A pagan funeral may include a ceremony or ritual that follows the faith/tradition of the deceased. Then, add the painted wood atop the cord after the leather is alight. They include the Egyptian Book of the Dead, your Book of Shadows, and the Carmina Gadelica. The Witchs Ballad by Doreen Valiente, 11. If you want to know how to plan a pagan funeral and what to expect, we will detail it for you here including pagan death beliefs, traditions, pagan funeral songs and witch burial rites. The Anglo-Saxons practiced the pagan customs of wergild, or the payback for lost men, and the belief of wyrd, which denotes one's fate or destiny (class notes 2/3/16). A great way to memorialize them is to do something for that cause that meant so much to them. of an actual attorney. Massaging/anointing the deceaseds feet with oils for the long journey ahead; some oils used traditionally include: angelica, blackberry, chrysanthemum, tobacco, etc. They evoke positivity and compassion, even in the most difficult of times. And the Danish midsummer celebration might be the most ancient of the country's traditions. 2023 All Rights Reserved Funeral Zone Ltd. Have you thought about your funeral wishes yet? This isnt necessarily a strictly pagan custom, but something thats been done for thousands of years across cultures. A non-religious funeral celebrates the life of the deceased without following any religious traditions, beliefs or rituals. There may be music and even dancing, although this varies depending on the preferences of the family and the person who has died. Death is the great unifier, and its something all humans experience at one point. This link will open in a new window. The pagan holiday of Samhain also occurs on the 31st, and it is a time for honoring the dead. In these cases, a soul release can help them to move on.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'celebratepaganholidays_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_3',118,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-celebratepaganholidays_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0'); Soul releases can help reassure mourners that the person who has died has found peace and can bring closure. Easter is the day of the resurrection of Christ. This link will open in a new window. These are Air in the East, Fire in the South, Water in the West and Earth in the North. The holiday came to us from the ancient times and truly its ritual component is rather multifaceted and complex. Pagan funeral. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links at no cost to you. Wigington, Patti. Not surprisingly then, pagan influence has cemented itself inside some of western history, religion, and culture. When our time does come, let us find the strength to move on with grace. Talk to your funeral director and ask for options. During the transient light, take apart the cairn, and place the stones in a circle. He belongs solely to the night. You may not be required to wear a suit and tie or smart clothes, especially if the ceremony is taking place outside. The Witchs Ballad celebrates life after death. In many countries in the modern world, the practice of burying the dead is common. In the meantime, its best to sleep and find peace. Because the family referenced is united in Paganism, theyre bound together for all of eternity. Pagans, Death and the Afterlife. As a pagan witch, I have no shortage of thoughts about it. There are a number of jewelers who offer memorial jewelry, which is typically a small pendant with a hole in the back. What can be done to honor the persons beliefs and send them on their way in a way that they themselves would have valued, while still managing to maintain sensitivity in dealing with their non-Pagan family members and friends? These are powerful ways to say goodbye to someone you love while remembering that they live on through your memories. Not only are they in our memories, but we see them in glimpses of nature. A time will come when we have to bid our loved ones goodbye. Following the pagan funeral service, have a party to celebrate the persons life together eat, drink, and socialize. No matter where you are, look to the sky and see him dreaming another dream all night long. Although they may worship many different gods, you will usually hear them refer to the Goddess, a female deity that features in most Pagan ceremonies. What about planting a tree in his honor? This means that as long as you follow any instructions and respectfully observe any rituals, you are unlikely to cause great offence. Followers of Neopaganism may be eclectic in their beliefs, drawing on traditional religions from across the world, engaging in practices such as witchcraft, worship of Pagan gods and respect for the natural world. For those who hear the call of Paganism, nature is where you find solace. A good funeral director will guide you and help you plan the funeral you desire to have. var ffid = 1; Whether youre planning a memorial for a Pagan, a lover of nature, or youre simply looking for inspiration for the, 1. Keep in mind that any affiliate product we recommend is one that we use ourselves. In addition, here are some other pagan death customs to consider: Pagans and witches dont have a single holy book that they use to guide their lives or their transitions like death. Sankt Hans Aften (or Saint John's Eve) is named for John the Baptist, but the Danish . Wiccans will continue to celebrate the lives of deceased loved ones at the Witches New Year, or, Both flowers and, in particular, live plants have special meanings to pagans. Many Pagans understand that their beliefs are not as widely known or understood as the major religions. Decisions such as whether to view the person who has died, organ and tissue donation, and whether to have a funeral wake can vary from funeral to funeral. Both are dogmatic. in honor of someone you love. Until modern times, Irish wake customs ran the gamut from profound grieving to what appeared to be rollicking good fun. Pagan funerals are beautiful, open, and gentle experiences that reflect on the intricacies and balances of life. Of course, depending on the specifics of the deceased beliefs, each funeral will be different. 1. We cannot give you customized advice on your situation or needs, which would require the service Some states allow for people to be buried on there land. This link will open in a new window. Slowly over time, this festival sparked the interest of non-pagans as well, and now we have Halloween as we know it today. Anubis job is to determine whether the deceased is worthy of entering the underworld, by taking the individuals measure. Another stands to the South, carrying a candle or some incense to represent Fire. So there death is really a new beginning. And we dont have to have a Christian burial either. var lo = new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent); Comprehensive listings to compare funeral directors near you, A Guide To Woodland Burials & Green Funerals. Be sure to read more about: Deities of Death and the Afterlife. The elements of fire, water, earth and air are associated with pagan rites. This link will open in a new window. The body of the deceased would lie in state, followed by a procession to the resting place, either a single grave or a family tomb. Wigington, Patti. So would Native American music like the flutes, as would Norse and traditional European music of many kinds. If the person loved the mountains, hold the service on a mountaintop. (2020, August 28). Unwrap the leather cord. Though losing a friend is always challenging, there is peace in knowing their soul is at rest. For more information on religious funerals, visit our religious funerals page. Considerations for particular gods and goddesses may also be honored and worshipped. Doreen Valiente is a talented Wiccan poet, giving words to many of the most well-loved Pagan rituals. Natural burial grounds are usually considered suitable places and are open to people of all religions. Our expert guidance can make your life a little easier during this time. A Ukrainian funeral (Credit: s-nbcnews.com) Paganism involves the spiritual but non-religious worshipping of people, animals, plants, energies and the earth. The story has it that these fairies are meant to watch over the newborn, at night when the newborn is in its cradle, and establish the fate . { } Days of the Week Katherines heritage is Native American (Northern Cheyenne and Arapaho) and Irish and she writes about family fun pagan activities, Native American and Celtic traditions. For families facing grief, this is a blessing. While non-Pagans see death as an ending, some Pagans view it as a beginning of the next phase of our existence. As many people as possible should attend soul releases, bringing energy to the ceremony. A person may stand at each compass point to invoke these elements and give thanks to the element. Loss is hard. Do some google research if youre curious. For those Pagans who dont have a defined name or description of the afterlife, there is still typically a notion that the spirit and the soul live on somewhere, even if we dont know where it is or what to call it. Study Pagan Roots of Modern Funeral Prectice flashcards from Steven East's Community College of Baltimore County class online, . At such a time, it may be extremely hard to come up with the words that we would like to say. Understanding the language of flowers can make the ceremony more poignant. Like Druidry and Heathenism, both Shamanism and Wicca believe in the transformative powers of nature. In addition to an eco-friendly witch burial, some pagans may choose to be cremated and then have their ashes spread somewhere in nature. An alternative to burial in a tomb was cremation which became more prevalent from the 2nd century BCE onwards, likely following contact with Mediterranean cultures although the precise reason why this change occurred is not known. Like the gods of the past, theyll live forever in each others memories. Hymn to Osiris., Papyrus of Ani; Egyptian Book of the Dead. Im here to tell you, witch and pagan funerals are a real thing. The 8th century Germanic culture that serves as the setting of the epic was deeply rooted in Germanic warrior culture that believed in polytheism, a hierarchical structure that placed the strongest warrior at the forefront. Build kindling and tinder in a brazier, using different wood than used earlier. Other customs with pagan roots include the drowning of the Marzanna doll, decorating eggs, migus dyngus and even spring cleaning. She is currently raising a pagan husband and three children. These are steeped in ancient traditions with reverence for the gods, nature, and the celebration of life. Funeral rites vary widely among spiritual beliefs. Though your loved one is no longer with you, there is still peace in nature. She says, I dont know what happens to us when we die, but I like the idea of the Summerland. If you follow an Egyptian, or Kemetic, path, you may choose to honor Anubis, the jackal-headed god of death. Invoking Gods, guides, and ancestors to ensure safe travel. You can do a simple google search to locate one in your area. Within the many sects of Paganism, there are many beliefs about death, including the afterlife. Though simple, it remarks that time is a spinning wheel we cannot stop. Shamanism heals by working with the spirits within nature, whereas Wicca heals by utilizing the gifts granted by nature itself. Members of non-Wiccan groups, particularly those who follow a more Reconstructionist slant, may see the afterlife as Valhalla or Flkvangr, for those who adhere to a Norse belief system, or Tir na nOg, for individuals who participate in a Celtic path. Yet, its time itself that is everlasting. It all depends on what the individual pagan believes; however, many pagan and witch burials lean towards the eco-friendly. Or cremation if theyve chosen to have. I am doing my own. This starts the day before the decedent's first birthday, following their death. A funeral of this length means that the deceased is a well-respected person and has lived a wonderful life. A Pagan funeral service may involve invoking the four elements, which are often a key aspect of Neopagan beliefs. We may invoke Gods and Goddesses, the watchtowers or quarters, the elements, ancestors, have incense, flowers and candles, create and cast circle/sacred space - or by request, none of the above. You can share some of these passages or quotes during the memorial or have the officiant add it to his/her speech: When I die, plant flowers over my grave, so when the seeds bloom, you can pick me and hold me once more. ~ Anonymous, I have been in many shapes:I have been in a narrow blade of a sword;I have been a drop in the air:I have been a shining star;I have been a word in a book;I have been an eagle;I have been on a boat on the sea;I have been a string on a harp;I have been enchanted for a year in the foam of water.There is nothing in which I have not been. ~ Taliesin (Welsh Bard), Beauty before me, with it I wander.Beauty behind me, with it I wander.Beauty below me, with it I wander.Beauty above me, with it I wander. ~ Navajo Night Chant, Cattle die, Kinsmen die, All men are mortal.Words of praise, Will never perishNor a noble name. ~ Havamal, After all, to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure. ~ Dumbledore, Harry Potter, But know this: the ones that love us never truly leave us. ~ Dumbledore, Harry Potter. "Pagans, Death and the Afterlife." Pinterest. Growing and Using White Sage for Smudging, Celebrate Pagan Holidays, PO Box 628051, Middleton, Wisconsin 53562, USA, Norse Mythology Children's Book Reviews For Pagan Families, The Law of Attraction: How Can It Help Your Practice, Rodnovery: Animal Totems And Spirit Guides, How to Setup a Norse Pagan Altar ( Complete list of supplies needed ), Cerridwen: Celtic Goddess of the Underworld and Moon, Full Moons Throughout The Year 2023: Names and Meanings, Heng - o (Ch'ang-o): Chinese Moon Goddess, 21 Best Pagan Names For Cats (Including Meanings). If you are wondering what to bring or send, opt for a live plant whenever possible. var ins = document.createElement('ins'); witchesandpagans.com/pagan-culture-blogs/sacred-symbols/a-funeral-and-the-power-of-flower-symbolism.html, Budge, E.A. Shamanic Funerals :: Pagan Funeral Rites:: Wicca. Set this up before dawnyou'll need to wake up early. Sometimes, the deceased may request a neo-Pagan ceremony to signify their transformation from the beginning of their journey at birth to the final stop in their life at death. One of them reads: It seems peaceful, a place where our souls can regenerate before they reincarnate into a new body. . Traditional Scottish blessings are Pagan in origin. It is known, that usually the bodies were cremated. Though we dont live forever, we learn to savor the time we have as a blessing. Do this in their grave, in their yard, or by their back door. Then again, regular burials in a cemetery or being housed in a mausoleum are choices, too. The first recorded existence of pagan religions is in the works of Bede the Venerable who was a monk that lived around 735 AD. As this poem reads, one must take a walk in nature to heal ones soul. Though nothing lasts forever, we can look forward to finding a brighter tomorrow. What to expect at a Pagan funeral service. Traditions such as death announcements in national Icelandic newspapers and wakes are common in Iceland. A pagan funeral can involve a wide variety of different rituals, but it often has many of the same elements which more "traditional" funerals contain. Every family is made up of special people. If the person was a druid, look for a druid priest in your area. Shamanic Funeral. The ritual continues: Paint the names of the decedent on a piece of wood using white paint. Find out what to do and discover resources to help you cope. Alternatively, they may take place in a crematorium or other venue, but Pagan-specific places of worship are relatively rare in the UK. container.appendChild(ins); Much like Egyptian burials of people with means and status, ship burials . May his soul find peace and a nurturing travel to the otherworld. If your loved one wanted a natural burial, most funeral directors will be able to help you with this and find a suitable natural burial ground near to you. Offerings will also be placed on the gravesite to provide safe travels, You may hear readings from pagan sources such as the, "For I am the Soul of Nature, who giveth life to the universe; from me, all things proceed, and unto me must all things return; and before my face, beloved of gods and mortals, thine inmost divine self shall be unfolded in the rapture of infinite joy. Witches generally do this at Samhain (Hallowe'en), when . form. Partners are together forever in their mutual love for the goddess and her world. Not all current Russian funeral traditions are associated with Orthodoxy. A person may stand at each compass point to invoke these elements and give thanks to the element. The many pagan religions are no exception, so consider doing some more research if youre attending a pagan funeral soon. This is perhaps the most widespread tradition amongst the Romanian people. For the loss of a partner, this poem is a way to keep their memory close. The difference is that Shamanism is isolationist and tribal, while Wiccan beings share some beliefs with the spiritually minded. So today my family will have a small funeral for him and I am taking into account some of the ideas from this post! There may be food and drink served. Paint or write the name of the deceased person on a piece of ash wood using white paint. Regional customs vary and can be quite complex. Reciting these words of wisdom is a special way to say goodbye to a lost friend. (Germanic) vigor superimposed upon the dominant Judeo Christian tradition. However, cremation is very similar to the pyre custom and can be used in its place. are not protected by an attorney-client privilege and are instead governed by our Privacy Policy. Many pagans believe that souls can be held back by a number of different things, such as fear of the unknown, a disbelief in their own death, or a desire to stay and comfort loved ones. of an actual attorney. Poems not only remind us of the ones we love and help us say goodbye, but they bring peace in a time of suffering. Your partner was the crown of your company, and this is an honor youll hold no matter what. In pagan funerals, there's a reminder that we all return to nature. Many funeral directors can perform a variety of services and will be happy to help you plan a pagan funeral. Here are a few things to expect at a funeral: Many funeral services will be held outside, but considerations will be made for inclement weather and decorations. This classic Norse lullaby encourages readers to put their troubles away. The Cauldron is an active, friendly virtual community for members of Pagan religions and their friends, featuring a threaded message board, and over 8 megs of articles, book reviews and other Pagan information. Poetry has the power to explore our most complex feelings and memories. Pagans beliefs usually revolve around a deep respect for all living things. You'll discover ordained pagan priests or shamans all over the world that can be called upon to perform the funeral rites and service. Pagan Transitions does not receive any commission or payment for our service and any arrangements with a Funeral Celebrant listed on this site is a private transaction between yourself and the Celebrant. In Pagan mythology, Hel is the goddess of death. Create a free online memorial to gather donations from loved ones. There are several popular pagan books with suitable readings for a funeral. forms. However, it's a relatively new concept by some standards, and in some places, it's almost a novelty. ins.style.display = 'block'; if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'celebratepaganholidays_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_9',108,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-celebratepaganholidays_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0');Many pagans choose to spread ashes in wild spaces, in keeping with their connection to nature. Beyond the Charge and Rede. The fees for the advice of an attorney should not be compared to the fees of do-it-yourself online Thank-you for the information, I am doing my own Funeral. By clicking "Accept", you agree to our website's cookie use as described in our Cookie Policy. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. Many Pagans believe that there is some sort of afterlife, although that tends to take varying forms, depending on the individual belief system. The invoking of the elements may involve a person standing on each of the compass points, representing the elements and offering them thanks. Although we may struggle with loss, we find peace in the turning of the wheel of life. It is also believed that some pagan rituals, like the Winter Solstice, were even adapted into Christianity. If you do not feel comfortable doing so, simply remain respectfully silent. The original holiday was called Samhain. They may reach Summerland, or the Otherworldplaces of eternal youth, health, and abundance. Learn more in our affiliate disclosure. Origin: The diversity of Pagan traditions includes myths, histories, and lore from a wide variety of pre-Christian sources, including northern Europeans as well as those of ancient. Because of the variety of beliefs, Neo-Pagan funerals are a personal choice. It truly depends on what your loved one (or you) want to happen upon death, but there are several pagan death customs to consider. Rituals: Hold a memorial ritual in the individuals honor. They are often wild places with lots of nature, which makes them a welcoming space for pagans. Thank you for this. Youve given me ideas for music and places he loves. Hellenists believe that they possess an eternal soul, which allows for an eternal afterlife whether through reincarnation or by sharing a table inside the halls and realm of the gods. Whether you live in a temperate rainforest or an oak savanna, with the changes in topography come changes in the gods celebrated. It is usually a matter of personal preference, reflecting the particular beliefs of the person who has died. A natural burial involves the body of the deceased being placed directly into the ground, without intervention. I'm sure you're familiar with the old "viking funeral and norse burial" stereotype: throw a dead guy in a boat, stuff a weapon in his hands, then peg the ship with a fiery arrow as it drifts away.. Old traditions are passed on from generation to generation. window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId, 'adsensetype', 1); Hence, there is another side to it - the inducement of fertility in nature. Psychopomps include: the deceasesds spirit guides, ancestors and gods, in addition Osiris, Iris, dogs, horses, snakes, birds, Thoth, Hecate, Berchta and Freya (particularly for women and children), Madame Death, etc. It can encompass many aspects, such as honoring the ancestors, sharing stories, feasting, and a formal farewell to the departed. They make for perfect readings not only for Pagans but also for anyone who has a strong love of nature. Representing the elements and offering them thanks, visit our religious funerals page as long as follow. Wear a suit and tie or smart clothes, especially if the ceremony facing! Egyptian burials of people with means and status, ship burials the 31st and! Eco-Friendly witch burial, some Pagans may choose to be cremated and then have their ashes spread somewhere in.! West and Earth in the back Ltd. have you thought about your funeral wishes yet find solace, is. 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