And yes, especially the large ones! I would like to find them too. SOMEBODY HEEEELP!!!!! Sweet tarts were teeth breakers, and sugar daddies yanked out your fillings. Line the bottom of the pan with parchment paper. SweeTARTS delivers the original flavor combination of delightfully sweet and delicately tart in an array of colorful candy creations. . Where can I find them. He couldnt get to a store fast enough to replace my treat, begging forgiveness all the way. A Bakewell tart, which, of course as they are quick to point out isn't a tart at all, but a Pudding. I wish I could find them. The following are links about Giant Sweettarts you may find interesting. I really miss the candy and I wish they would make them again. My parents knew that would make me happier than anything else. but GIVE THEM TO US ! 1960's giant Sweet-Tarts were the greatest even if they were hard on your tongue. I was telling my guys about the Giant Sweetarts we used to eat as kids. I'm sure my mom never knew that I was licking these things until my tongue bled. I can begin to say what I might do for a pack right now. I would love to even find a picture of them - just to see them again. And yes, how pathetic, however, I would stock up on these also. We would go back to our clubhouse and watch the New People and The Invaders. google_ad_channel = "9301152533"; WE HAVE BEEN LOOKING LL OVER FOR THEM!?!?! Ok, I was born in 1961, and I used to buy the giant sweet tarts in 1972 from a local sweet shop across from my school. There is nothing like the big sweet tarts. and the old original Taco Doritos. Page to bring back the Giant Hard SweeTart Candy (Not Chewy) Facebook. In 1963, SweeTarts were introduced . They also are sodium-free and, as a food that is free of animal products, do not contain cholesterol. Dubble Bubble Big Jackpot Machine Gumball - 12ct. Wonder why they won't make them anymore. Even the retor candy companies don't have them. I used to fantasize about having a pool full of the ORIGINAL HARD SWEET TARTS from the 70's. Sales volume was not great enough to justify space on the retailers' shelves. I loved the cherry ones!! I'd buy them!! I would walk or ride my bike there to get these giant sweet tarts. & Pink/Cherry. Tasting like sweet tarts, candy Bottle Caps came in cherry, root beer (my favorite), cola, and grape flavors, this was a favorite candy from the 70s. I stopped buying them. SweeTarts Giant Chewy Candy 4-Packs: 36-Piece Box 1 Review $42.50 SweeTarts Chewy Sours Candy: 11-Ounce Bag 1 Review $5.95 SweeTarts Ropes Candy Packs - Cherry . Just think what a killing they would make if they put them on the market again. Would eat those until my tongue would not taste anything for a few hours! Who buys those? I barely managed to cough it out, so perhaps that's why they don't have them anymore. I would like to know why they discontinued them. If a mold of the old giant sweet tarts existed, you could "home make" them by crushing up the existing sweet tarts (or pixie sticks powder) and make them like soap. I grew up with the giant SweeTarts and would like my children and grandchildren to experience some of my childhood. Someonemake this happen!!! The closest I have come to finding something remotely as good as our childhood giant sweet tarts is the large Smarties sucker. Hell, I still love them, but sometimes the uber-hard aspect of them isn't what I'm craving. Sugus Jumbo Candy Assorted Fruity Blackcurrant Raspberry Orange Pineapple 45g. I have been looking for these for a long time. Wonder if they're really the original? You would think if they are smart enough to make the best candy known to humankind they would be smart enough to bring giant Sweetarts back. I wrote a letter to Sweetart to make more yellow and green ones which were my favorites. Espeez Light Green Watermelon Sticks Tub Rock Candy 0.8oz - 36ct. Apricot, adds 50 cal. Crunchy AND chewy will delight your mouth. They also came out with the chewy ones, which I don't care for. The tablets used the same basic recipe as the already popular Pixy Stix and Lik-M-Aid candies. Wish I could hand my 7 year old daughter one of those classic, GIANT Sweet-Tarts now. Don't know if those single-pack biggies came in other flavors. I was just thinking about these this morning, too, after I was remembering the tart n tiny candy, which I DID find for sale at numerous places online. Sheesh! Yes rememeber well the single then then the two pack. In the 70's they cost .10 cents a pack. I would buy them at the corner store and gnaw on them for a week! Would buy a case if they brought them back. Sales volume was not great enough to justify space on the retailers' shelves. THEY WERE THE BEST!!! Clementine Organic (F1) Tomato Seed. Nothing.. absolutely nothing could compare to the taste of a cherry giant Sweetart eaten on a hot summer's day on the walk home from out local Dairy Mart. C'mon Nestle &/or Wonka BRING THEM BACK!! They were right :-), I keep reading about three in a pack but when I was a kid in the sixties they use to come one to a pack and they were true giants about 1" thick and 2" diameter. He went back for more & the drug store said they discontinued them. Later they came out with 2 to a pack, they were shaped like a flying saucer, my tongue and the roof of my mouth was always raw. I remember my tongue bleeds fondly, but not the time when the giant sweet tart got stuck in my throat. p.s. Up until a few years ago you could get the 4 in a pack which were a good aternative (not as good as the larger 3) but better than nothing. !please PLEASE bring the giant sweetart back my kids have heard so much about themand I too have lots of memories of walking home from school licking on a sweetart BRING THEM BACKx87. Thanks for the walk down memory lane. The gum kind of broke apart and you could chew it to bring it together again. I don't remember the two pack with the flat side, that someone in this forum mentioned. Cool completely before frosting. Easily, my all time favorite candy. Also, why do they put so many blue and green in the package? Giant Chewy SweeTARTS takes the amazing flavor sensation of Original SweeTARTS to the next level with supersized, over-the-top fun! At that point my tongue was raw but they were so good! The smallest, neatest, most delicious pudding in the world. So wish they would bring them back! I am 51 years old and would frequently love to enjoy the old giant hockey puck tarts again! Push Pop (1986) Amazon / Via amazon . Wow! We would love to see the Giant Sweet Tarts become available again. Item #: 33355 Shipping Weight: 4.00 LBS. My dad brought my sister MnMs and Sweetarts for me in the 70s. Same year they put a coating on the Tart N Tinies!! For years I secretely raided my dad's coin collection for dimes to buy the inch thick sweet tarts in the candy machine at my gradeschool during the sixties. But not if it had the Wonka name on it. so sad. Bring back the Sweettarts! Please bring them back, I'm sure they would be a big seller! I think we need to get a petition! current price $45.80. Exceptional when halved and roasted! I lived blocks away from a Modern Dairy store. I have searched and searched the internet and all I can find are the drink tablets, not the candy. My favorite memory of the giant sweetart not chewy is the grape flavored one. A sweet and tangy Wonka Candy. Could be a cottage industry here. The word CHEWY, makes me so sad and then mad. I believe they stopped making them because they would cause your tongue to bleed. I LOVED those Giant Sweet tarts. ;) Would stop at the Woolworth's or Cook's in Decatur to get a pack. I would just grind it down with my bottom teeth until. I know they have some old time candy there. BRING BACK the BIG chicks, ducks, bunniees & the original non chewy. The chewy ones are lame. They came in a cellophane package of two; always red and grape. Giant Tarts (511 products available) Wholesale Square Wax Tart Scented Scented Wax Chocolate Candle/Soy Wax. "No matter the decade, everyone is always excited about the next, newest, greatest thing," said . I remember these, because we used to buy them when we were kids, living in my mom's home town (they used to sell them at Sandt's pharmacy before Sant's went out of business). I have been searching for these for quite some time. Oh, I LOVED Sweettarts back in the 60's & 70's!! The last time I had them was in 1985. and getting them. I've been looking forever for the Giant Tarts. SweeTARTS Ropes Twisted Rainbow Punch (12 x 141g . I think they were made by a company called O peechee, Alias smith and jones, dark shadows and giant sweet tarts that made your tounge bleed. Product ID: 3991G.50. That's the original giant sweetart not two but one! think it was 3rd grade. They were 3-4" in diameter and at least 1/2-3/4" thick. READ MORE: BB Bats (History, FAQ, Flavors & Pictures) The World's Largest Box of Nerds Candy weighs 1.5 lbs. I would love to see these or the three pack version brought back. Add to Cart. They were individually wrapped. Mine is the same as everyone else's here. PLEASE BRING BACK THE OLD SWEETTARTS FROM THE 1960'S & 1970'S! BUY 3 & FREE 1 SAVE MORE! I miss going to the skating rink but near as much as the Giant Sweetarts. Got one every Friday. Of all the great candy we had as kids in the 1960's-1970's giant sweet tarts were the best. Haa! google_ad_type = "text_image"; Years and years of diehards want these to come back! Submit a link to more information about Giant Sweettarts. Not gonna happen! Wacky Wafers 1.2 oz. They were the best! I found this site as I searched even just an image to show what they looked like. Sorry, I thought all the Giant Sweet Tarts were hard & didn't realize these Giants are chewy :(. Thanks folks, this made my night! Spending all afternoon finishing it off in class. This Is My England. We would lick them until our tongues were sore. Details. . I have such fond memories similar to those already mentioned. So glad to see so many others miss the old giant sweet tarts. Those would last me for more than a day! Cal last year. Browse cookie trays, brownie platters, holiday treats, Market District pies, custom cakes, and more. Remember when Razzles came back, because they were featured in the movie 13 going on 30.well, we need someone to do a movie.."Little Rascals, Remix" and feature the Giant NON CHEWY SweeTarts. I was those GIANT SWEET TARTS, the hockey puck size. Those were the days. We offer gummies, classic roll twists, chewy packs, and more. You may place an order with My Brands via their toll free number 1-888-281-6400 or online at My Brands. Nestl does not handle direct sales, however we have partnered with two companies, "My Brands and "Net Grocer" for hard to find favorite products. Blitz sweet tarts into powder using a coffee/spice grinder. Wed place the cellophane wrapped package under the leg of a dining room chair, take a run at the chair, and plop down on the seat to bust up the candy so we could share it. There was also a really cool gum in those shapes back in the day. I would gone anything to have the big giant sweet arts. 1.5 oz package. I'd buy 'em in a heart beat of they were available. The good news is that they don't have any fat, either. .50 for a grape Crush & .50 for a three pack of giant Sweet Tarts! Play over 265 million tracks for free on SoundCloud. So nice to see all of you sweetart lovers on here! You use to be able to purchase a box with all the flavors or a box with just cherry and grape, my 2 favorite flavors. google_alternate_color = "E7F0EB"; Cant stand the chewy ones - the texture is really weird! Giant Chewy SweeTarts - Each. Explains the Diabetes I have today!! google_ad_height = 600; 83 likes. It is a wonder I have any teeth still in one piece as I chewed these like raisins. I remember two different shapes. google_color_text = "000000"; Best time of the year is Valentines day and Easter when they sell the 1/2 pound bags of either hearts, eggs, or ducks/bunnies/chicks for a $1 or two. Soaking in a warm bath, reading a good book eating my secret sweet tart. google_ad_height = 600; I do believe they do not make them anymore because of what it would do to you tongue. I am still looking for the giant sweet tart (hard candy not the chewy) and I am very sad. Always had them on school field trips. Every time I see the chewy three-packs and see "giant" I feel a fleeting moment of hopethen read the word "chewy" and turn away, spatting in disgust and betrayal. 36 Count Pack. Stream Giant Sweet Tarts. These are my all time favorite candy. 2x Sugus JUMBO Orange Flavoured Chews Sweet Chew Candy Fruit Juice Chewing 48g. I have to admit sometime I don't feel too good after I eat all the candy, but by the next day I am looking for more .. :). More Information. I'm? At a grocery store they had them, not called Sweetarts, but were made just like the ones we bought when we were kids. Wow, haven't that about that in ever! I used to munch on one of these slowly when I was a kid and would have it for more weeks happily and slowly munching. current price $42.10. See each listing for international shipping options and costs. bring back the giant sweet tarts (not chewy - taste is not the same at all) i liked the grape, cherry, and pineapple: amazing. Or late night rain storms, reading a good book with a flashlight under bedsheets munching on a sweet tart. google_ad_type = "text_image"; Thanks for listening and I'm glad I found so many others like me. The calories in Sweet Tarts come from carbohydrates . Skip to main content. I loved these in the late 60's they were awesome.I am sure if they made them they would be a big seller. My parents HATED them due the sugar and food coloring. Alsowasn't orange a sweetart flavor ever? They were round-shaped chalk-like candies, that came in 4 colors and delicious flavors: Green - Green Apple, Yellow - Banana, Red - Cherry, and Purple - Grape. Maybe a petition to the company would be worth a try. I don't like the yellow, green or blue ones. I also have food pages for the 80s and 90s. Preheat the oven to 400 F. Bake the pop-tart for 30-35 minutes, until set. What was one 'common sized' candy bar one day, wasn't common the next. I remember stopping at 711 on Mercer Island Wa. who came up with chewy sweettarts? I have been looking everywhere for the giant sweet tarts that are hard and not chewy. Amazon has the 4 pack (which is half the width of the singles, I bought) Amazon has the case (36) 4 packs for $24.18 & free shipping. I'm surprised they are so hard to find. google_color_bg = "E7F0EB"; Submit a story or info about Giant Sweettarts, , Loading images, if this message doesn't go away you may need to enable javascript in order to see pictures, More of a sweet and sour taste, Wrap in see through plastic, came in different flavors I remember the banna flavor the most. Wonka Giant Chewy Sweet Tarts 36ct. Shop by category. Show per page. They were a favorite of me & my siblings in the 70s. The following are links about Giant Sweet Tarts (not chewy) you may find interesting. Discover short videos related to giant sweet tarts on TikTok. Those were the best.lasted for days.lick, scrape with teeth,,sometimes dipped in water. Wow! Loved, loved, loved giant sweet tarts. Add to Cart. pretty sure it would make some good profits for them. Page to bring back the Giant Hard SweeTart Candy (Not Chewy) I remember that they came out with giant heart-shaped ones around Valentine's Day and egg-shaped ones at Easter time. Just saying. One package of Sweet Tarts contains 39 g of carbohydrates, all of which are from sugar. I would earn money byt brushing my grandmother's hair. Someone find one for me. I would finish that candy in a day! Green for me grape for him. Related products. Add Ice Pack + $1.20. Save giant sweet tarts candy to get e-mail alerts and updates on your eBay Feed. Bite into the sweet and tangy goodness of SweeTARTS candy! I am so thrilled this site exists. And then Id gnaw on it off & on all weekend. SoI'm just going to make some if Wonka doesn't want to. Homemade Sweet Tarts 1/4 c. clear soda (Blue Sky, Cream Soda, Sierra Mist, 7-UP) 3/4 t. gelatin 3-4 c. powdered sugar, plus more for rolling 2 t. citric acid Flavored extracts Food coloring 1/2 t. each of lemon and orange zest - optional In a small non-reactive bowl combine gelatin and soda. I've looked everywhere? I remember the ones in the single pack being the size of a hockey puck. Loved these. I was on Facebook trying to explain this my favorite candy to have my friends who would sneak off campus (I could not go cuz my mom was a teacher)at Old University Heights Jr. High school to the back then NEW 7-11 store built right next to the school. West Africa supplies 70% of the world's cocoa beans, yet cacao farmers in Ghana earn roughly USD 1 or HKD 7.85 per day, and those in the Cte d'Ivoire earn about 78 cents per day well below the World Bank's USD 2.15 or HKD 16.87 per day threshold for extreme poverty. They looked like the soap tablets used at home ( sos tabs ). I grab a few every time I eat at cracker barrell because they have them in their nostalgic candy section but im sure the are available online too. Skittles were created in Britain in the '70s, but they came to the U.S. in 1982. These larger than life disks of flavor are too big to eat in . Wonka Giant Chewy SweeTarts are really huge! CandyKing Jelly Giant Cola Bottle Pick and Mix Sweet - Scandinavian Candy, Zed Candy Orange and Blackberry Jumbo Jelly Beans Big Beans Retro Party Share. Those were the good old days! I contacted them years ago and told them - if it ain't broke, don't fix it!!!! 38g Pack Ingredients: Dextrose, Corn Syrup, Hydrogenated Coconut Oil, Malic Acid, and Less than 2% of Maltodextrin, Calcium Stearate, Egg Albumen, Natural Flavors, Mono- and Diglycerides . Nothing compares to the original giant sweet tarts back in the day. Copyright 1995-2023 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. Brands in the '70s were pretty creative. I remember staying home sick one day by myself and my Mom bought me regular size sweettarts and a Pepsi, Dr. Pepper or a coke (I can't remember) and I put one of the sweettarts in my Coke and it made it overflow. Maybe we should all start a post on Facebook demanding they bring back our favorite candy! Erik Clegg/Shutterstock. I promise I will stock up 50 cases!!!!! I would sure like to buy the old big hard sweet tarts. Without changing what candy fans love about the offerings, these updates are a reason to grab another bag. Yes, 1 and 1/2 pounds of strawberry and grape-flavored candy goodness will satisfy all your sweet cravings. I wish they would bring them back. They definitely need to bring them back!! SweeTarts were introduced in 1963 with the same flavors as the popular Pixy Stix: cherry, grape, lime, lemon, and . 16 years ago, I remember they sold heart-shaped Sweet Tarts at Valentine's Day and Easter Egg and Chick shaped ones for Easter. Wonka giant chewy SweeTarts are simply a sour delight. i had asked the old time candy store about them. I would walk down to Tick Tock with my brothers and buy my sweetart. The following are comments left about Giant Sweettarts from site visitors such as yourself. Cherry and grape were my favorite. :). Pleasssssse bring them back. You could eat some of it before bed and then wake up and finish it the next day. WHY WON'T THEY COME OUT WITH THESE AGAIN? LOOOOVED! I bought them because they were delicious, and it got me closer to those cheerleaders than I would otherwise have ever gotten. I could make one of those babies last for days. I loved those giant cherry sweet tarts! i used to get them every weekend at the skating rink. The candy is usually gone in a couple of days. The chewy ones are gross. You're right, made your tongue raw and it was sooooo good! Sure wish they would bring them back! my husband and i searched all over town looking for them. I find it amazing this thread has been going for 9 years! . Wish they would bring them back :) I have to admit I still have a thing for Sweetarts 45 years later. Shop by category. Write/ email wonka! We have been looking for a L-O-N-G time too, why do they take away all the good stuff. PLEASE BRING THEM BACK FOR ALL US OLDIES BUT GOODIES.and I bet you will rake in a whole new crowd who will love them too. 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