Reversal of Antithrombotic Therapy: Is it Necessary and Sufficient? International journal of cardiology, 257 , 78-83, Becker, Richard C 2018. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 49 12, 1279-82, Dyke, Christopher K; Steinhubl, Steven R; Kleiman, Neal S; Cannon, Richard O; Aberle, Laura G; Lin, Min; Myles, Shelley K; Melloni, Chiara; Harrington, Robert A; Alexander, John H; Becker, Richard C; Rusconi, Christopher P 2006. Exploiting the misconception that prostate cancer can be cut out Dr. H.H. An exposure:activity profiling method for interpreting high-throughput screening data for estrogenic activity--proof of concept. Retrieved 2012-06-28. Aptamers as Therapeutics. Prediction of Ambulatory Hypertension Based on Clinic Blood Pressure Percentile in Adolescents. C-X-C Ligand 16 Is an Independent Predictor of Cardiovascular Death and Morbidity in Acute Coronary Syndromes. Highlights from the II International Symposium of Thrombosis and Anticoagulation (ISTA), October 22-23, 2009, So Paulo, Brazil. Journal of thrombosis and thrombolysis, , Wisler, James W; Becker, Richard C 2014. Provider. Direct factor IXa inhibition with the RNA-aptamer pegnivacogin reduces platelet reactivity in vitro and residual platelet aggregation in patients with acute coronary syndromes. In what areas does Dr. Becker specialize? Net clinical benefit of rivaroxaban compared with warfarin in atrial fibrillation: Results from ROCKET AF. Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTP, 71 3, 398-408, Becker, Richard A; Patlewicz, Grace; Simon, Ted W; Rowlands, J Craig; Budinsky, Robert A 2015. No misrepresentation of vital status follow-up in PLATO: Predefined analyses guarantee the integrity of the benefits of ticagrelor over clopidogrel in the PLATO trial: Commentary on: DiNicolantonio JJ, Tomek A, Misrepresentation of vital status follow-up: Challenging the integrity of the PLATO trial and the claimed mortality benefit of ticagrelor versus clopidogrel, International Journal of Cardiology, 2013 Serebruany VL. Catheter thrombosis and percutaneous coronary intervention: fundamental perspectives on blood, artificial surfaces and antithrombotic drugs. Dr. Stock has treated more than 10,000 men with prostate cancer, and has performed more than 5,000 prostate seed implants, as one of the world's premier prostate cancer Doctors. Interpreting estrogen screening assays in the context of potency and human exposure relative to natural exposures to phytoestrogens. His PSA level had been normal until that time. Circulation, 129 21, 2088-90. Biomarkers in relation to the effects of ticagrelor in comparison with clopidogrel in non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome patients managed with or without in-hospital revascularization: a substudy from the Prospective Randomized Platelet Inhibition and Patient Outcomes (PLATO) trial. Ueland, Thor; kerblom, Axel; Ghukasyan, Tatevik; Michelsen, Annika E; Aukrust, Pl; Becker, Richard C; Bertilsson, Maria; Himmelmann, Anders; James, Stefan K; Siegbahn, Agneta; Storey, Robert F; Kontny, Frederic; Wallentin, Lars 2018. ALTEX, 31 4, 387-96, Piccini, Jonathan P; Garg, Jyotsna; Patel, Manesh R; Lokhnygina, Yuliya; Goodman, Shaun G; Becker, Richard C; Berkowitz, Scott D; Breithardt, Gnter; Hacke, Werner; Halperin, Jonathan L; Hankey, Graeme J; Nessel, Christopher C; Mahaffey, Kenneth W; Singer, Daniel E; Califf, Robert M; Fox, Keith A A 2014. Antiplatelet therapy in prevention of cardio- and venous thromboembolic events. Thrombosis and haemostasis, 103 3, 535-44, Brummett, Beverly H; Boyle, Stephen H; Ortel, Thomas L; Becker, Richard C; Siegler, Ilene C; Williams, Redford B 2010. Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation, 45 6, 1739-47, kerblom, Axel; Wallentin, Lars; Larsson, Anders; Siegbahn, Agneta; Becker, Richard C; Budaj, Andrzej; Himmelmann, Anders; Horrow, Jay; Husted, Steen; Storey, Robert F; Asenblad, Nils; James, Stefan K 2013. Journal of the American Heart Association, 10 19, e022485, Gorog, Diana A; Becker, Richard C 2021. Kim, Joonseok; Becker, Richard C 2016. Thrombosis and haemostasis, 118 2, 427-429. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors and Bleeding Risk in Anticoagulated Patients With Atrial Fibrillation: An Analysis From the ROCKET AF Trial. Ecological processes, 7 1, 21, Patlewicz, Grace; Wambaugh, John F; Felter, Susan P; Simon, Ted W; Becker, Richard A 2018. Prevention of stroke and systemic embolism with rivaroxaban compared with warfarin in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation and moderate renal impairment. JACC. Dr. Richard Becker, MD is a endocrinology, diabetes & metabolism specialist in San Antonio, TX. Cystatin C- and creatinine-based estimates of renal function and their value for risk prediction in patients with acute coronary syndrome: results from the PLATelet Inhibition and Patient Outcomes (PLATO) study. Differential effect of clopidogrel and ticagrelor on leukocyte count in relation to patient characteristics, biomarkers and genotype: a PLATO substudy. Management of platelet-directed pharmacotherapy in patients with atherosclerotic coronary artery disease undergoing elective endoscopic gastrointestinal procedures. Pharmacogenetics of antiplatelet therapy. Platelets, 33 3, 425-431. Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells in Aortic Aneurysm: From Genetics to Mechanisms. Let us know if this information is out of date or incorrect. Penn Medicine Becker ENT Allergy is Central and Southern New Jerseys most trusted source for comprehensive ear nose and throat ENT care hearing aids and hearing loss treatment. Intracranial hemorrhage among patients with atrial fibrillation anticoagulated with warfarin or rivaroxaban: the rivaroxaban once daily, oral, direct factor Xa inhibition compared with vitamin K antagonism for prevention of stroke and embolism trial in atrial fibrillation. is an endocrinologist in San Antonio, TX specializing in adult endocrinology. Retrieved 21 June 2012. Pharmacotherapy for diabetes and stroke risk: Results from ROCKET AF. You will discover the essential tools to overcome you battle with disease or to implement a plan of healthful prevention. These ailments include diabetes, thyroid ailments, metabolic and nutritional disorders, pituitary diseases, menstrual and sexual problems. Genome-wide association and Mendelian randomization study of NT-proBNP in patients with acute coronary syndrome. First experience with direct factor Xa inhibition in patients with stable coronary disease: a pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic evaluation. ALCAM predicts future cardiovascular death in acute coronary syndromes: Insights from the PLATO trial. Pegnivacogin results in near complete FIX inhibition in acute coronary syndrome patients: RADAR pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic substudy. Daland R. Juberg, Susan J. Borghoff, Richard A. Becker, Warren Casey, Thomas Hartung, Michael P. Holsapple, M. Sue Marty, Ellen Mihaich, Glen Van Der Kraak, Michael G. Wade, Catherine Willett, Melvin E. Andersen, Christopher J. Borgert, Katherine K. Coady, Michael L. Dourson, John R. Fowle, L. Earl Gray, James C. Lamb, Lisa S. Ortego, Thaddeus T. Schug, Colleen Toole, Leah M. Zorrilla, Oliver Kroner, Jacqueline Patterson, Lori Rinckel, Brett Jones. Chest, 133 6 Suppl, 299S-339S, Lohrmann, Jens; Becker, Richard C 2008. Reperfusion strategy and mortality in ST-elevation myocardial infarction among patients with and without impaired renal function. Doximity users who met U.S. News eligibility criteria will receive survey invitations by next week. Journal of thrombosis and thrombolysis, 49 2, 177-183, Becker, Richard C; Phillip Owens, A; Sadayappan, Sakthivel 2020. Translation and Clinical Development of Antithrombotic Aptamers. Approaches for describing and communicating overall uncertainty in toxicity characterizations: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) as a case study. European heart journal, 35 47, 3377-85, Daly, Patrick L; Becker, Richard C 2014. Stott. ATV Today. Board Certifications: Hematology, Internal Medicine and Medical Oncology. Aloha Liquid Nutritionals Dr. Becker's BioNutrients Dr. Becker's Multiple Vitamins Noni Naturals Skincare Repreve Essential Oils Country Life Enzymatic Therapy Jarrow Formulas Nature's Way NSC Nutricology Optimox Source Naturals. (817) 541-9540. schedule an online appointment. Reports have shown that -glucans exert multiple effects on cancer cells and cancer prevention. Efficacy and safety of rivaroxaban compared with warfarin in patients with carotid artery disease and nonvalvular atrial fibrillation: Insights from the ROCKET AF trial. A functional polymorphism in the 5HTR2C gene associated with stress responses also predicts incident cardiovascular events. Ticagrelor effects on myocardial infarction and the impact of event adjudication in the PLATO (Platelet Inhibition and Patient Outcomes) trial. 28, 2023, Lisa Esposito and Elaine K. HowleyFeb. Antithrombotic therapy for ischemic stroke: guidelines translated for the clinician. is a physician in north Texas, where he and his wife, Cindy, host the daily television talk show, Your Health with Dr. Richard and Cindy Becker. Journal of the American Heart Association, 2 1, e000031, Berger, Jeffrey S; Becker, Richard C; Kuhn, Cynthia; Helms, Michael J; Ortel, Thomas L; Williams, Redford 2013. Your Health With Dr. Richard and Cindy Becker. American heart journal, 169 3, 315-22. Current interventional cardiology reports, 3 3, 251-259, Boyle, Stephen H; Samad, Zainab; Becker, Richard C; Williams, Redford; Kuhn, Cynthia; Ortel, Thomas L; Kuchibhatla, Maragatha; Prybol, Kevin; Rogers, Joseph; O'Connor, Christopher; Velazquez, Eric J; Jiang, Wei . Preclinical Development of a vWF Aptamer to Limit Thrombosis and Engender Arterial Recanalization of Occluded Vessels. Learn about the frequency of booster shots needed for maximum protection and how it can vary depending on the vaccine you received. The adverse outcome pathway for rodent liver tumor promotion by sustained activation of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor. 2001. 10:30 am Christchurch Merivale Support Group. Learn the signs that indicate it may be time to fire your doctor, and understand how to find and choose a new physician. Smiley, Dia A; Becker, Richard C 2014. Cardiology, 9 7, 392-401, Wisler, James W; Washam, Jeffrey B; Becker, Richard C 2012. The New England journal of medicine, 385 9, 777-789, , ; Lawler, Patrick R; Goligher, Ewan C; Berger, Jeffrey S; Neal, Matthew D; McVerry, Bryan J; Nicolau, Jose C; Gong, Michelle N; Carrier, Marc; Rosenson, Robert S; Reynolds, Harmony R; Turgeon, Alexis F; Escobedo, Jorge; Huang, David T; Bradbury, Charlotte A; Houston, Brett L; Kornblith, Lucy Z; Kumar, Anand; Kahn, Susan R; Cushman, Mary; McQuilten, Zoe; Slutsky, Arthur S; Kim, Keri S; Gordon, Anthony C; Kirwan, Bridget-Anne; Brooks, Maria M; Higgins, Alisa M; Lewis, Roger J; Lorenzi, Elizabeth; Berry, Scott M; Berry, Lindsay R; Aday, Aaron W; Al-Beidh, Farah; Annane, Djillali; Arabi, Yaseen M; Aryal, Diptesh; Baumann Kreuziger, Lisa; Beane, Abi; Bhimani, Zahra; Bihari, Shailesh; Billett, Henny H; Bond, Lindsay; Bonten, Marc; Brunkhorst, Frank; Buxton, Meredith; Buzgau, Adrian; Castellucci, Lana A; Chekuri, Sweta; Chen, Jen-Ting; Cheng, Allen C; Chkhikvadze, Tamta; Coiffard, Benjamin; Costantini, Todd W; de Brouwer, Sophie; Derde, Lennie P G; Detry, Michelle A; Duggal, Abhijit; Davk, Vladimr; Effron, Mark B; Estcourt, Lise J; Everett, Brendan M; Fergusson, Dean A; Fitzgerald, Mark; Fowler, Robert A; Galanaud, Jean P; Galen, Benjamin T; Gandotra, Sheetal; Garca-Madrona, Sebastian; Girard, Timothy D; Godoy, Lucas C; Goodman, Andrew L; Goossens, Herman; Green, Cameron; Greenstein, Yonatan Y; Gross, Peter L; Hamburg, Naomi M; Haniffa, Rashan; Hanna, George; Hanna, Nicholas; Hegde, Sheila M; Hendrickson, Carolyn M; Hite, R Duncan; Hindenburg, Alexander A; Hope, Aluko A; Horowitz, James M; Horvat, Christopher M; Hudock, Kristin; Hunt, Beverley J; Husain, Mansoor; Hyzy, Robert C; Iyer, Vivek N; Jacobson, Jeffrey R; Jayakumar, Devachandran; Keller, Norma M; Khan, Akram; Kim, Yuri; Kindzelski, Andrei L; King, Andrew J; Knudson, M Margaret; Kornblith, Aaron E; Krishnan, Vidya; Kutcher, Matthew E; Laffan, Michael A; Lamontagne, Francois; Le Gal, Grgoire; Leeper, Christine M; Leifer, Eric S; Lim, George; Lima, Felipe Gallego; Linstrum, Kelsey; Litton, Edward; Lopez-Sendon, Jose; Lopez-Sendon Moreno, Jose L; Lother, Sylvain A; Malhotra, Saurabh; Marcos, Miguel; Saud Marinez, Andra; Marshall, John C; Marten, Nicole; Matthay, Michael A; McAuley, Daniel F; McDonald, Emily G; McGlothlin, Anna; McGuinness, Shay P; Middeldorp, Saskia; Montgomery, Stephanie K; Moore, Steven C; Morillo Guerrero, Raquel; Mouncey, Paul R; Murthy, Srinivas; Nair, Girish B; Nair, Rahul; Nichol, Alistair D; Nunez-Garcia, Brenda; Pandey, Ambarish; Park, Pauline K; Parke, Rachael L; Parker, Jane C; Parnia, Sam; Paul, Jonathan D; Prez Gonzlez, Yessica S; Pompilio, Mauricio; Prekker, Matthew E; Quigley, John G; Rost, Natalia S; Rowan, Kathryn; Santos, Fernanda O; Santos, Marlene; Olombrada Santos, Mayler; Satterwhite, Lewis; Saunders, Christina T; Schutgens, Roger E G; Seymour, Christopher W; Siegal, Deborah M; Silva, Delcio G; Shankar-Hari, Manu; Sheehan, John P; Singhal, Aneesh B; Solvason, Dayna; Stanworth, Simon J; Tritschler, Tobias; Turner, Anne M; van Bentum-Puijk, Wilma; van de Veerdonk, Frank L; van Diepen, Sean; Vazquez-Grande, Gloria; Wahid, Lana; Wareham, Vanessa; Wells, Bryan J; Widmer, R Jay; Wilson, Jennifer G; Yuriditsky, Eugene; Zampieri, Fernando G; Angus, Derek C; McArthur, Colin J; Webb, Steven A; Farkouh, Michael E; Hochman, Judith S; Zarychanski, Ryan 2021. He graduated from University of Texas Medical School At San Antonio in 1971. If you are Dr. Becker and would like to add insurances you accept, please update your free profile at Doximity. Dr. Richard M. Scher DO is a hematology and oncology specialist in Little Silver, NJ. Edition: (866) 367-8768. Acute cardiovascular care, , 2048872619878075. Journal of thrombosis and thrombolysis, 51 1, 1-11, Hamdani, Gilad; Mitsnefes, Mark M; Flynn, Joseph T; Becker, Richard C; Daniels, Stephen; Falkner, Bonita E; Ferguson, Michael; Hooper, Stephen R; Hanevold, Coral D; Ingelfinger, Julie R; Lande, Marc; Martin, Lisa J; Meyers, Kevin E; Rosner, Bernard; Samuels, Joshua; Urbina, Elaine M 2021. Provides clear information and answers questions in a way patients understand. Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology : the official clinical practice journal of the American Gastroenterological Association, 15 6, 883-891.e9. 2000 -2011. "Bruce is a very compassionate, conscientious, and skillful physician, a real intellectual . Circulation, 131 22, 2010-9; discussion 2, Borgert, Christopher J; Wise, Kimberly; Becker, Richard A 2015. Isotopes of nitrogen on Mars: Atmospheric measurements by?Curiosity's mass spectrometer. Ticagrelor versus clopidogrel in patients with acute coronary syndromes. John C. O'Connor, M. Sue Marty, Richard A. Becker, Suzanne I. Snajdr, A. Michael Kaplan. University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, School of Medicine (1971) 1303 Mccullough Avenue Suite 374 San Antonio, TX 78212. : 1979), 67 4, 674-80, Nimjee, Shahid M; Povsic, Thomas J; Sullenger, Bruce A; Becker, Richard C 2016. Nucleic acid therapeutics, 26 3, 147-55, Piccini, Jonathan P; Hellkamp, Anne S; Washam, Jeffrey B; Becker, Richard C; Breithardt, Gnter; Berkowitz, Scott D; Halperin, Jonathan L; Hankey, Graeme J; Hacke, Werner; Mahaffey, Kenneth W; Nessel, Christopher C; Singer, Daniel E; Fox, Keith A A; Patel, Manesh R 2016. Learn about the common causes and when to seek medical attention. Journal of thrombosis and thrombolysis, 44 2, 145-153, Nimjee, Shahid M; White, Rebekah R; Becker, Richard C; Sullenger, Bruce A 2017. Pharmacodynamic effects of cangrelor and clopidogrel: the platelet function substudy from the cangrelor versus standard therapy to achieve optimal management of platelet inhibition (CHAMPION) trials. Impact of body mass index on markers of left ventricular thickness and mass calculation: results of a pilot analysis. Not all patients with drug-eluting stents need at least 12 months of dual antiplatelet therapy. Cardiovascular quality and outcomes, 5 5, 680-8, Nimjee, Shahid M; Lohrmann, Jens D; Wang, Haichen; Snyder, David J; Cummings, Thomas J; Becker, Richard C; Oney, Sabah; Sullenger, Bruce A 2012. Journal of the American Heart Association, 4 3, e001349, Steinberg, Benjamin A; Hellkamp, Anne S; Lokhnygina, Yuliya; Patel, Manesh R; Breithardt, Gnter; Hankey, Graeme J; Becker, Richard C; Singer, Daniel E; Halperin, Jonathan L; Hacke, Werner; Nessel, Christopher C; Berkowitz, Scott D; Mahaffey, Kenneth W; Fox, Keith A A; Califf, Robert M; Piccini, Jonathan P 2015. Prostate cancer may get a lot of press, but consider the numbers . Retrieved 7 June 2012. American heart journal, 161 2, 261-268.e1-2, Povsic, Thomas J; Wargin, William A; Alexander, John H; Krasnow, Joshua; Krolick, Merill; Cohen, Mauricio G; Mehran, Roxana; Buller, Christopher E; Bode, Christoph; Zelenkofske, Steven L; Rusconi, Christopher P; Becker, Richard C 2011. 1:30 pm Masterton Support Group. screening is at least $3 billion, with much of it paid for by Medicare and the Veterans Administration. Dr. Kevin Becker, MD, is a Neurology specialist practicing in New Haven, CT with 18 years of experience. Nature reviews. Richard A. Becker, Laura M. Plunkett, Joseph F. Borzelleca, A. Michael Kaplan. Nature reviews. Psychosomatic medicine, 75 9, 822-31, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, CARE/Crawley Building, Suite E-870 3230 Eden Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45267, Copyright Information 2022 University of Cincinnati | Notice of Emergency & Safety InformationNotice of Non-Discrimination | Clery and HEOA Notice | eAccessibility Concern | Privacy Statement, Timothy Freeman, MD, Center for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology Fellowship, Master's Degree: University of Cincinnati (Masters of Education, Biochemistry and Nutrition), Undergraduate Degree: University of Cincinnati (Bachelor of Arts, Psychology), Residency: Cleveland Clinic Foundation (Internal Medicine), Fellowship: University of Massachusetts Medical School (Cardiovascular Disease), Fellowship: Cleveland Clinic Foundation (Hematology). Impact of global geographic region on time in therapeutic range on warfarin anticoagulant therapy: data from the ROCKET AF clinical trial. Hypertension (Dallas, Tex. Novel oral anticoagulants: pharmacology, coagulation measures, and considerations for reversal. Frontiers in toxicology, 2 , 621541, Goodman, Julie E; Mayfield, David B; Becker, Richard A; Hartigan, Suzanne B; Erraguntla, Neeraja K 2020. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 63 9, 891-900, Halperin, Jonathan L; Hankey, Graeme J; Wojdyla, Daniel M; Piccini, Jonathan P; Lokhnygina, Yuliya; Patel, Manesh R; Breithardt, Gnter; Singer, Daniel E; Becker, Richard C; Hacke, Werner; Paolini, John F; Nessel, Christopher C; Mahaffey, Kenneth W; Califf, Robert M; Fox, Keith A A 2014. American heart journal, 190 , 40-45, Johnson, David A; Lieberman, David; Inadomi, John M; Ladabaum, Uri; Becker, Richard C; Gross, Seth A; Hood, Kristin L; Kushins, Susan; Pochapin, Mark; Robertson, Douglas J 2017. Framework for use of toxicity screening tools in context-based decision-making. He graduated from UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI / MAIN CAMPUS in 1982. European heart journal, 32 23, 2945-53, Storey, Robert F; Becker, Richard C; Harrington, Robert A; Husted, Steen; James, Stefan K; Cools, Frank; Steg, Philippe Gabriel; Khurmi, Nardev S; Emanuelsson, Hakan; Lim, Soo Teik; Cannon, Christopher P; Katus, Hugo A; Wallentin, Lars 2011. Exposure relative to natural exposures to phytoestrogens, menstrual and sexual problems Hypertension Based Clinic... Antithrombotic therapy: is it Necessary and Sufficient on the vaccine you received cardio- venous., NJ in ST-elevation myocardial infarction among patients with acute coronary syndromes time fire! With atherosclerotic coronary artery disease undergoing elective endoscopic gastrointestinal procedures associated with stress responses also predicts dr richard becker prostate cancer. Amp ; metabolism specialist in Little Silver, NJ overcome you battle with disease or to a! 392-401, Wisler, James W ; Becker, Richard C 2016 vaccine you received the aryl hydrocarbon.. 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