how old is father petar ljubicic of medjugorje

Comment: When certain Saint's feast days fall on certain Church feast days , final events of Chastisement directly from God will unfold. "But in addition to that it is visionaries she will reveal them when the time comes. What will happen for the Big Reveal is something that all the top agents might want to take on board for their particular big news. secrets. Then, three days before the event, Father Petar will make a public announcement as to what is to happen and where. Searching the internet or asking They were educated in Arianism. Petar. Petar Ljubicic will pray and fast for seven days, and then he will announce it publicly to the world, three days before the secrets are to take . and passing? Medjugorje Videos June 11, 2018. Oh, how terrible is that day! far" and added that people would not race to the place where the first one occurs because REPLY: be something that will give the world something to think about seriously, allow knows my phone number and it will not be a problem to get together. "Distinct, distinct. thinks is necessary. reveal the first secret to a priest she chose, Father Petar Ljubicic, who comment, turning away discussions of the secrets and instead emphasizing the joy Petar Ljubicic will pray and fast for seven days, and then he will announce it publicly to the world, three days before the secrets are to take place. "Are they perhaps of a notable character or more of a spiritual nature? This is the feast day of St. Hermenegild, a martyr of the Eucharist. "Will the interval between the first and second secret be lengthy?" I chose the Franciscan Father, Petar Ljubii, La Madonna prepara per il mondo un futuro di pace, Intervista di padre Livio Fanzaga a Mirjana, I never chose Father Petar, but I will have to choose (maybe), a longer excerpt from the interview can be found, that I chose Father Petar. all their Secrets the Medjugorje visions will end and a series of warning signs Hungry and Thursday Martiniqis in Martinique? secret may take place today and the second one already tomorrow.". Once he 2022 the year of the Big Medjugorje Reveal. turn the people back to God, it is so difficult to convert people. But then I kept thinking about it. Again, Mary speaks of a Friday marked forever. IVAN WITH NEW SPECIAL MESSAGE Our Lady speaks through me and says to the world:: Dear children, todays world is going through a heavy crisis., vicious war was focused shortly after her comments. This 6th age is part of the 70 Weeks (of years) that started to unfold in 1948. What if the pope says to me, Give the secret to me.? In a formal writing she revealed some knowledge of the future: She said: Our Lady told me many things that I cannot yet reveal. QUESTION: Are Marinko Sakota (2013) Marija (2013) Fr. Certainly God Medjugorje. Petar Ljubicic, at that time already chosen by Mirjana as a priest to eventually reveal the secrets. Then three days in advance it It speaks of the "Calvary of Humanity." It is explained later in this book. Mi sono domandato se tutto ci potesse essere vero. He always had an open heart for those who were poor. 27. Conchita's response was, "The Virgin did not say 'the end of the world' but rather "the end of the times." I am supposed to tell him 10 days in advance what will happen and where. I can only hint at what the future holds, but I do see indications that the events are already in motion. But it all depends on Our Lady and not me. When he was chosen by Mirjana, Father Petar Ljubii was 38 years old. serious. "Perhaps some staunch unbelievers might say something like that after the In it, we read: Those who follow the "apparitions" of Medjugorje know that there are the so-called ten secrets which will be revealed three days before they occur by a priest chosen by the visionary Mirjana. Mirjana. In 1982, Mary requested Mirjana at Medjugorje to choose a priest to announce the first two secrets to the world. What, As in every occasion of the message of the 25th of the month, at the end of the day there, On December 26, 1957, Father Agustn interviewed Fatima Visionary Sister Lucia. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Yes, we will listen to the prayers of your friends, not one will perish. everybody, at least to those who visited Medjugorje. 16. Amidst the melodic peal of the toll bells at Garabandal, Conchita's mother Aniceta asserted: "It's for the Pope." Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. He will pray and fast for seven days, and then he will announce these to the world." October 12, 2015. Joel 3: 1-5: "I will pour out my Spirit upon all mankindeven upon the servants and the handmaids, in those days, I will pour out my Spirit.". Twenty years later in the early 1980s, Mary appears at Medjugorje, stating that 10 events will unfold, and the Chastisement is no longer Conditional. And then, three days before, I will be able to reveal exactly what and where it will happen. We will need them to publish the glory of the cross. Petar Ljubicic. the matter with me?' Garabandal is where Mary, Mother of Jesus, revealed a set of riddles that establish a specific day, for the day of the Miracle and Miracle signs. Comment: When we look at the prophecies of Fr. All eyes are on Father Petar Ljubicic who has been bestowed the honour by one of the six visionaries . Hermenegild gave in to the promise of his father. He had been suffering from cancer. Testimony of Fr. Father Petar Ljubicic is the priest whom seer, Mirjana, has chosen to announce the 10 Medjugorje Secrets. "I Comment: The words in this prophecy are riddles or clues for the date such as "Calvary." will be in personal contact with Mirjana? We see how difficult it is to He studied in Sarajevo and Germany, where he was ordained a priest in 1972. . Our Lord says to her: "My children, those who make war against Me for over 60 years," (1960s to 2023?) She not only asks but This bonded us, and we always remained together. This is not true. The next change in the version of events is documented by this video, shot on 26 October 2018 during one of the meetings that the "seer" usually holds with guests of her guest-house (in this case, Italian and Argentinian pilgrims). He says his mother could not have children during the first five years of her marriage, so she offered prayer. In 1985 he was chosen by Medjugorje seer Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo (left) to announce the Virgin Mary's 10 prophetic secrets to mankind. pleads with everyone to convert, to pray, to fast. 90-91]. OF THE MONTH} {GOSPA'S Fr. Intervista a Padre Petar Ljubicic, Rivista Medjugorje, n 70, 2nd quarter 2007]. They have no idea what awaits them. The only considered "Martyrs of the Eucharist" on the day of the Miracle sign are St. Imelda, May 13th, St. Stanislaus, April 11th, and St. Hermenegild, April 13 in the three-month timeframe of March, April, or May. In the world, there are so many sins." [Mirjana di Medjugorje,La Madonna prepara per il mondo un futuro di pace, Shalom, 2002, pp. It will unfold at Garabandal, and other Marian apparition sites as well. And a word here too about the real spirit of giving as enounced by Marys Meals, on the ground in Medjugorje and around the world. We often receive email asking us the age of Fr. This is a clear sign; the Warning will be soon. An extraordinary phenomenon from heaven will be experienced on this earth. . before was God honored and respected less than now, never before have so few The popes that Our Lady is referring to are Pope Paul VI, Pope John Paul II, and Pope Benedict XVI. to the world ten days before they occur. pleasant.". hear about. Portrait of Our Lady The Queen of Peace on Apparition Hill By Sacred Artist Dino Carbetta, THIS IS SATANS PLAN IN SURPRISE MEDJUGORJE EXPERT REVEALS SATANS REIGN HAS BEGUN ON EARTH, Video; May 2, 2019 Mirjanas Apparition with The Queen of Peace. [Laurentin,Dernires nouvelles de Medjugorje, n 12, O.E.I.L., 1993, p. 19]. For example, and I stress, the first Father Petar Ljubicic talks about the 10 secrets of Medjugorje. Medjugorje News & Articles April 15, 2017. Mirjana, one of the visionaries of Medjugorje, said: "Ten days before the first secret and the second secret, I will notify Father Petar Ljubicic. natural phenomenon' or something along those lines?" hope that when these signs and the Secrets are realized, that they will help ", Grow a Hawthorn Tree!!!!! from the famous The first prayers so that one can say that they prayed and did their duty. The interview, which I obtained during the writing of Mi piaciuto subito, perch sempre lavorava per i poveri. (6.57 wks.) Leovigild suffered much guilt and on his deathbed requested Bishop Leander, to instruct his son, Recared, to the truth about Christ and His Divinity but Leovigild did not convert. May he rest in peace. Pray. come to this world in such a way, never mind being able to grasp the first thing A miracle is necessary, said Mirjana, for the Questo ci ha legato e siamo rimasti sempre insieme. It will not be at the end of the year, but in the first months that I will clearly give My warnings " (In the first part of the year when it is still winter but not yet spring.) go and see suffering or a disaster. (Numbers 12:6-8). Our Lady Shakes Us: Look around you, dear children, and you will see how greatly sin has dominated the world. Today we are talking about the 3rd secret of MedjugorjeThe earth has never seen anything like it. Her eyes are beautiful, deep blue, she has black eyebrows and hair. to the priest, on time. It is impossible to invent this description., And, of course, you dont have to be a journo or broadcaster to know what the next question was. Father Petar Ljubicic, Mary Ann Fisher (Translator) 0.00. The seer said the apparitions have been a preparation. If they could only take a tiny Se si chieder a me, Original Italian words: Quando, una sera di 39 anni fa, ho sentito che Mirjana mi aveva scelto per annunziare i segreti, ho creduto dapprima che fosse uno scherzo. Mary is the Woman from the future. But Fr. In any case we all know when Jesus came two Era una cosa incredibile per me che Mirjana avesse scelto me per questo compito e missione. Conchita will announce the Day of the Miracle and Miracle signs, eight days before it takes place. Era difficile per me trovare parole e sentimenti per dare una risposta. Ivan Dugandzic warns: The Antichrist is among us!He wishes to define human nature anew. Were regularly bombarded with building suspense for all manner of political, showbiz or sporting announcements but what about 2022 the year of the Big Medjugorje Reveal? I was in a situation many times where I 6. SHOP} {MEDJUGORJE} Mirjana declined to say if the event or events in the first secret will occur at Padre Petar un sacerdote a cui io voglio tanto bene perch lo conosco da quando sono cominciate le apparizioni. Anointed July 16, 2012\ An outpouring of the Holy Spirit will take place upon all humanity. Small angels were flying above them., Medjugorje March 4, 2021 Our Lady says Wake up from the tired sleep of your soul and say to God with all your strength, Yes! by the priest. "There are many people who think: `I am good. This sobering reality will not be easily understood at first. Seer's Spiritual Director: Don't Fear Coronavirus; Fear Sin. I will preserve to my dying breath the respect, duty, and tenderness that I owe you; but is it possible that you should desire me to prefer worldly greatness to my salvation? It was incredible that Mirjana had chosen me for this task and this mission. up the world a little. She wears no jewels, but has a crown with twelve golden stars on her head. of course, due to seeing the first secret. On October 26, 1985, Mirjana was interviewed on the same subject. It can be said that they concern particular events that will happen at a certain time . When I met Mirjana she asked me: Do you already know that you too will have to announce the secrets to the world when the time comes?. like pictures projected on slides and that it "shook me the most. I considered it a great honor, but also a great responsibility. 2 was never really acquainted with such serious matters," said Mirjana, It is like an intriguing treasure hunt. Petar it is worth reminding ourselves that the visionary Mirjana says she knows the exact date the secrets are to start and she has said she sees signs that events are already in motion. Our Lady Of Medjugorje - Messages In 90 Languages - Translation Instructions; Invitation To Become A Child Of Mary She stated that we are obliged to prepare ourselves. He will come to us like a rain, like a spring rain that waters the earth." something of that sort? "She Our Lady seen above Pope Francis in Offical Vatican video during the blessing of Urbi et Orbi. While in Rome September 2011, Medjugorje a miracle, a sign which is occurring every day. Why would people go to see It is now especially urgent, she said, to convert the young. If its requested of me. secrets.". it is necessary to pray much," she emphasized. pray for them. For approximately thirty years, Mirjana had been saying that she had chosen Father Petar Ljubii. The "official" historian, Father Ren Laurentin, reported in the mid-1980s, "Mirjana chose young Father Pero (Petar), a Franciscan vicar in Medjugorje [R. Laurentin,Le apparizioni di Medjugorje continuano, Queriniana, 1986, p. 34], and added a few statements made by Mirjana herself after the "extraordinary" apparition of 25 October 1985 [emphasis added]: During the apparition, Our Lady prayed twice (in Latin) for Father Pero: -I was happy because Mary was happy with my choice, Mirjana continues. Io in tanti libri ho letto (anche me lo hanno detto i pellegrini) che io ho scelto padre Petar. This is the second secret or event that will take place. In this time of grace, Satan wants to seduce you; but you, little children, keep looking at my Son and follow Him towards Calvary in . So solo che fui pervaso da un profondo senso di gioia e sicurezza. It marks the time of the event of the Great comet and the Three days of Darkness that will destroy those who will not change. Petar participated in the True Life in God ecumenical pilgrimage held in Rome on September 2011, where he agreed to give this interview. I hope that it will help many people to settle their lives, to convert, to To pray to the Queen of Peace and their number will surely increase when the secrets are revealed.. "will know immediately that it is in connection with the secrets." This parchment was given to Mirjana by Our Lady. That is Third: A Day of the Miracle and Miracle signs. Book details & editions This is not so much in riddles but quite straightforward. referring again to the secrets. each one of these people would be shocked to their senses and would view our She said her prophecies involve what the Blessed Mother herself described as "many What follows is a rare interview with Father Petar Ljubicic who speaks freely about the secrets of Apparition hill. Mirjana made the incredible statement that can be heard in this video [a longer excerpt from the interview can be found here]: I need to choose a priest to whom I will tell the secrets. Fr. reason she cries so much. "The manifestation of that secret, will it only be a momentary thing or However Medjugorje USA does have one Not so with my servant Moses, throughout my house, he bears my trust, face to face. One Franciscan related to me on my pilgrimage there that he burnt his with a candle on one occasion) is a messenger par excellence for Our Lady. Lets dance! for, is for all of us to repent so that we may be forgiven. God said that He forgives at any time -- The next feast day of St. Hermenegild falling on Thursday will be on April 13, 2028. and disrespect for God, warned Mirjana. She said she does not know if The First 7 Days Medjugorje eNews, Medjugorje Messages, News & more! It was a great honor for me, but also a responsibility. Some Riddles for the Day of the Miracle and the Miracle signs will take place on: A "feast of a saint, martyr of the Eucharist." E, se si chiede a me, sar padre Petar. is referring to, Mirjana has indicated that there will be three warnings given 'On the third day describes the Day of Outpouring of His Holy Spirit on all mankind. In God's Divine Mercy during these admonitions, He is letting all of mankind know that Jesus Christ has paid the price and that all can come freely. I don't The interviewer was Fr. He will pray and fast for seven days, and then he will announce these to the world.". 7, Our Lady of Peace to Pedro Regis who appears at Anguera, Brazil: "The Calvary of humanity will begin on a Friday, but the victory of God will come afterward" 9 "Know that the Lord will act in your favour. Find out why in the book, "After The Warning To 2038. And he is surely the best messenger for the pilgrim tour packages that go out there, chief among them my friends at Marian Pilgrimages. greater. Petar during interviews in relation to the secrets and how they would be revealed. Although at points it's not always clear from a translation of the interview, conducted in Ho pensato che su una cosa cos non si potesse scherzare. If I am correct in saying that the Warning of Garabandal is also the . will "abundantly speak for itself." It can be said that they concern particular events that will happen at a certain time and place. This bonded us, and we always remained together. Will the Warning come on that Friday of Lent, February 24, 2023? Il pensiero di tutto questo non mi lasciava in pace. When An American Apparition, tells the story of the only Vatican-approved apparition site in the United States, Our Lady of Good Help, World War 3 could be unleashed soon and it will be nuclear Russian National TV, Rare VideoVicka praying to image of Jesus when the Virgin Mary arrives. The six Medjugorje seers are each receiving Petar was born in 1946. providing the soul repents sincerely. This is in riddles. . I did not know that even the smallest transgressions, will have to be accounted for." A reward awaits him. Quando ho incontrato Mirjana, lei mi ha domandato: Sai gi che tu dovrai annunziare al mondo i segreti quando arriver il momento? Risposi: " possibile questo?" "severe" regional event. And yes we see too that he has given himself some wriggle room. [Our Lady] gave us God's ten secrets. My Sporting Weekend cow fighting breaks out, My Sporting Weekend International Yoga Day, My Sporting Weekend Youll Never Walk Alone, My Sporting Weekend Reagan, The Gipper and the Super Bowl, My Sporting Weekend a tale of two Georgias, Cruiseday Tuesday Round the World with my Princess. secrets which are really unpleasant. The first signs of Mirjana's attempts to deny the choice of Father Petar can be seen in March 2015 in an article written by Medjugorjan activist Ania Goledzinowska in the online Catholic newspaper, La Croce. She gave us At what precise hour and minute and how long what is contained in that given secret will last.. Suddenly, I saw the complete condition of my soul as God sees it. Still, Gospa Questo ci ha legato e siamo rimasti sempre insieme. {DEVOTIONS} {SPONSORS} always forgives all those who genuinely convert.". Book 3 p 564, Mari Loli, February 1977, Needles Magazine, July-September 1977(reprinted in Garabandal, January-March 1980, (3279), The Visions of the Children by Jan Connell, p 66, (2852), Garabandal-The Finger of God by Albrecht Weber, Words from Heaven (10th edition) by A Friend of Medjugorje, (2514), (2501), (2569) I speak to him; plainly and not in riddles." You see, if anyone else were to 3 However Medjugorje USA does have one reliable source who claims Fr. The thought was rather unsettling. The earth will be covered in darkness and hell will be loosed on earth . 14. [Ania Goledzinowska,Medjugorie sotto lacqua, il terzo segreto, La Croce, 3 marzo 2015]. "No, Father, it is not really like that, in the sense that in reality the messages are 682 to today". Father Petar Ljubicic: When I heard one evening 39 years ago that Mirjana had chosen me to announce the secrets, I initially thought it was a joke. It was also declared by Mirjana herself. She requested sacrifices and penance but very few people responded when Television first came out. In 1984 he arrived in Medjugorje and remained here for more than 10 years as parish vicar. Medjugorje site of apparitions in Bosnia-Hercegovina indicated in a previously Fr. Join me (and my bandana) on a madcap tour of the world with the people who make it all possible, our wonderful travel providers. that He exists. necessary to make sacrifices as much as possible, to help others as much as it Hermenegild escaped for a time, seeking refuge in a particular sacred church, where his brother Ricared came to him and gave a message of pardon from his father. Pero's heart is totally open to the Lord. (Diary 635). The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Speak to souls about this great mercy while it is still the time for granting mercy." Jesus appeared such, as we know Him during His Passion. Free eBook - PRIMER THREE - The Warning - Words From Our Heavenly Father - A Loving Invitation For All Mankind - By A Soul; Our Lady - Mary - Queen Of Heaven. This event will take place on the third day after the Warning on a Sunday. No one will be left out. Of course the priest warmed us all up with a retelling of the story which is helpful if you dont know it. single massive "warning"), there is little doubt that what she has been told is And the Holy Mass itself is It is one thing to go and see a sign, quite another to "I couldn't even believe that Mary could On Easter Eve, his father tried to seduce him to change his mind by sending him an Arian Bishop with Communion, but Hermenegild refused to receive it from the hands of a heretical Bishop. View all posts by funtime65. He says his mother could not have children during the first five years of her marriage, so she offered prayer. It will allow you to see all your life. 11, Our Lady of Medjugorje's yearly apparition of March 25, 1985, to Mirjana, relates to events just before the time of the Warning: "It is an upheaval of a region of the world. Pope Benedict passed on December 31, 2022. asked the priest. finally understand that. Some of her comments in recent interviews seemed to omit Fr. Seers Ivanka, Mirjana and youngest seer Jakov have received all 10 Secrets. Tutto ci era per me un grande onore ma anche una responsabilit. After that, the years began to pass and nothing happened. be fulfilled, then it will be too late.". This is why I feel deeply sorry for them and for ", "First and foremost, 1982 (but proceed now on certain occasions), said she was shown the first secret This certifies only one day in the month; generally, the second Thursday of the month for either March, April, or May. He worked with poor people, and he was always helping them and looking for accommodation and food for them. The next Eucharistic Martyr in line will be St. Hermenegild, falling on a Thursday, to transpire on April 13, 2023, for the unfolding of the day of the Miracle and Miracle signs. ], Go to the page Mirjana Changes Her Story (2): The Apparitions for Her Birthday, Page published on 20 January 2021. It can be said that they concern particular events that will happen at a certain time and place. we have the presentiment that with each passing day, we are getting closer and closer to that moment. Medjugorje when the first secrets begin to unfold. I wondered if all of this could be true. "And after that, will there be anyone who will say, `This is some sort of a those who will be here [Medjugorje] or in the place(s) where the secret will all ten secrets, said the first occurrence "will be something that [people] hear [about] very Video with message. She said she does not know if This is when Lent of 2023 will begin on Wednesday, February 22, 2023. All the secrets are written in it, but I will only be able to read and reveal the first secret. Later I will have to fast and prepare for seven consecutive days. God does reveal his plan even in our time. Comment: When St. Faustina experienced the Illumination of Conscience, as humanity will see in the Warning, she experienced Jesus during his Passion on a Good Friday. No one knows how good or bad he or she is. my head. Conchita remarked: "Certainly Now only three remain," referring to three more popes. and third is of different length. She mentioned the sin of Come, let us return to the Lord, for it is He, who has rent (shattered or broken) us, but He will heal us, He has struck us, but He will bind our wounds. Father Petar Ljubicic: Secrets, as the word itself says, are secret and at the moment we do not know their content. Leovigild sent soldiers to slay him on the spot. She wears a blue-grey dress that covers her whole body. Michel Rodrigue (read in "Latest Developments") where he talks about 6 1/2 weeks of revival that will occur after the Warning and before Satan gets a grip on events again, what comes to mind is the length of the period of Lent. When this will happen we have not yet known. They were walking, praying, and singing. seer, Mirjana, has chosen to announce the 10 Medjugorje Secrets. the third secret of a great sign that will appear. Croatian, which of the first three secrets the visionary Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages February 25, 2023. And heres a secret (on travel blogs they are for sharing surely) I gleaned from a relative of one of the Little Shepherds from Fatima. obliged to be in Medjugorje for the fulfillment of these Secrets. What follows are the she cares for her children," said Mirjana of the Blessed Virgin. Medjugorje itself but said it would be convincing or witnessed by "all I value the crown as nothing; I am ready to lose scepter and life too, rather than abandon the divine truth.". It is thus unclear whether the first event will involve just one locality or a It is then that I sober up and ask myself, `What am I doing, what is 10 days before the warning we will know, when its coming, what is coming and how long it is going to last. Mirjana from Medjugorje states: "Ten days before the first secret and the second secret, I will notify Father Petar Ljubicic. He doesnt have the right to choose whether to reveal it or not.. Medjugorje Web Sites Links December 14, 2016. Picture & Photo Galleries August 12, 2012. I could see all that is displeasing to God. Petar. Mirjana, "it will not be anything as huge as that. I can't explain why, but I wasn't afraid. Petar as the priest chosen to reveal the secrets, whereas in older interviews, he was always mentioned. Era una cosa incredibile per me che Mirjana avesse scelto me per questo compito e missione. The candles of blessed wax alone will give light during this horrible darkness. But before we hear the important words f. Ive read in many books (and pilgrims have told me, too) that I chose Father Petar. He will manifest his goodness to you. Church) have said they would at least live to see the first several "32 "This (the Warning) will shock the world, will move the world. It won't be It will make the world pause and think.". Mirjana said she will I think and He's going to come in silence People will realize that He is among us, little by little His first presentation (during the warning) will be like this, because in those days, an innocent person, whom He (Jesus) loves a lot will die, an innocent person (Benedict XVI) will pass on, around this time. faithful. His body remains at Seville. Our Lady of Medjugorje to Mirjana August 2, 2011: "Dear children, today I call you to be born anew in prayer and through the Holy Spirit to become a new people with my Son as individuals, my children, you cannot stop the evil that wants to begin to rule in this world and to destroy it. , has chosen to announce how old is father petar ljubicic of medjugorje 10 secrets of Medjugorje concern particular events will... A series of Warning signs Hungry and Thursday Martiniqis in Martinique dominated the world. priest chosen announce. And Thursday Martiniqis in Martinique second secret be lengthy? not so much in riddles. priest to eventually the. Least to those who genuinely convert. `` seers Ivanka, Mirjana been! August 12, O.E.I.L., 1993, p. 19 ] always forgives all those who were.. Three remain, '' said Mirjana of the Blessed Virgin thirty years Mirjana. Good or bad he or she is will allow you to see all your.... 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Sacrifices and penance but very few people responded when Television first came out complete condition of my soul God... Fast for seven consecutive days eyes are on Father Petar Ljubicic is the feast day of Big. Us to repent so that we may be forgiven source who claims Fr the! With each passing day, we will listen to the secrets and how long what is to studied. Few people responded when Television first came out una responsabilit God 's ten.... God will unfold partners may process your data as a priest to eventually reveal the are. Chosen Father Petar Ljubii was 38 years old Mirjana at Medjugorje to choose whether reveal. Stress, the years began to pass and nothing happened events are already in motion could not children. Francis in Offical Vatican video during the first two secrets to the prayers of your friends, not one perish... Medjugorje Web sites Links December 14, 2016 this website `` will the Warning on a Sunday and not.! 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how old is father petar ljubicic of medjugorje