I added two 2-pound hand weights about 10 days ago for a little extra resistance, and I have experimented briefly with four 2-pound weights. I study fascia! -age 67 -out of shape dinged all over. Theres no doubt Cellercising is the best exercise in the world, just ask NASA! I know that rebound exercise is very big in Europe, and even though it has been around a long time here in the US, it is amazing to me how so many people dont know about it or, at least if they do, have not considered utilizing it. I saw the cellerciser on the internet and decided that I would spend the extra money in hopes that it would maybe last a year or so. Previously I had worn out/broken about 20 cheap rebounders and had nearly given up on having this type of conditioning available. Lastly, I had some questions today, that I had been grappling with for a few weeks. I found that I was not utilizing it as much as I would like so I decided to invest in this piece of equipment which is a Cellercise. My Scales moved on Saturday!! The Treadclimber began to have issues and I found that they had stopped making parts for it in 2009, so I discarded it and set up my Cellerciser. It took 6 weeks at 10 minutes a day to cure my spine issue and stop my back from catching when quick movements were made. I have a long way to go but feel great right now. Recently on a trip to Tennessee, I produced two videos at the beautiful campground we were staying at in Clarksville. I highly recommend the cellerciser as I use it as part of my exercise/conditioning routine every day. I look forward to seeing you again at next years Whole Life Expo in Cleveland. I eventually contacted my sister (shes in South Carolina, and I live in Oregon). At this writing, Im 67, Ive went from 238 LBS to 182 LBS, a 42 waist to a 34 waist, Im off all my meds except one blood pressure pill, my AIC, uric acid, PH, C-Reactive Protein numbers are all normal, blood pressure is always around 60. *Grace has completed several additional races since the writing of this letter. These are posted on my Dale Henry Brown YouTube channel. Mental clarity, spring in my step, completing task after task, super organized. This all while recovering from a broken leg! I LOVE mentioning and directing people toyour website, ALL THE TIME. Almost a year ago I finally had that moment where I had a very serious conversation with the man in the mirror. She is an inspiration and help to so many others and has a heart of gold. Hopefully, you have been encouraged by my story. So, I changed my diet, and started running! I am up to 90 reps for each of the 14 exercises and do 3 sets of 60 for each leg and 3 sets of 90 for the stomach of the 3 exercises your wife showed for women. You don't go as far down yet the deceleration and acceleration are smooth. The first thing she did was put me on a daily protocol of organic kale, and pure organic pineapple juice. I just knew it but would quit early because I didnt get my drama results. So, this led me to the biochemical healing process I am now involved In. It is hard to describe! I purchased my Cellerciser from a distributor, and I have called up the Cellercise directly, and they (Jerry & Dave) have always been extremely helpful! If you want to take your health and well-being to another level, get a Cellercise., David Hall is the perfect testimonial for the tremendous and far-reaching benefits of regular use of the Cellercise. until after Either could be used here 3. I went to see my doctor this evening and she told me I was NO longer a diabetic and I lost 11 lbs. Perhaps, I will be in a size 8 in another month. I am not looking for miracles; my family will get together (3 children, spouses, and children) at thanksgiving. NO pronating going on, either. I made the decision that initially I would set a goal of working out four times per week. I did all of this for a month and was under 400 pounds and feeling better. I am not complaining . I got that little roll of skin that takes place after giving birth and a long pregnancy. WOW. It is great for those who are old and feel they have trouble moving, it builds strength and stability. They used to be that cheap! Friday April 18th week four complete. I beat pancreatic cancer 17 years ago with No chemo, No radiation, No surgery, No drugs. I found it to be one of the easiest exercises I ever did in spite of my weight. In fact, I have found that 15 to 20 minutes on the bouncer is better than my former 30 minute walk! AND the lean back or lean forward ones . Knee pain, better sleep, spines aligned, ibs eliminated, hiatal hernias fixed, legs tightening, cancer clearing up, acne gone, and so much more!JOIN NEWSLETTER: http://eepurl.com/dLkFnw Our inspiration and diet guidelines reflect that of Dr. John McDougall's Starch Solution and Maximum Weight Loss program combined. Use the coupons before they're expired for the year 2023. I cannot believe the improvement in my knee only using the Jamba Run (I dont want to pronate that knee!!!) (Trampoline No Springs), Are Trampolines a Good Workout ? Needless to say, I cleaned it up and brought it back inside! When I wake up, I do a few minutes on my rebounder to make sure my back is ready for the day. It is easy now for me to understand why you look the way you do after so many years of Cellercising! I have come from 215 lbs./24% fat to 180 lbs./13%, with visible loss of girth, but increase in lean muscle. I had to be patient but I got the results I wanted. Cellerciser has helped me get healthy. The Jamba Run is intense movement, designed to generate heat and increase circulation. I did not. The results I got made me very happy. Since it arrived April 2009 till now July 10, 2009, I have averaged using it 6 days a week. I took your advice and started doing the health bounce and gradually worked up to more vigorous exercise I found it to be one of the easiest exercises I have ever did in spite of my weight. I do FEEL, in my body, after Ive done my 10 minutes that I am DONE for the day and can mark exercise off of my list. Finally, I broke down and bought a rebounder and my life changed. This pulse or small movement is then magnified even further using a gentle bounce on the Cellerciser. Try it out. Also, I turn 50 this year and feel really strong overall. If I could go back in time, I would base my fitness program on rebounding which is what I am moving towards as I approach my post work life. When - two meanings - (1) same time, (2) immediately after I rebound barefoot and my feet love it! He loved it, still jumps on it now and he is 8. After the abuse that our Cellerciser took, sitting outside in Canadian weather for two years, it still looks and functions 100%! Yesterday at Church my friend, Rea told me that you so kindly spent an hour talking with her last week regarding her recent ALS diagnosis. You have helped me as well Dave. What I have been using for the past four years is a therapeutic rebounder made by a company called Sundance. When I tell them, they say Thats all? Yes, its hard to believe that in only 10 minutes a day you can change the way you look all over. I carried this regiment on through the years and I now have an artificial hip, and two artificial knees. release and everything you say aligns. Through surfing the internet, I am so grateful for finding the Cellerciser. Finally, at the bottom of each leg is a polymer material . I have not heard even one squeak on it either, and its been 6 days thus far, and Ive been giving it a workout. Their words should help encourage you in your struggle against weight gain, cellulite and other health issues. I could work out more days, but the baseline was four. Its almost 3 weeks now since I started using your CELLERSICER mini-trampoline. 800-856-4863 or Intl: 435-562-4456, THE #1 RATED REBOUNDER HOME GYM BY DAVE HALL. As a parent I am happy about that as well. BUY YOUR CELLERCISER TODAY When you invest in a Cellerciser, you become part of the Cellercise family. Monday 31st first 10-minute continuous bouncing -felt good -noticed the spider veins look like theyre reducing down. I have even reports of its natural face lift ability. what the other people in the radiantrecovery community are doing (the weights and cardio) I noticed that my steady weight loss had stopped and also, I was not feeling as good as I have been. Cellercising helped me beat Big Pharma, (for now), and at my last doctors appointment my doctor told me, I dont have any patients in your age range that are in the shape youre in!, I did weights for YEARS and never saw results like these in my muscle tone. We also feature the EXCLUSIVE patented TriDaptable spring that offers support, movement, adaptability, and lift. I was doing the exercise program Insanity and other home exercises. The Cellerciser has answered this prayer in a major way, after only 6 months of use. In fact, you may just find the influence you need to get over the rebounder exercise hump and make your own rebounder success story. Its now been at least 6 months, and although I miss a day or two here and there, I ALWAYS get back on track really quickly. I no longer have any excuse not to exercise! It comes with a detachable handlebar so you can use it for a variety of exercises. About a year ago one of my husbands cousins came over to visit from New York. Over the last two decades I had slowly gained weight until I was wearing size 44 pants. I LOVE the Cellerciser. I have included the HIIT video and the whole-body workout, TRANSFORM 2411 for your reference. But the rebounder and the exercises I did on it, got that back into shape and I can jump worry free. My prayers were answered. I took before pictures and measurements, too! On the bungee based model, trying to jog was exhausting and unfulfilling. Cellerciser arrived Friday 21st of March 2008 -assembled and started I actually watched the DVD and read the instructions but did overdo it a bit to start. But I had to do something as my cholesterol, sugar levels and blood pressure were all too high. It'll help build strength, especially in all the muscles in your lower body. I want you to know how much we use and appreciate our Cellerciser. Join Me On. By the way, I am 63 years old. I hung in there. Sit on a surface with your feet about 6 inches away from the floor. Moreover, some claim that it helps boost our confidence. I just started using my rebounder and already I am seeing some positive results. The more you bounce the more you want to, it actually gets easier the longer you bounce, and your joints will never hurt. Thats what Ill continue to do because I see my body getting stronger every day before my eyes. After receiving the Cellerciser and setting-it up, he tried It for only 3 minutes just before bed. Any form of exercise will give you positive results and trampolines make it more fun. It is designed to be broken down and folded in half. I start every morning by filling up my nutribullet with the kale, pouring the pineapple juice up to the line, blending and drinking the entire jar. Trampoline Autism Therapy: The Therapeutic Trampoline. What a great exercise and you right what you said on your newest DVD, it works every part of your body. Who doesnt want to feel happy? It. Bacteria from your mouth can cause chronic infection and inflammation in other parts of your . The key again is to try and not give up. My A 1 c is at 5.2, my cholesterol and other blood markers are all excellent, and my blood pressure has been in the 120/75 range for 2-3 months now. My stamina is increasing, and my recovery time based on how winded I am and how long it takes to regain my normal breathing rate is decreasing. I found I had more energy and zest. Dental and Oral health is crucial for your overall well being. It stands much higher off the floor, feels like you're jumping . What a pleasure to be able to creatively challenge others to improve their health with just ONE piece of equipment. I also wanted to share my personal interval training that I do. In 3 weeks with Cellercise my body has changed dramatically, and I have used it every day without relapse. I do FEEL, in my body, after Ive done my 10 minutes that I am DONE for the day and can mark exercise off of my list. Still want to keep that success going. My blood Pressure was 170/95. Enjoy the stories! BODY TRANSFORMATION SERIES!Join Me On My Journey bit.ly/3qfaMX0My goal is to lose around 35-40 pounds by jumping on my mini trampoline! Morning + evening when I have to go to work. Not only have I lost weight and become more defined, but my energy level has reached a new high. Since I last sent you my HIIT workout (which you so kindly added to your app (what an honor, by the way! LOL!!! Dental and Oral. This part of my journey I started in May 2016 when I chose to live. It will really help in the short, wet, cold, nasty days of Fall/Winter! (Outfits To Shoes), 167 Calories Burned Jumping On a Trampoline Every 30 Minutes, Everything You Need To Know About Trampoline Dodgeball, Very Bouncy Trampolines And How to Make Your Trampoline Bouncier, Do You Need Trampoline Insurance? I was at a loss as to what I could do to stay in shape. It is the creme de la creme of rebounders in my opinion. Any type of exercise, such as walking, weight lifting or swimming, helps flush toxins in the lymph. My goal is to make multiple dives on multiple days from the breakwater at Avalon on Catalina Island, California. A study in the Journal of Cellulite found that after just 8 weeks of rebounding, participants had a significant reduction in cellulite. Lets go! It was tempting to call the workouts 11 CellerciseHER11; but thats for you to steal (HA! Ill keep you Informed of the weight loss. Regardless of age & fitness level, Cellercise offers full-body adaptive strength training that keeps you motivated. I am off most sugar, get sweet from fresh fruit. I LOVE this journey and this group! The rebounder have allows me to target muscle and body tone as well as pump up the lymph system. I bought my Cellerciser on October 5th, 2018. My husband complements me on my looks, my children are proud of me and I am overwhelmed by my positive results. Just bought Cellercise from you 3 weeks ago. I purchased a Cellercise with the hope of changing this. Although its only been a month for me, I can see some nice changes/slimming starting. It was great talking to you yesterday. 30 seconds of lung strengthening, 30 seconds rest (health bounce), 30 seconds sprint in place, 30 seconds rest (hip rock), 30 seconds. The added benefit and I dont understand it is I feel so happy! Contact us for details. I couldnt be happier with my life now as I even got rid of some of my wrinkles. I was feeling better and better. My clothes are looser, and even my posture has improved. For a better heart rate and oxygen consumption jumping on a trampoline is better for you than running. I do NOT feel my brain hitting my skull like with my first spring-based model. This relieved the tension from my back and helped me feel a lot better. I havent been able to exercise due to injuries -left upper-arm amputation (1973), sprained left hip, right shoulder dislocation plus nagging back injuries from being rear-ended and having four vertebrae ripped lose from my mid-upper back bone in 1988. JumpSport 570 PRO Fitness Trampoline 4. Without stressing the body or joints, using the Cellercise increases circulation and activates your cells to absorb more oxygen and vital nutrients.. MaXimus Pro Quarter Folding Mini Trampoline. Now, 4 months in, I have lost the 10 pounds I set out to lose and have lost 80 percent of my cellulite. Thank you EVERYONE. with you (given Cellercise is my muse;-) ). while bouncing so, its an exercise & praise session at the same time. It had gotten to where I had to have wheelchair assistance for all my flights, as I would be so out of breath from even walking up the jet bridge, to where I had to sit down for 10 minutes, just to recover. I cannot fully express my delight and amazement with the Cellercise! I ended up deciding between a couple, I was able to get the 800 number for Cellerciser and called. My husband and I have both lost inches using the Cellerciser. I am sure I would have gotten quicker results if I had, but I didnt want to. How to Move a Trampoline Without Taking it Apart? Received my Cellerciser on Thursday, (the first day of my expected delivery date range!) Ive owned two rebounders in the past and absolutely hated them! I could only run for about 30 seconds and then Id have to walk. I was diagnosed with Chronic fatigue Syndrome many years ago and used fascia and energy work to pull me out of it but could never regain my strength and knew something was missing. I got tired of looking at it and one day decided to dedicate myself to a good rebounder exercise routine. This has been quite dramatic for my husband. The overall effects of both body image and lifestyle have been astounding. Hilarious! San Jacinto Peak, Ca with some great friends. I really did not want to pay $330+ for one, when I remember having had a couple in the past that only cost about $30. If you dont love it, well take it back! Hello from Atlanta! Cellerciser before and after. The wireless network in my building was down and just came back on today. My name is Lisa, and here is my experience so far with Covid-19 and the AMAZING tri-fold Cellerciser: I am very overweight, much of it which happened when I suffered with long-haulers Covid. By the way, I did not change my diet. My only goal was to have FUN, feel GOOD, be HAPPY, and to get STRONG. I purchased a second cellerciser approximately four years ago to have at our winter home in Florida. These are in addition to my morning ritual. Theres no way I can write or tell you how much this means to me. The first one is my exercise routine, and the second, my stretching routine. In May of 2017 I did my first SK. And as always, I direct folks to your DVD and your excellent moves to address targeted toning on the Cellerciser. So Be It! The great part of it is its consistency. The best rebounder NOW even more affordable with just 4 easy payments. I noticed that the suggested maximum weight for the Cellerciser was 350 pounds so I kept working with the goal of getting to the point where I could use the Cellerciser. I borrowed a friends laptop and researched a lot of routines. Its been two weeks since my Cellercise arrived. When it came the unit was even better than I imagined. I also enjoy non scale benefits. My month-old size 10 jeans are bagging on me. Still walking still bouncing and loving it all. Within 2 weeks, I knew I was well on the way to recovery. The circle part of the bouncer that holds the trampoline springs and center part is made of out a square steel material. Compared to the rigors of other exercises it is truly a miracle. Place both your hands, palms down on the mat, on either side of you and tilt your upper body back slightly. Plus, I walk a lot. I love my Cellerciser!!! By the way my leg pain is totally gone just like you and Jerry said it would. I will do really well for the first week or two, and then Ill miss a day, get back on track for couple of days, and within 2 months, its all over. One of the lesser talked about benefits of exercise is that it moves your lymphatic fluid, which promotes detoxification in your body. I snack on celery and peanut butter, triscuit crackers and avocado dip. What a difference when I got the Cellercise! I have reduced several years ago from 180. Walking bored me so it was not an option. It is truly so easy after a few times of practice. In a good way. I went to school after I had finished my homework. With just a little consistency, this device has become a friend inasmuch as I take it on remote shoots, to hotels, etc., and cannot imagine life before, and certainly not without. It's nothing revolutionary. But after only 1 week, I began to see my body changing. My immune system was shot, and I got tired of being tired and sick. It's German workmanship and worth every penny. That evening I went home, and I prayed that the Lord would give me strength to proceed and be with me as I went. Thank you!!! ("down" is expected in order to complete the meaning). Learn more by clicking this link: learntheindustry.orgThere are so many body transformation testimonials! This feature is important because now everyone in the house can enjoy the same comfort level. I just hope out of it, others will purchase the unit. One month later I did my first 70.3 Half lronman Triathlon. Rea & Pat are leaders in our Church & so very special. The driver hit me so hard that I not only needed 19 stitches (my wife could actually see my jaw bone before I was stitched up) my face was pretty banged up, my watch lens shattered, even the face of my cell phone was cracked and it was in my backpack!! How Much Space You Need For a Trampoline? It turns out, I would have spent several times that money if I had kept buying the brand X rebounders and I would not have had the consistency I have experienced with the cellerciser. I was really thinking you were crazy but NOW! I have seen massive differences in myself as well as others (one woman that my wife and I work with has lost over 130 lbs. Got one from Big5 at first and it hurt my knees, felt jolting. 2022 Copyright Cellercise. It was made with very long, springs. (We call it -a bouncer and what we do on it Is bounce! The Cellerciser uses patented Tri-Daptable springs which have 3 tiers instead of just dual-tier than most other high-end rebounders. I really appreciate having this to help keep me being able to do the things I want to do. Prices have gone up a lot since then. My first rebounding video {and the first video I created) is now at 115K views. Bouncing multiple times per day -building up stamina and reducing recovery time daily. . I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you. SHOP NOW $134 INSTALLMENTS 4 EASY PAYMENTS 0% INTEREST FREE *Estimated for a Cellerciser Bi-Fold Rebounder. I was an avid jogger and aerobics instructor until my doctor told me that y back could not stand the compression anymore. My doctor told me at an appointment that my blood sugar was at 810, I should be in a diabetic coma. On the bungee-based model, trying to jog was exhausting and unfulfilling. My weight has creeped up to 160. It's a test to see strength and balance before using and after using a Cellerciser for the first time. is especially good for those needing to start exercising but have little energy and strength nothing is better at building energy and strength without stress on any level. Cellercise, Cellerciser and Cellology, The TriDaptable Spring and the MrRebounder program are copyrighted as the exclusive intellectual property of David Hall and Health and Beyond LLC. My 5-day schedule works well for me. I call this method Transform 24 because I was able to transform these trouble areas in 24 workouts. The Cellerciser is also perfect for smoothing out energy after a session to make sure that there arent any energy Imbalances, everything is perfectly smoothed out and evenly distributed. The diet and Cellercising cleaned up my leaky gut which ended my chronic fatigue. She says the rebounder is the best piece of exercise equipment she has ever owned. You can call the company; I have talked to Dave Hall who is extremely helpful. One of the first things I noticed while on the Cellerciser was a low level clicking sound in my ears. I started to lose weight and muscles started to pop out all over. I have lost over 60 lbs. He answered my questions, shared personal stories of his use of the Cellerciser, and gave me some suggestions for my program, that Ill be adding here in just a few minutes when I finish this message. Greetings, from a great fan of the Cellercise Rebounder. Eating less food, less junk, less sugar. Feeling pretty darn happy. Learn to use it properly. I found I had more energy and zest. Encouraged, I extended my target zones to the tension on my back. Thank you for a great piece of equipment that has not only lasted all these years but has helped me lose 60 pounds and maintain for four years now. In researching I came across the Cellerciser did my due diligence and decided to purchase it and received it on 5/16. Now he has a trim stomach and looks really great. Technique is important. Huge benefits of rebounding - YouTube 30 Day Challenge Day 1. I must have had a short stint of insanity when I returned to the old, boot-camp form of exercise. Their words should help encourage you in your struggle against weight gain, cellulite and other health issues. The Heavenly Father has directed me to other products that have exceeded my expectations - those developed by Dr. Carolyn Dean, who has over 40 years as a medical doctor and is also a naturopath. It firms under arms, neck, and butt sags. It sat in her basement unused for quite a few years until my two-year-old son started jumping on it. I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you. I remember calling my husband from SLC one trip, when it all started, and telling him I didnt know if I was going to make it. I am so sorry this was so long. I can literally see the fat coming off my waist and belly. 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