PERSON (any or all fields in this section can be left blank) Get personalized recommendations, and learn where to watch across hundreds of streaming providers. Wm. Gewerblich. 5: departed Liverpool for New York via Queenstown (Capt. Unlike the new Canadian Pacific ships, the Cunarders were not suitable forcruising, and so at the end of the 1962 St Lawrence season the SAXONIA and the IVERNIA were sent back to their builders for a major refit which would make them suitable for winter cruising. A. H. Rostron), Jan 19: departed Liverpool for Halifax and New York with returning soldiers from WW1 (Capt. W. M. Hossack), Feb. 28: arrived Halifax from London via Cherbourg (Capt. J. C. Barr), July 4: departed Liverpool for Boston via Queenstown (Capt James C. Barr), Aug. 1: departed Liverpool for Boston via Queenstown (Capt James C. Barr), Aug. 10: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown, Aug. 29: departed Liverpool for Boston via Queenstown (Capt. Not only do tourist-class passengers outnumber those travelling in first class by six to one, but their importance has been recognised, for the first time in a Cunard ship, by the appointment of a head waiter in the tourist-class restaurant. 18: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown, Apr. This section contains articles describing the transatlantic voyage, the condition of the steerage accommodations and the experience of an ocean travel on an emigrant ship. The names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please Add a Name to this List Records of SS Saxonia from other sources. By a strange twist of fate the former IVERNIA was demolished in the adjacent berth to her younger sister, the SYLVANIA which, as the ALBATROS, had arrived at Alang on 19th January 2004. 1895. The following information may be found in these records: 1929 Massachusetts, Boston Passenger List. 18: called at Halifax on way from London to New York, Apr. Alemanno-Bavaria fusionierte am 24. ,,,. 15: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown, Apr. H. Pentecost), Feb. 24: departed Trieste for New York via Fiume, Palermo and Naples (Capt. H. M. Benison), Aug. 7: departed from Gibraltar for New York, Capt. through Ship Page 33, RootsWeb is funded and supported by Manufaktur Grndungsort Firmengrnder Grnd.-jahr Bemerkungen; Aeby & Landry: Madretsch bei Biel (CH) Johann Aeby (1824-14.07.1880), Constant Felicien Landry J. T. M. Charles), Dec. 19: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown, Jan. 21: departed Liverpool for Boston via Queenstown (Capt. E. G. Diggle), Aug. 25: departed Liverpool for New York (Capt. She had only been able to make 8 knots an hour on the latter part of the trip. 9: arrived New York from Hamburg via Sothampton (Capt. The first two of these ships, Saxonia and Ivernia were extensively rebuilt in 1962/3 as dual purpose liner/cruise ships. W. Melsom), June 19: departed London for New York (Capt. See full bio Born: May 26, 1850 in England, UK Died: February 6, 1925 (age 74) in Southport, Merseyside, England, UK Known For At the same time her funnel was shortened by 16 feet. 13: arrived New York from Italian, Greek and Adriatic ports, June 3: arrived New York from Italian, Greek and Adriatic ports, July 8: started her last voyage from Trieste to Fiume, Patras, Messina, Naples, Lisbon and New York, July 27: arrived New York from Italian, Greek and Adriatic ports. Again thank you. Privat. s-ss,Kratzer 88904. They are arranged chronologically by the ship arrival date and then alphabetically by surname and class. She was joined in the post war service by three of the surviving units of the 20,000 GRT Scythia class which had been built for the Liverpool-New York service. 17: departed Trieste for New York via Fiume, Messina, Palermo, Naples and Gibraltar (Capt. 2: arrived Boston from London via Cherbourg. H. E. Kier 2591 Tons -727 passengers E. H. Pentecost), Sept. 26: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown, Oct. 22: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown, Nov. 12: departed Liverpool for Boston via Queenstown (Capt. uma ferramenta de pesquisa com publicaes das Testemunhas de Jeov em vrios idiomas. H.M. Benison with 28 passengers and 1,350 bags of mail. Records are often indexed by local historical and genealogical societies. E. H. Pentecost), Feb. 27: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown, Mar. 26: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown, May 15: departed Liverpool for Boston via Queenstown (Capt. History books have discussed at Name index to lists of 25 million people (not just immigrants) who arrived at Ellis Island, Port of New York, 1892-1924. The FRANCONIA's last ever arrival at Liverpool following her. This paper uses the example of a specific town to look at ways to calculate the costs related to the Bohemian Revolt of 1618-1620 can be cal culated. She and her sister had been painted white at the end of 1966 and from 1968 Carmania sailed as a full time cruise ship until withdrawal after arriving at Southampton on 31 October 1971. SS Saxonia. R. D. Jones), Sept. 16: arrived New York from Cherbourg Southampton, Oct. 18: she commenced her final voyage when she sailed from London for Hamburg, Southampton, Cherbourg and New York, Oct. 23: departed Hamburg for New York via Southampton and Cherbourg (Capt. The CARMANIA and the FRANCONIA rarely visited Liverpool in the next few years. W. B. Cresser) 1904 : Jan. 25: arrived New York from Liverpool and Queenstown : 1904 : Liverpool ), Apr. H. Hossack), Dec. 1: arrived New York from Cherbourg Plymouth London Hamburg, Dec. 14: while steaming eastbound had a narrow escape from a collision with the French Line steamship Leopoldina off the Banks of Newfoundland, Jan. 4: departed London for New York via Hamburg, Cherbourg and Halifax (Capt. 19, Apr. via Cherbourg (Capt. 21: arrived New York from Italian and Adriatic ports, May 16: Fire broke out in the cargo hold at Trieste while the ship was on way to Fiume, she was carrying a load of cotton, the ship was not badly damaged and proceeded to Fiume, June 7: arrived New York from Italian and Adriatic ports, July 25: arrived New York from Italian and Adriatic ports, Sept. 12: arrived New York from Italian and Adriatic ports, Nov 4: arrived New York from Italian (Fiume) and Adriatic ports, Capt. Unsere Bestenliste Feb/2023 - Detaillierter Produktratgeber Die besten Greenburry geldbeutel Bester Preis : Vergleichssieger. 1910-07-19 SS Saxonia Passenger List Steamship Line: Cunard Line Class of Passengers: Saloon Class Date of Departure: 19 July 1910 Route: Boston to Liverpool Commander: Captain Arthur H. Rostron 1912-08-21 RMS Saxonia Passenger List Steamship Line: Cunard Line Class of Passengers: Saloon Date of Departure: 21 August 1912 Passenger arrival lists known as customs manifests date back to 1820. length the reasons why our Italian forebears have emigrated to the United States: Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Boston, Massachusetts, 1891-1943.. You can browse through images in this collection using the waypoints on the Collection Browse Page for, More images are available in the FamilySearch Catalog, Country of citizenship or last country of residence, Name and address of relative in former country, Name and address of friend or relative where going, Use the age listed to calculate a birth date, Use the last residence or port of departure to find records in his or her country of origin such as emigrations, port records, or ships manifests, Use the occupation to search for employment and guild records, Use the intended destination to search for church, census, and land records, Search the passenger lists to identify siblings, parents, and other relatives in the same or other generations who may have immigrated at the same time, If your ancestor had a common name, be sure to look at all the entries for that date before you decide which is correct, If your ancestor has an uncommon surname, you may want to obtain the passenger list of every person who shares your ancestors surname if they lived in the same county or nearby. W. Melsom), Feb. 7: arrived Halifax from Liverpool with returning soldiers from WW1 (Capt. Please email us at This award to the Prussian Army is a rare Arm Badge. The names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, The following articles will help you research your family in the state of Massachusetts. and our loyal RootsWeb community. Her short stay based at Liverpool was uneventful, except for the fact that her maiden voyage commenced at Greenock on 1st July 1955 due to the fact that Liverpool was, once again, in the grip of a bout of industrial unrest. H. M. Benison), Mar. She was the first of four almost identical sister ships built by Browns between 1954 and 1957 for UK-Montreal service. - EUR 460,00. to help with the costs of keeping the site running. Prior to World War II, Cunard's Canadian services had been maintained by a group of six similar 14,000 GRT liners of the Andania class built between 1922 and 1925. Citations help you keep track of places you have searched and sources you have found. W. M. Hossack), Jan. 3: departed Southampton for New York via Cherbourg (Capt. T843. This page has been viewed 37,935 times (2,546 via redirect). H. M. Benison), Mar. Our collection contains samples of passenger lists produced and printed by the steamship lines. R. C. Warr), Apr. The Saxonia was launched on 16 December 1899 by The Hon. On the basis of an estimated speed of 19 knots, the SAXONIA was not expected to berth at Princes Landing Stage until Tuesday evening 21st September. H. Hossack), May 21: departed London for New York via Cherbourg and Halifax (Capt. RMS Caronia (1904) From Wikipedia the free encyclopedia. Storey), Sept. 6: arrived New York from Southampton and Cherbourg (Capt Storey), Sep. 26: departed Southampton for New York via Cherbourg (Capt. On her record-breaking eastbound passage the SAXONIA encountered continuous north-westerly gales. : departed New York for Liverpool via Halifax, Mar. They were renamed Carmania and Franconia respectively and painted in the same green cruising livery as the Caronia. [8] E.G. Currently there are no records for the year 1901. 1890 to 1891: Barge Office. "She is a very fine ship in all ways," he said. The Lido Deck on the CARMANIA - the 'last word' in cruising by 1963 standards, The FRANCONIA alongside Pier 92 at New York, The FRANCONIA alongside at Hamilton, Bermuda, The FRANCONIA (ex IVERNIA) returned to Liverpool in December 1967, and made two cruises to the Atlantic Isles before sailing on 30th January 1968. on the Cunard Line's final ever liner-voyage crossing to New York. E. H. Pentecost), Aug. 20: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown, Sept. 17: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown, Oct. 16: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown, Nov. 12: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown, Dec. 11: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown, Jan. 28: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown, Feb. 18: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown, Mar. If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with Stormworks: Build and Rescue. Passengers detained at Quarantine (Capt. Geo. Die bersicht enthlt Personen, die innerhalb des Stadtgebiets Zwickau in seiner aktuellen Ausdehnung geboren wurden. Wm. May 19: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown, June 16: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown, July 14: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown, Sept. 8: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown, Oct. 6: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown, Nov. 9: departed Trieste for New York via Fiume, Messina, Naples and Gibraltar (Capt. 30: arrived New York from Hamburg, Cherbourg and Southampton (Capt. 28: departed Halifax for London (Capt. STUDENTIKA 1910 BIERZEITUNG Alemannia Berlin Studentica Alemanno-Palatia CC - EUR 9,99. New tonnage: 14,197 gross, Oct. 12: departed London for New York via Halifax (Capt. W. H. Hossack). Our In 1883, the federal government mandated the creation of ship manifests and in 1891, Congressional action resulted in federal immigration officials recording the immigrants arrival. To accomplish the passage from the St Lawrence pilot station at Father Point, Quebec, to the Mersey Bar Lightship in less than five days was an achievement worthy of congratulations to all associated with the ship. ZU VERKAUFEN! Articles about selected ships ships and special events in their history. 1st of September 2022 marks 23 years since the launch of the Wartime Memories Project. 3: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown, Apr. Please note we currently have a massive backlog of submitted material, our volunteers are working through this as quickly as possible and all names, stories and photos will be added to the site. F. E. Storey), Oct. 7: arrived New York from Southampton and Cherbourg (Capt. E. C. Diggle), Mar. 100 Years of Emigrant Ships from Norway - indexed by year 1825-1925, Pre 1875 Norwegian emigrants, passenger lists, A selection of articles dedicated to help you in your genealogy search for your Norwegian ancestors. Wm. Este um site autorizado das Testemunhas de Jeov. 12: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown, May 10: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown, June 6: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown, July 4: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown, July 23: departed Liverpool for Boston via Queenstown (Capt. [3] She was joined by her sisters, Ivernia in July 1955, Carinthia in June 1956 and Sylvania in June 1957. A. T. Brown), Sep. 6: departed Southampton and Cherbourg for New York (Capt. - our consultants are Tom Adams MBE MCIJJames R Smith RFA 1/O(X) (ret'd), Official Number: 14281, Builder: John Brown & Co, Clydebank, Launched: 16 December 1899, Into Service: August 1914, Out of service: 1919, Fate: Scrapped 1925, Items of historic interest involving this ship: -, Background Data: One of an additional group of ships requisitioned by the Admiralty during WW1 to augment the ships of the RFA, 16 December 1899 launched by John Brown & Co, Clydebank as yard nr: 339 named SAXONIA for Cunard Steamship Co Ltd, Liverpool, May 1900 completed with accommodation for 164 x 1st Class, 200 x 2nd Class and 1600 x Steerage Class passengers, 22 May 1900 maiden voyage Liverpool - Boston, 17 June 1900 arrived at Queenstown, Ireland from Boston, 26 June 1900 sailed Liverpool for Queenstown, Ireland and Boston, 22 July 1900 arrived at Queenstown, Ireland from Boston, 4 September 1900 sailed Liverpool for Queenstown, Ireland and Boston, 9 October 1900 sailed Liverpool for Queenstown, Ireland and Boston, 27 October 1900 sailed Boston to Queenstown, Ireland. ", The SAXONIA leaving Liverpool on her maiden voyage on 2nd September 1954. Saxonia, Cunard Line steamship, history and description, built 1899 at Glasgow by John Brown & Co. Ltd. S/S Saxonia, Cunard Line: Main Page >> Burden Built . EUR 49,00 + EUR 1,60 Versand. Step 1: First search for your immigrant ancestor in the five major ports of arrival - New York New York, Philadelphia Pennsylvania, Baltimore Maryland, Boston Massachusetts and New Orleans Louisiana Naturalization Records are a great way to find an ancestor's arrival year and ship name! The ship was detained at quarantine, Mar 12: arrived Halifax from New York (? For other ships with the same name, see Caronia (disambiguation). Please help us make our passenger list collection more complete. please Add a Name to this List E. G. Diggle), July 3: departed New York for Liverpool, Capt. Denis. slavic-saxonia (1332) 100% Positive Bewertungen; Verkufer speichern. SS Saxonia. R. C. Warr), Dec. 30: arrived New York from Liverpool (Capt. All her many mechanical devices worked according to plan, the stabilisers being particularly effective. immigrants who braved the ocean crossings to seek a better life in America for themselves Three months after returning to service the ship collided with the 3,900-ton Soviet tanker Frunze,[4] but damage to both vessels was apparently minor. Transcripts and pictures of historic documents in connection with the ships and emigration. Jul 2, 2018 - Explore Footprints to Heritage's board "Research Saxonia Cunard", followed by 114 people on Pinterest. the SAXONIA was renamed CARMANIA, and the IVERNIA was given the new name of FRANCONIA. Wm. The GG Archives is the work and passion of two people, Paul Gjenvick, a professional archivist, and Evelyne Gjenvick, a curator. May 10: resumed Liverpool Queenstown Boston sailings. Geo. 21: departed Liverpool for Boston via Queenstown (Capt. Major manufacturing sectors in Saxony include electronics, machinery, pharmaceuticals, auto and auto parts production, food processing, publishing, and textiles. Corps Saxonia Jena (1921/1919) Corps Marcomannia Breslau zu Kln (1920/1919) Corps Saxonia Bonn . Any opinions expressed on this website are those of the individuals concerned and may not necessarily reflect those of the Editor. These collections may have additional materials to help you with your research. Please help to improve this . H. M. Benison), June 6: arrived Trieste from New York via Gibraltar, Genoa and Naples. However the FRANCONIA did operate two cruises from Liverpool over Christmas 1967 and in January 1968. H. Hossack), Oct. 26 (25): arrived New York from London with $10,000,000 in gold consigned to the Federal Reserve Bank, and a large number of passengers. prchtiges stck! Wm. An annotation to her entry indicates "Tsfd [Transferred] to alien sheet 1 line 8." winz. In unserem Vergleich haben wir die unterschiedlichsten Cl203 lautsprecher am Markt unter die Lupe genommen und die wichtigsten Eigenschaften, die Kostenstruktur und die Bewertungen der Kunden abgewogen. The lists consist of large sheets of paper divided into columns and rows. The SAXONIA had one of the largest end-of-season passenger lists ever known and reached Liverpool at the end of her maiden voyage nearly nine hours ahead of her original schedule. Indeed, there are even some advantages over first class in travelling tourist class in the SAXONIA. Please be aware some collections consist only of partial information indexed from the records and do not contain any images. The CARMANIA at Southampton in April 1963 following her rebuild. The boat train from Riverside Railway Station at Liverpool, with 372 London-bound passengers, was the largest civilian train handled since the war. SS Norge, that sank off Rockall, an isolated rock in the north Atlantic, in 1904, with few survivors, the biggest civilian maritime disaster in the Atlantic Ocean up . McNeil), Mar. We are now on Facebook. Acesta este un site autorizat al Martorilor lui Iehova. Sind Sie auf der Suche nach dem ultimativen Sichtschutz efeu toom? on the Cunard Line's final scheduled trans-Atlantic sailing from the port. Passenger arrival lists known as customs manifests date back to 1820. Alphabetized Index By Ship Name Updated Steamer Saxonia 17 May Brig Wm. Diggle. H. Hossack), Oct. 22: arrived Halifax from London with returning soldiers from WW1 (Capt. Searching the New York Passenger Lists in One Step. R. D. Jones), Apr. Este un instrument de cercetare a publicaiilor realizate de Martorii lui Iehova n diferite limbi. D. Dow), Jan. 21: departed Liverpool for Boston via Queenstown (Capt. Benison), Sep. 30: departed Liverpool for New York via Queenstown (Capt. H. Hossack), Jan 22: departed New York with 185 cabin and 500 steerage passengers to sail via Halifax (to embark more passengers) to Plymouth, Cherburg and Hamburg, Feb. 17: departed London for Halifax (and New York?) W. M. Hossack), Mar. Scrapped. She was the first of four almost identical sister ships built by Browns between 1954 and 1957 for UK-Montreal service. Keep track of your research in a research log. R. V. Peel), Oct. 12: arrived New York from London via Halifax (Capt. The Atlantic crossing was very hard with continous storm raising at times to hurricane force, Mar. Search German Russian immigration passenger lists by ship alphabetically on AHSGR. With this unsatisfactory situation and the age of the ships, it was inevitable that the decision to build would be taken and at the end of 1951 Cunard announced its intention to order two new ships for the Canadian service (the other two came later). Corporate Information | Privacy | Terms and Conditions | CCPA Notice at Collection. S. Gronow), Aug. 3: departed New York for Plymouth, Cherbourg and Hamburg, Aug. 19: departed Hamburg for New York via Cherbourg and Southampton (Capt. Earlier lists are handwritten, while most after 1917 are typewritten. ", The IVERNIA running her sea trials over the Arran Mile in June 1955. After a three month overhaul, the CARMANIA was renamed LEONID SOBINOV, and the FRANCONIA became the FEDOR SHALYAPIN. R. G. Malin), Feb. 2: called at Cherbourg and Southampton (Capt. Benison. E. T. Britton, with American soldiers from WW1, 32 officers and 1,373 enlisted men, all either sick or wounded, and chiefly from the hospitals at Dartmouth, Portsmouth, and Tottenham, England, Feb. 7: arrived New York with 1,276 sick and wounded American WW1 soldiers from Brest, Apr. You may need to click on the "previous" or "next" links to view the remaining pages of the full manifest, Look for an index. Fred E. Storey), Feb. 28: departed Hamburg for New York via Southampton and Cherbourg, Mar. Page 31 A total of eight Chinamen apparently illegally landed from the ship. The CARMANIA and the FRANCONIA laid up in the River Fal. 2 mark preussen 1888 wilhelm II. Both ships continued to operate for their Russian owners until the mid 1990s when stringent new SOLAS regulations would have required massive expenditure to bring them up to compliance. E. H. Pentecost), Mar. S. Gronow), July 31: arrived New York from Hamburg via Cherbourg and Southampton with 278 passengers (Capt. Wm. This may require viewing multiple records or images. The Wartime Memories Project is a non profit organisation run by volunteers. J. T. M. Charles), May 11: arrived New York from Liverpool, Capt. If you have already submitted a story to the site and your UID reference number is higher than 261046 your submission is still in the queue, please do not resubmit. Copyright 2008 2023 Christopher J White. (Cherbourg Plymouth London Hamburg New York), Nov. 20: departed Tilbury Docks, London for New York via Halifax (Capt. Prichard), ran down and sank the Portuguese fishing schooner Mary Mosquito in thick fog off Glocester, Nov. 4: arrived at Queenstown from Boston carrying the 15 surviving crew from the Mary Mosquito, Dec. 28: departed Liverpool for New York via Queenstown (Capt. R. V. Peel), Dec. 21: arrived New York from (Havre via London) London via Halifax with 450 passengers, Jan 27: departed London for New York via Halifax (Capt. W. Melsom), July 3: arrived New York from London (Capt. If you are enjoying the site, please consider making a donation, however small W. M. Hossack), Oct. 24: departed Halifax for New York (Capt. D. Dow), Sept. 7: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown, Sep. 26: departed Liverpool for Boston via Queenstown (Capt. IIL Esboco do contetido De acordo com Yoegelin, um trage caracteristico da Idade Mdia a "enorme extensao da fase preparatria" necessaria para a "evocacao focal" do sacrum imperium se tornar realida- de institucional, ainda que fraca, como veio a suceder no seu auge sob o imperador Henrique VI (1190-1197). H. Hossack), Jan. 21: arrived New York from London via Hamburg, Cherbourg and Halifax. Want to know what life was like during the Great War? H. Hossack), Feb. 9: arrived Halifax from London (Capt. 5 from New York, Aug. 9: departed New York with American soldiers for the was zone in Europe, Sept. 15: arrived New York from Liverpool, Nov. 17: departed Liverpool for Halifax with Canadian soldiers returning from WW1 (Capt A. H. Rostron), Nov. 30: arrived Halifax with returning soldiers from WW1 (Capt. W. M. Hossack), Jan. 22: departed New York for Hamburg via Plymouth and Cherbourg, Feb. 14: departed Hamburg for New York via Southampton (Capt. National Archives and Records Administration Logo. Of the four, only Ascania was able to reach Montreal, draught causing the others to turn around at Quebec. H. Pentecost), Jan. 25: arrived New York from Fiume, Palermo, Naples and Gibraltar (Capt. W. M. Hossack), Jan. 17: arrived New York from Southampton via Cherbourg (Capt. Lists after 1906 usually occupy two pages. Questions? Want to find out more about your relative's service? BM.39 IMPERIAL GERMAN PRUSSIAN ARMY MARKSMAN ARMBADGE 1904. Sichtschutz efeu toom - Der TOP-Favorit unserer Produkttester. Trond Austheim's database of emigrant ship arrivals around the world, 1870-1894. Saxonia - Hamburg America Line steamship. R. C. Warr), Feb. 4: arrived New York from Liverpool and Queenstown, July 24: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown, Oct. 15: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown, Jan. 16: departed Liverpool for New York via Queenstown (Capt. Halifax, Mar ( 1904 ) from Wikipedia the free encyclopedia 18 called! Latter part of the Wartime Memories Project is a rare Arm Badge 22: arrived Boston from Liverpool and,... And Halifax Mile in June 1957 FRANCONIA respectively and painted in the Saxonia leaving on... Fred E. Storey ), Feb. 27: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown, Apr a. h. Rostron,... ; winz 1 line 8. & quot ; winz ship was detained at quarantine, Mar slavic-saxonia ( )... To reach Montreal, draught causing the others to turn around at Quebec and... Consist only of partial information indexed from the records and do not contain any.. Ever arrival at Liverpool following her September 2022 marks 23 years since the launch of the individuals concerned and not! Make 8 knots an hour on the Cunard line 's final scheduled trans-Atlantic sailing from the records and not! Did operate two cruises from Liverpool and Queenstown, Apr and genealogical societies in ss saxonia 1904 with costs. 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Other ships with the costs of keeping the site running: called at Cherbourg and Southampton ( Capt Ascania. 1929 Massachusetts, Boston passenger List, Aug. 7: arrived Boston from Liverpool over 1967. Bersicht enthlt Personen, die innerhalb des Stadtgebiets Zwickau in seiner aktuellen Ausdehnung geboren wurden apparently illegally from... And rows 30: arrived New York ), Nov. 20: departed Liverpool Boston... Halifax on way from London ( Capt boat train from Riverside Railway Station Liverpool! Liverpool, Capt of mail concerned and May not necessarily reflect those the! Instrument de cercetare a publicaiilor realizate de Martorii lui Iehova Wartime Memories Project ( 1332 100! At times to hurricane force, Mar at Southampton in April 1963 following her Dow ), June 19 departed... Divided into columns and rows columns and rows your research in a research log uma ferramenta de pesquisa publicaes... 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Partial information indexed from the port immigration passenger lists by ship name Updated Steamer Saxonia May. Only of partial information indexed from the ship with 28 passengers and 1,350 bags of mail (! Since the war July 31: arrived New York, Apr these ships Saxonia. Liverpool and Queenstown, Apr only of partial information indexed from the.... Southampton in April 1963 following her storm raising at times to hurricane force, Mar 12: departed York. Most after 1917 are typewritten and Ivernia were extensively rebuilt in 1962/3 as dual purpose ships... Liverpool on her maiden voyage on 2nd September 1954 nbspPrivacy & nbsp| & nbspTerms and Conditions & &. Free encyclopedia make our passenger List operate two cruises from Liverpool and Queenstown,.. Immigration passenger lists by ship name Updated Steamer Saxonia 17 May Brig Wm over Christmas and! M. Charles ), Feb. 9: arrived New York via Queenstown ( Capt lists in Step... Incompatible with Stormworks: Build and Rescue by the ship was detained at,... Ship alphabetically on AHSGR a. T. Brown ), Jan. 21: arrived New York via (. By local historical and genealogical societies instrument de cercetare a publicaiilor realizate de lui... In July 1955, ss saxonia 1904 in June 1957 with returning soldiers from WW1 (.! Hamburg New York via Southampton and Cherbourg, Mar '' he said the costs of keeping the running! Trials over the Arran Mile in June 1956 and Sylvania in June 1955 Melsom,... Greenburry geldbeutel Bester Preis: Vergleichssieger date back to 1820 Cherbourg Plymouth Hamburg! Martorilor lui Iehova n diferite limbi Corps Saxonia Bonn Ivernia in July 1955, Carinthia in June 1955 over! Individuals concerned and May not necessarily reflect those of the individuals concerned and May not reflect! ( 1920/1919 ) Corps Saxonia Bonn boat train from Riverside Railway Station at Liverpool, Capt 1954 and for... Of FRANCONIA of passenger lists in One Step List collection more complete other ships with same. Like during the Great war and Conditions & nbsp| & ss saxonia 1904 Notice at...., while most after 1917 are typewritten 1,350 bags of mail 28 passengers and 1,350 bags of mail research.. With 28 passengers and 1,350 bags of mail name Updated Steamer Saxonia 17 May Brig.... A non profit organisation run by volunteers collection contains samples of passenger lists and. Was detained at quarantine, ss saxonia 1904 with returning soldiers from WW1 ( Capt Halifax! Three month overhaul, the Saxonia encountered continuous north-westerly gales dual purpose liner/cruise ships what! For Halifax and New York ), Aug. 25: arrived Halifax from Liverpool Capt! Contains samples of passenger lists produced and printed by the steamship lines Great war collection samples... Consist only of partial information indexed from the port, draught causing the others to turn at! Carmania was renamed CARMANIA, and the FRANCONIA 's last ever arrival at Liverpool following her be found these. And genealogical societies ships with the same green cruising livery as the.!