without looking at the visual styles of the film, I'd just go with 800 or maybe 400. Tungsten lights glow orange at 3000K, which is similar to the temperature found on the surface of red dwarfs, and LEDs can glow blue at nearly 7000K, which is similar in colour to the ultra-hot blue stars. All of the test shots were made with Vitessa A. Many film cameras are limited to 1/1000 sec or even 1/500 sec exposure time; this will not be enough. Or for when subject is moving at speed (will cut down on blur). Based on Kodak Vision 3 500T movie stock, which CineStill cuts and repackages for still cameras, 800T offers an. Thanks. And also, like I said, I come across films that I like the look of, but then happen to be of a high ISO with no slower versions. Kodak Professional Ektar 100 is a daylight-balanced color negative film characterized by an ultra-vivid color palette, high saturation, and an extremely fine grain structure. But the intent of this camera/film would be mixed scenes. Why was the nose gear of Concorde located so far aft? The difference in colour balance between shots taken with and without the filter depends on the time of day and the scene. So for the best possible image quality when shooting at night, keep the ISO as low as you can. Decide what you want to achieve and have the proper technical solution for it.The workflow would be to find the f-stop and speed you want to use, and find the ND that will allow you to use that particular combination in a particular light condition. ISO 1600 film is not the right choice for shooting on a sunny day. And again, I suppose I could (guess and) adapt using the exposure-adjustment as conditions change, much like I did on digital cameras. CineStill 800T with and without 85C warming filter. Another is to shoot the film at 400-500 ISO. As Ive mentioned a few times throughout this post, its also incredibly versatile. Basically the question is whether or not ISO 1600/3200 is overkill when using it in bright natural light. Among other things, you can slap a four-stop (ND16) neutral density filter on your camera and shoot as though you were using ISO 100 film. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'35mmc_com-leader-2','ezslot_15',189,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-leader-2-0'); As you can see in this next frame, which Im going to take a stab in the dark (pun) and say was shot at EI1600, there is every bit of potential for very sharp, low grain images from this film provided a high quality lens is used and its scanned and processed well. I then converted the resulting negatives by. I was very impressed indeed. @bvy No argument there, I just took the OP's. To be in a forest under the trees you will find high ISOs very useful. Raising the exposure in post-production will ruin the look of the grain. This results in the . Go for one of the disposables above for non-aquatic photo fun. So, in general, you can shoot at a very low ISO. On a digital camera, it's easy to play with different ISO sensitivities; you can start with your own choice of shutter and aperture, and then pick whatever ISO you need to get the correct exposure. But just like a non-cloudy Summer-ish day during which I could happen to be shooting. Of course, your mileage might vary for as many reasons as their are variables within the process of shooting it not least your personal tastes but if you like what you see in this post, I can highly recommend you give this film a go! Ive only just started playing with some high speed color film. Landscape photography, for example, is very well-suited to low . Kodak Portra 800 is quite possibly my favourite colour negative film. the image data. While the clouds certainly didnt make the sun hotter, the light that it gives off after being. - But you suggest that in case of really bright scenes, right? Bright conditions like shooting outdoors on a sunny day benefit from lower values. Id still like to read your piece about shooting Portra 800 under water. Both of these options can be a little problematic. They are very nice but those night shots are amazing. "Great for taking photos in water of any sort." You won't miss a low light shot again . The 40 Best Notion Templates for Students, The 10 Best Study Websites & Virtual Spaces, 20+ Aesthetic & Minimal iOS App Icon Packs, document.write( new Date().getUTCFullYear() ); Gridfiti Inc. All rights reserved. And of course, CineStill renders the colours and contrast in its own way (which I found to be precise, realistic, and appealing): Typically, CineStill 800T shot in daylight without a filter would scan and print with its colours shifted towards light blue or teal. I know the graininess will be worse with 800 iso but can i shoot it during the day or during the early evening without it ruining my photos? Just thought Id say hi , but it turned in to a what Im shooting and why. (Im on holidays) BTW started a project Im pretty sure Ill shoot dig Im shooting it on dig and 120P400 but I think Im getting more what want off the dig. Unexpectedly, the beauty of Cinestill 800T is that its a high speed film that wonderfully complements the daylight and were here to share how you can enhance your daytime capturing! The results proved conclusively to me that those sorts of feelings were ill-founded. Rain - ISO 800. But to a light-sensitive emulsion, these are all different colours. Both "bright indoors" and "general outdoors". While the clouds certainly didnt make the sun hotter, the light that it gives off after being filtered through the atmosphere appears bluer. The basic rule of thumb states that if you have a clear, sunny day and your aperture is at f/16, whatever ISO you are using, your shutter speed will be the reciprocal value of that ISO value (ISO X = 1/X seconds shutter speed) So for . Content contributor - become a part of the worlds biggest film and alternative photography community blog. For shooting at night or indoors with dim lighting use an ISO of 1600 or higher f/5.0, 1/80 sec, ISO 100 - For a deeper focus depth, but made image one stop darker. Way back when we chatted about film choices for you, if Id known what I do now, and seen more of the sorts of shots of yours Ive seen since, I think I would have recommended this film. 35mmc is a blog authored, edited and published by Hamish Gill featuring daily articles submitted by readers. Personally, I absolutely love the look of Pan F+, a 50 ISO film. Can I use this tire + rim combination : CONTINENTAL GRAND PRIX 5000 (28mm) + GT540 (24mm). Does With(NoLock) help with query performance? For CineStill 800T, the company gave us ISO 800 film that is Tungsten balanced-which means that it's best used with a flash or daylight. In this case, pulling Delta 3200 to ISO 400 or 800 will give you . In fact, it was this next roll the one I mentioned at the beginning of the post with the Konica Hexar and Voigtlander 50mm f/1.2 that really sealed the deal for this film for me. We know its white in daylight, still white when an orange light from a candle illuminates it, and yes, its still white when lit up by a cool blue shine of a fluorescent light bulb. Prior to shooting Portra 800, my biggest concern or sense of limitation with regard to this film was its higher speed. Using an 85C warming filter in front of your camera's lens is arguably the best way to shoot CineStill 800T in daylight. Not good or bad, but less, so if I want to print at 900mm on the short edge the grain is nice, whereas 400 is getting a bit chunky at that size. Has Microsoft lowered its Windows 11 eligibility criteria? In fact, for one reason or another, Portra 800 is the colour film that seems to have best responded to how I work, and has given me the most confidence that I will get results that I like over the widest range of shooting conditions. Id be interested to do that comparison in my workflow too. Shooting ISO 800 on the BMCC is the same as setting the camera to 200 and underexposing 2 EV, then boosting the two stops in post. Share. Going by most answers it seems that if the sun starts blasting I'll run out of options (for settings) and I should avoid that. Depending on your camera you might run into shutter speed problems. The 28-70 lens was a little lower-contrast and not quite as high resolution as a lot of the lenses I normally shoot. I included a bunch of these results in my review of the lens here, but I didnt go into much depth about just how impressed Id been with Portra 800. As the others have noted, the quality of the pictures is not as good as with less sensitive films: more grain and less brilliant colors (for color films). if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'35mmc_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_1',181,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-medrectangle-4-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'35mmc_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_2',181,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-medrectangle-4-0_1');.medrectangle-4-multi-181{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. 35mm Ilford HP5 Plus 400 Pushed +1 to ISO 800. (Funnily enough, after reading your comment I read the bit where you quoted me as saying 1200 a couple of times. I participated in an exposition last month, and all my entries were Portra 800 (in an all digital expo). But sometimes I run into films I like that are as high as ISO 1600 or 3200. Using an ISO 100 film on that same day would give you the same exposure, less grain, and at the same time a much larger range of possible settings. in front of your cameras lens is arguably the best way to shoot CineStill 800T in daylight. Now I'm just trying to select types of film I like the look of to try in some cameras I have, in this case specifically for a balanced general purpose (let's say a mix of outdoors and sometimes in a shade or well-lit room). However, colour correction is more difficult without reference material, even more so when you are working on an unfamiliar scene. consider also using a ND filter with very high ISO film in sunny conditions. Though I do think that even if I did, it shows whats possible with this film in these sorts of shooting circumstances. So I wanted to know if Portra 800 was just as flexible. In my experience, the filter required no exposure adjustments. It's an old SLR. With a 400 ISO film, you could take hand-held pictures at 1/8th@f/2.8 free hand. Unfortunately, there arent many high-speed colour films left in production. Shoot that one at 6400 . I think I probably expected it to have a much coarser more visible grain structure, and that Id find myself in situations where Id regretted not using a slower film for the sake of less visible grain. Choosing a low ISO setting, say less than 400, is best when there's a lot of light or when you have a tripod and the style of photograph you want to make allows you to use a long exposure. 400-speed films also have the highest dynamic range and tonality on the market because they use a mix of large and small grains that make them much more versatile. It sounds like I need to keep one handy for exactly this kind of situation. Holy blazing snotballs Batman I am totally in awe of this film/lens/camera combination.It is such a joy to see how fine, true to colour and forgiving a film can be.This one is going on my bucket list for sure.Thanks HamishTom. "Its price is low enough to justify picking up a few more." Best Waterproof: Fujifilm QuickSnap Waterproof Camera at Amazon. I'm sure the camera's meter would indicate whether or not it's overexposed, but even if it doesn't, is that kind of film prone to being overexposed? 800T offers an allow you to change your ISO manually no exposure adjustments to down! That this website may get a fast-enough shutter speed problems unfortunately, there arent many colour! Is great to use when shooting, you & # x27 ; t have the same style. ; ll need a camera that will allow you to get some bloody stunning results, Julian are to. Fast speed film will typically be less clean and have more grain in this case, Delta. 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