gasland transcript

Sociopolitical Documentary hosted by Josh Fox, gasland documentary transcriptwvu mechanical engineering research. [3] Horizontal drilling, a recent innovation in drilling techniques, can create horizontal pathways deep within the earth, and has successfully incorporated hydraulic fracturing to release fluids from shale formations. Fox talks not only to people who agreed to sign the contract and accepted their lands to be drilled. The Internet Movie Script Database (IMSDb) The web's largest movie script resource! [] By grounding a massive environmental issue in its personal ramifications, Fox turns Gasland into a remarkably urgent diary of national concerns. Parents of students under 18 can learn how to sign up on ourAcademic counseling page. This is a rush transcript. It may take 5-7 business days to process your request. Fox argues that the only effective way to take arms against companies and politicians is coordinated popular pressure: that people join in a common front and abandon the isolation that condemns they to failure. *Professional Development/Graduate Workshop students: If you are waiting for a grade to post, please mark 'hold for grades' and list the courses for which you are awaiting grades. Human diseases, fatal and perhaps lethal. On the contrary, most if not all of them could be referred to as representatives of the lower middle class whose income is not that big to refuse from rather lucrative suggestions which Fox mentioned at the beginning of the film. Unfortunately, many suffering residents find that their laws do nothing to prevent damaging gas drilling. From the very beginning any viewer can get the feeling that it is full of mysteries or even conspiracies. [25], In an article for Forbes magazine, Dr. Michael Economides, a professor of engineering at the University of Houston and former consultant for energy companies including Chevron, Shell, and Petrobras,[26] commented on the "scene from the upcoming documentary Gasland, which features a man lighting his faucet water on fire and making the ridiculous claim that natural gas drilling is responsible for the incident. This includes cumulative folders, paper transcripts, and other records. He made the film over the course of about eighteen months and often worked as a one-man crew while filming, though later in the process he sometimes employed additional camera operators. We'll find the best writer for you subject! The company hopes to tap into a reservoir dubbed the "Saudi Arabia of natural gas." Halliburton developed a way to get the gas out of the ground-a hydraulic drilling process called . Several independent chemical analysis shown in the documentary detected many of the toxic chemical products added to fracking water. tiny black tadpole looking bug in bathroom; ff14 plasmoid iron lake location; top 10 most dangerous areas in cape town; cockapoo rescue michigan; floris nicolas ali, baron van pallandt cause of death; Josh Fox lives in the Upper Delaware River Basin, on the border straddling Pennsylvania and New York State. "[14], A review in the Denton Record Chronicle said that "Fox decides that his own backyard in Pennsylvania isnt his exclusive property. (1851.12Mb) Subtitles: [eng] responsibility, Free revisions according to our Revision Policy, Free formatting (APA, MLA, Chicago, Harvard and others). It is happening all across America-rural landowners wake up one day to find a lucrative offer from an energy company wanting to lease their property. If you continue to receive error messages, screenshot the error message and email it toLoree Jones-Huggins, Location: 720 Stadium Drive, Garland TX 75042. Note: Although the USA are the worlds largest producer of oil, the non-conventional extraction means employed in this country are much more expensive than the techniques employed in countries such Iran, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia, which dont need to spend so much money in obtaining their conventional oil, so they can sell it much cheaper. Fourth body paragraph Film "Gasland" This is viewer supported news. One should thank Fenton, Fox an all the people combating this new form of attack on Earth and its inhabitants for revealing the terrible risks posed by fracking. [18], In Australia, film critic Julie Riggs called the documentary a "horror movie, and a wake-up call."[19][20]. this moviee focuses on Comiunties in the United states which are affected by natural gas drilling. Later on Fox discovered that gas companies decided to extract gas from peoples wells since it was too obvious that a lot of natural gas came out of them. Official transcripts can be used to apply for jobs and are a necessity for applying to college. One must understand that we all contribute to that problem. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Requests are fulfilled in the order that they are received, with no exceptions. Last aired April 2010. For the common good of all, it is necessary to take part in this unequal fight: the threat is serious. And people have been drinking this polluted water for months and years. Sometimes they're used as part of the compounds. For details about specific programming, see the. Gasland Hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking, is a process in which natural gas is extracted from shale deposits underground. Among the many worthy witnesses in Gasland there is an special one. Fracturing Responsibility and Awareness of Chemicals Act, Independent Petroleum Association of America, Outstanding Directing for Nonfiction Programming, Outstanding Writing for Nonfiction Programming, Outstanding Cinematography for Nonfiction Programming, Exceptional Merit in Nonfiction Programming, How to Let Go of the World and Love All the Things Climate Can't Change, "Groundtruthing Academy Award Nominee 'Gasland', "Advancements Through 15 Years of Fracturing", "Sparks Fly Over 'Gasland' Drilling Documentary", Australia's Special Broadcasting Service (SBS) film page on, "S. 1215: Fracturing Responsibility and Awareness of Chemicals (FRAC) Act. The list is long, and the names are of products who nobody who loves life would like to have inside his or her organism. gasland documentary transcript close. Fox was the only present. You must provide complete addresses. Find guidelines and procedures for requesting a transcript and other student records. An exploration of the fracking petroleum extraction industry and the serious environmental consequences involved. Music often does not correspond to images shown in the film. He found that water in such areas was no longer fresh since it was mixed with natural gas and in some cases the percentage of gas was so high that water could catch on fire if some source of fire was near. Winner of Special Jury Prize - Best US Documentary. web pages The big problem is that it seldom happens. Other energy sources like wind and sun. While watching this film one might wonder why all that happened in the first place or why those people (cowboys and farmers) sold or leased their land to such monsters. And the same could be said about the workers who work at corporations like Halliburton to make money for their families even at the expense of their own health since chemical burns are only some of the health-related problems which people exposed to fracturing fluids experience. At the same time they easily refute any counter argument providing no evidence at all as if it was an indisputable fact. An attentive viewer could easily notice the way those people were dressed, what cars or houses they had in order to deduce that all of them are not representatives of the middle class which America is so proud of. The clip, though attention-getting, is wildly inaccurate and irresponsible. Writing Tips, Samples and News for Students. Copyright 2008-2023 As for me, several aspects of this film convinced me that fracking is a very dangerous practice and that it should be prohibited. You can put it right on the banks of the Colorado River, which supplies all the water to Los Angeles. How can people protect themselves in the United States, how people will be able to defend themselves in Europe, Africa, Asia when the cruel logics of business attacks this continents? With an enrollment of over 50,000 students, it is not practical to maintain student files indefinitely. Education Verifications requests for former students should be sent by fax with a signed release from the student, authorizing the release of "education" or "school" records. However, that remains to be seen whether it was the U.S. blessing or its biggest curse. ". They were exempted from the Safe Drinking Water Act by the 2005 Energy bill. Greetings again from the darkness. First of all, the film is the result of a natural suspicion which everyone would experience if he or she suddenly received such a tempting proposal. I was going there because Ive heard a lot of complaints and because Ive heard the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection had said that everything was going fine (Fox, 2010). (3387.18Mb), Categories: Sociopolitical | Josh Fox | HBO | 2013 | English | Name, Into Eternity: This Place should not be disturbed, The Blowout - The Deepwater Horizon Disaster,,,, Framerate: 23.976 fps (Constant Frame Rate). It's going to be a fire hydrant in the middle of a field -- very little impact to your land. Please view theQuick Start Guide and the videos below for instructions on how to register on GreenLight. One can easily notice the atmosphere of the film. Gas supplies in America are considered to be so rich that they are often compared to a virtual ocean of natural gas. GreenLight allows for academic records to be shared and accessed securely, instantly, anytime and anywhere. [] Set to his own banjo music and clever footage, Gasland is both sad and scary." Fox promptly responded with a decisive . And in some communities, people were able to light the water coming out of their faucets on fire -- because chemicals from the natural gas drilling process had seeped into the water. (LogOut/ It seemed like normal life had just been turned completely upside down. what symbiote would you bond with quiz. Copy may not be in its final form. Fracking has allowed gas and oil American companies to reach big reserves of natural gas in the undersoil, and through this finding the United States were able for a while to become an energetic power and get over one of its many capitalist crisis. on the Internet. Josh Fox rehearsing The Truth Has Changed, NYC January 2020. GISD is not equipped to accept electronic payments at this time. Gasland Part II (2013) - full transcript. directed and produced by james fox released in 2010. this movie won different awards and nominations. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. L. 109-58, TITLE III, Subtitle C, SEC. This toxic water has caused chronic diseases and, in some cases, deaths. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); | Games | Quizzes | Contact |Privacy & Terms | Manage Cookies |Advertise | DMCA. Unlike many environmental documentaries which doesnt reflect on the best way to present problems, Gasland doesnt forget at any moment his nature of film, of a means of critical information and knowledge. He even attends a meeting of a Congress subcommittee where it is debated the necessity for the companies to make public the chemicals they throw into subsoil and aquifers. Electronic transcripts expire after 30 days. Introduction Such representatives provide results of some probably non-existent or forged researches which claim that fracking is beneficial not only to economy, but to environment as well. Even if the summer camps aren't leased, their neighbors are leasing. See production, box office & company info, Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple. Ashland University Copyright 2023. "That's one of the most dramatic and spectacular things in the film. detergent poisoning first aid; Checkout; 1,000 facts about sharks; heavy duty door chain stop. (This includes the name of the institution and/or person, street address or PO box, city, state, and zip Code.). Fox wanted to find out whether the Dimock case was a rule or an exception. As for the cinematographic aspects, Gasland is a good, well-done film. Basically, these drilling are made by injecting chemicals in the soil so as to widen fractures in the rock placed above gas and oil, and so making these fossil fuels surface through them. Please use our services as samples or with proper reference. hide caption. Among its numerous nominations and awards, the film was nominated for Best Documentary Feature at the 83rd Academy Awards[2][4] and won Outstanding Directing for Nonfiction Programming at the 63rd Primetime Emmy Awards. Fox shows that a group of New Yorkers worried about the effects of fracking in the quality of water and in human health commissioned an independent investigation which left them even more worried; the group convened a press conference to present the situation, but no journalist attended the meeting. There were gas well pads everywhere. And finally, it is clear that Fox had no commercial interest in making this film and that purely ethical reasons forced him to make this research and present it to others. Fox also calculated that each well was used for several (around 4 to 5) times and that each of such wells required approximately of 1 billion gallons of water mixed with chemicals. women's 3m springboard semi final, st louis birthday party venues for adults, whitaker family odd, west virginia address, pros and cons of culturally responsive teaching, ar dheis de go raibh a anam uasal translation, what happens to the pharaoh wife when he died. To protect the privacy and security of Ashland University student information, transcript requests will no longer be accepted through email or fax. Fox went to the closest area called Dimock in Pennsylvania where such wells were already drilled. (LogOut/ Josh Fox Menu. Marcellus Shale was the Saudi Arabia of natural gas according to one of such official statements and it was presented as a life buoy for the country which is one of the biggest consumers of fuel (Fox, 2010). ", "New Anti-Fracking Film by Gasland's Josh Fox Targets Cuomo: 'Governor, What Color Will the Sky Be Over New York?' The latter ranges from headaches, dizziness and stomach problems to burnt lungs and brain tumors (Fox, 2010). Fruithunter Films  The Concept of Islam Religion Essay, Interesting Tips How to Write a Masters Thesis , Notice on social In Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Texas, and other States (up to 24) where fracking is widespread, he found people affected by serious health problems (neurological, digestive, circulation disorders) caused by fracking pollution in groundwater and surface water, air and soil. If you attended or graduated from a Garland ISD school in 2017 or before: Complete this Google form Because if the neighboring property next to me is leased and I want to sell my house, I'm in a very difficult situation, and it's very hard for me to get financing from a bank because I'm now adjacent to an industrial zone. Gasland is a 2010 American documentary film written and directed by Josh Fox. Scientists, government employees, and politicians describe how the Energy Policy Act of 2005 exempted hydraulic fracturing from the Safe Drinking Water Act,[8] making the practice essentially unregulated, and, in the end, Fox finds himself in the halls of Congress as a subcommittee discusses the Fracturing Responsibility and Awareness of Chemicals Act, "a bill to amend the Safe Drinking Water Act to repeal a certain exemption for hydraulic fracturing"[9] (the proposal never made it past the committee stage). Other reports denying connections between fracking and pollution of aquifers have turned out to be financed by industry. Transcripts will not be sent to a personal email address. By the time I got there a month later, there were children who were getting sick [and] animals who were getting sick and the whole place was pretty much laid to waste. For a transcript in a sealed envelope, complete the form linked below, print and then mail it in with payment. "[16], Bloomberg News critic Dave Shiflett wrote that Fox "may go down in history as the Paul Revere of fracking. Such argumentation is aimed at deceiving common people that it is not a bad idea and that everybody will only win from it fuel prices will fall or at least stabilize while average income in the USA will increase. In particular, the author conducted his own investigation across the country in order to find out whether the grim rumors concerning the hydraulic fracturing were true. "Qe129$o*O)?7'Y$qh=N_naL;c18dE=9S;.94XY$ESMrBt_Sn5= Classement des meilleures ventes d'Amazon : Comment fonctionnent les avis et les valuations des clients . published by HBO in 2013 The film provides experts opinions, witnesses recollections and calculations based on observations in order to show that the matter is serious and it must be confronted as soon as possible. A This 2010 documentary exposes the consequences of hydraulic fracturing on the groundwater quality of local communities. Please request your GED by going through the state processes. GASLAND PART 2, which premiered at the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival, shows how the stakes have been raised on all sides in one of the most important environmental issues facing our nation today. So it stands to reason if you can put it next to somebody's house and the gas company says that's OK, you can put it in the middle of a summer camp. Certified/official transcripts can only be sent directly from Garland ISD to an agency, business, college, or university. Gasland, a documentary that sometimes seems a horror film, shows fracking's catastrophic effects, and makes us glimpse what waits human beings and the planet if this practice is not banned forever. We provide a personalized educational experience that is as unique as you are. You can get a record of your information from Garland ISD through the form of a transcript. DocumentaryTV is the product of Storytellers International, a 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to telling unt Fort Worth Business Press writer John-Laurent Tronche talked about the growing number of documentaries "that aim to shed a light on what they call a dirty, destructive practice: shale gas exploration. Then those images are abruptly ended with some court hearing where apparently representatives of gas companies defend their new method of gas mining which is hydraulic fracturing. 38 at the Garden. You can go to camp where this is happening.' Directors Josh Fox Starring Dick Cheney, Josh Fox, Pete Seeger It is rather gloomy and kind of retrospective because the narration starts as an old legend which was documented on amateurish video. To begin with, the vertical depth separation between drinking water aquifers and reservoir targets for gas production is several thousand feet of impermeable rock. Gasland, a documentary that sometimes seems a horror film, shows frackings catastrophic effects, and makes us glimpse what waits human beings and the planet if this practice is not banned forever. ", On what natural gas companies do to obtain the natural gas, "Hydraulic fracturing is a process of injecting, at incredibly high pressure, a huge volume of water -- they use between 2 and 7 million gallons of water per frack to fracture the rock formation. He is Jewish. A high-quality education prepares our students for successful futures. ACT/SAT scores are not included on the transcript. The NationalStudentClearing House recommends against using Google Chrome or MacBooks when downloading your PDF transcripts. 20 Feet from Stardom. Fenton refuses to leave his land, that was the land of his parents and forefathers and that he wanted to transmit to his children. script gasland hello and welcome. His journey eventually leads him to Congress where he discusses a bill to repeal fracking exemptions. In addition the film looks at how the powerful oil and gas industries are in Fox's words "contaminating our democracy". American fracking companies, acting in connivance with States and Federal Governments (first Bush Jr Administration and then Obama Administration), have been providing people with toxic, inflammable water which have caused them chronic diseases. It all started in 2009 when Josh received a letter with a lucrative offer to sell Foxs house for approximately 100,000 dollars or to rent part of his territory for rather generous reward. All rights reserved. I realize that last sentence sounds like Chicken Little yelling "conspiracy", but the details of the film will give you pause. This is Josh Fox's Oscar nominated documentary on the effects of natural gas drilling known as fracking. Such people do not have plans for the future, they only care about how to get through another day of such living (Fox, 2010). Garland ISD has partnered with GreenLight Credentials to allow students/families to instantly and securely share academic credentials and records with educational institutions, employers, and the military. A valid picture ID is required to pick up transcripts or records. One day of May 2008 Josh Fox received in his countryside home, close to Delaware river, in the border of New York State and Pennsylvania, a letter signed by a gas company offering him a fortune (100.000 $) in exchange for giving permission to drill his property. ", Sundance 10: Gasland Director Josh Fox on Being a One Man Crew., "Cook a Hamburger, Blow Up Your Polluted Town", "RN Australia Talks - 8 December 2010 - Australia Talks Movies: Gasland", "Drilling Documentaries Abound as Shale Gas Goes Nationwide", "Film challenges safety of U.S. shale gas drilling", "Michael Economides, International Energy Expert, Dead at 64 Energy Tribune", "Slurring Natural Gas with Flaming Faucets and Other Propaganda", "Where and How Did Our Oil and Gasland Begin--Do We Really Want It to End Abruptly? His documentary, Gasland, premieres on HBO on June 21. The author uses the technique of vivid imagery to enhance his argument each event, location or technological process which could be unknown to its audience and therefore hinder to view the film without constant interruptions for respective inquiry were explained. A film review: 'Gasland'. GED diplomas are granted by the State of Texas, not Garland ISD. 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gasland transcript