The following are the criticizms narrated regarding Muammal: 1. Ibn Shaaheen = He mentioned him in his Kitaab ath-Thiqaat (505), 13. Ibn Hibbaan = He mentioned him in Kitaab ath-Thiqaat (4/339) and said: He makes alot of Mistakes..Thawree and Shubah have narrated from him.. Nawawi = He graded his hadeeth to be Hasan in Al-Majmoo Sharh ul-Madhab (3/490). When he said Samia Allaahu liman 2. Likewise, Mulla Qaaim Sindhee in his Risaalah Fauz al-Kiraam and Muhammad Hashim Sindhee in Dirham us-Surrah have stated this hadeeth to be authentic (saheeh). See Mizaan ul-Itidaal (2/233), 2. This is why he ( sallelaho alaihi wa alaihi wasalam ) would place his hands upon the chest. 109158. We also invite you to look at the, It sounds like the belief held by Shafi'i Mazhab (based of Abdullah's. This was also the practice and method of the Prophet of Allaah. Al-Bukhaari = He has Munkar narrations [Ad-Duafa by Al-Bukhaari: 148], And he said: He is Munkir ul-Hadeeth, I do not narrate anything from him.. I heard all this about him from my Father. [Al-Jarah wal Tadeel: Vol 7 Pg 125], The Reliable Imam, Imam Ijlee said: He is a Koofi Tabiee, Siqah. [Taareekh ath-Thiqaat: 1379], Imam Ibn Hibbaan has mentioned him in Kitaab ath-Thiqaat [5/319], Imam Tirmidhi graded a hadeeth containing Qabeesah, as Hasan. Keep Learning & Practicing Islam! Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. 2. No narrator in the chains is unknown nor is there any broken chain of narration. (Ibn Khuzaimah, 1/2). This is the view of the This method should be tried by the reader to see what happens and then the matter will become clear, if Allaah wills. 148 pg. The ciriticizm of Ibn al-Turkamaani al-Hanafi is rejected due to Qeela (Passive Form). Jariheen (Criticizers) and their Jarah (Criticizm), 1. Sufyaan ath-Thawree (270/287, Tuhfat ul-Ashraaf by Al-Mizzi: 2/154 H. 2164), 12. Al-Mundhiri = He graded his hadeeth to be Hasan. I have even read Shia hadeeth which says that Ali prayed with his hands on the sides but when he was standing in the prayer for long he used to put them below the navel. Jazhak Allahu khairan in advance and big fan of the works and Fatwas in this page. Following is the hadith in musnad ahmed: Sayyiduna Hulb (ra) relates, 'I saw the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) turn from both his right and left and I also saw him place this upon his chest.' Yahya (one of the narrators) described this as being the right hand upon the left above the wrist joint. 5. Muammal is not mentioned in the book of Imam Daraqutni Kitaab ad-Duafa wal Matrokeen. Though this hadith is sahih, the action is not marfu i.e. quote. Further Imaam Ibn Hazm in Al-Muhalla (4/114) and Ibn Qayyim in Alaam al-Muwaqqieen (2/6, Indian print) have declared this narration authentic. So placing them on the chest or stomach isent something for us to argue over, place them either on the chest or on the stomach, it doesnt matter as long as your right hand is above the left. 10. Ahmed bin Hanbal = He Narrated from him. Now lets come and read about Simaak bin Harb and the reasearch on him. Create an account, If you do not have an account, you can click the button below to create one, Create new account With Due Praise to Allah, the manuscript of Ibn Khuzaymah has not only been found but it has also gone through the process of publication, and its publication has proved all the congectural and ideological guesses to be wrong. Plus the interpretation by narrator at end of hadith does not. At the end we say in conclusion that: Muammal AN Sufyaan Thawree is Saheeh ul-Hadeeth; and Muammal AN Ghair Sufyaan is Hasan ul-Hadeeth walhamdulillah. He grabbed his arms and put his right hand on his My opinion is that to putting them below the navel wouldn't be wrong, but one can choose to put them above the navel or on the chest. It is sufficient that this hadeeth is recorded in Saheeh al-Bukhaari because the ahadeeth in Bukhaari have a special grade of authenticity compared to all other ahadeeth and this is also the decision of the Scholars of this Ummah. Abu Yunus Haatim bin Abi Sagheerah (1680). Some Muqallid hanafi innovators say that the words of Ala Sadrih are only narrated by Sufyaan Thawree from Simaak, and Abul Ahwas, Shareek al-Qaadhi etc have not narrated this additional wording. When the Prophet said, Allah hears those who praise him, he would raise his hands. Wail ibn Hujr reported: He saw the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, raise his hands upon entering into prayer, exalting Allah, and Hammam described his hands as parallel to his ears. See question no. Abu Moosa Muhammad bin Muthna informed us, Muammal bin Ismaeel narrated to us, Sufyaan ath-Thawree narrated to us, From Aasim ibn Kulayb, From His Father Kulayb bin Shihaab, From Waail ibn Hujr [radiallah anhu]. Ibn al-Madeeni = He is from the Major comapnions of Makhool, he got slightly confused before his death. Imaam Ibn Khuzaimah, in relation to his Saheeh Ibn Khuzaimah, states at the very beginning the condition that, This is a compilation of authentic ahadeeth which go right back to the Prophet with authentic and complete chains of narration. And he is imam nimawi hanafi not imam nawawi. Therefore this (criticism and) narration is Mardood (Rejected). * Muammal is Jayyid ul-Hadeeth, meaning Siqah and Sudooq according to Imam Ibn Katheer. Al-Haakim = Authenticated him in al-Mustadrak on the conditions of Shaikhayn, and Dhahabi followed him in that. Abu Haazim Sahl ibn Sad Saadee narrates that: All those people praying (Companions) were ordered to place their right hand upon the left Zara (all part from elbow to middle finger). [This saying was not found with an authentic chain], 12. Views : Other chains of this hadeeth are also present in Musnad Ahmed, Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan (5/170 # 1860), Saheeh Ibn Khuzaymah (Vol 1 Pg 243 H. 479) and others. place his right hand on his left hand. (Narrated by Muslim, 401). In Marifat ur-Rawaat al-Mutakallim fihim bima yojab ar-Radd, he said: He is Truthful [Pg 187], 9. Ackermann Function without Recursion or Stack. 14. [Bazal al-Majhood: Vol 1 Pg 83]. (Muslim (1/208). Ibn Adee = He is Sudooq and there is nothing wrong in him. [Al-Kaamil: 3/1300], 11. All its narators, Allah willing, are free from the defect of Jarah. [Saheeh Ibn Khuzaymah: Vol 1 Pg 3]. 15. What tool to use for the online analogue of "writing lecture notes on a blackboard"? The condition of Muhammad bin Khalf mentioned in its chain is not known, therefore this saying is not proven. Placing the hands on the chest in salah - YouTube 0:00 / 29:59 9. 11. It was narrated that Sahl ibn Sad said: The people were commanded to Adh-Dhahabi = Al-Imam, Al-Kabeer, Mufti.. [Siyar Alaam al-Nabula: 5/433]. If, by that time, this narration was present with this addition then these people must have presented it in support of their Madhab. The Hanafi Objection on the Text of this Hadeeth: Molvi Muhamad Haneef Gangohi, while discussing this hadeeth, wrote: Furthermore, its text also has idtiraab in it. Copyright IslamWeb 2023. As for the Rather, the weakness of the Mursal hadeeth is related to the fact that it is possible that the missing reporter is one or more Taabii (one of the generation following that of the Companions) along with the missing Companion, and it is also possible that this Taabii is weak. right hand on the left forearm when praying. So two, out of the four of the great Imams, have said to put them below the navel. when he prostrated, he prostrated between his hands. According to a report hands in prayer means placing the right hand over the left hand, and letting Ibn Ibn al-Mubaarak = Simaak is Daeef in Hadeeth [Tahdheeb al-Kamaal: 8/131, Tahdheeb at-Tahdheeb: 4/204]. First of all, It is not proven from Imam Nasaaee and Ali ibn al-Madeeni that they declared him Majhool. Meaning he (peace be upon him) did not wash his full zaraa but some part of it?? Ibn Maeen was born in 157 H, and Shubah bin al-Hajjaj died in 160 H. Meaning, this narration is rejected due to being Munqati. And Allaah knows best. 22 2023 : . Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. [The Prophet] (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to Differences can come when different people follow different Ahadith, of which there are inauthentic one. Secondly, Even if the saying of Imam Nasaaee and Imam Ibn al-Madeeni gets proven then it will not decrease the status of this hadeeth, because the Naqideen declare those narrators to be Majhool, whose conditions are not known by them, whereas the other Naqideen of narrators declare the same narrator to be Siqah. When the Prophet prostrated, he prostrated between his two palms. I do not anyone who abandoned him. Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal = I only know good about him. [Al-Jarah wal Tadeel: 9/82, Chain Saheeh], 3. NOTE: From the author of Tahdheeb at-Tahdheeb (Hafidh Ibn Hajar) to Imam As-Saaji, the chain is not present. 19. What is the significance of washing the feet instead of doing wuzu before saying the prayers? Imam Yahya bin Saeed al-Qattaan said, I did not see a Haafiz like Sufyaan. Imam Ijlee was born in 182 H, and Imam Sufyaan ath-Thawree died in 161 H. Therefore this chain is also Munqati. Where should we place the hands in salah? manner in which the hands are placed, there are two ways: 1-Placing the right hand on top Abu Dawood (726) and al-Nasaai (889) narrated that Waail ibn Hujr said: I said: I am going to watch how the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) prays. rev2023.3.1.43269. * This narration is narrated from the chain of Muammal from Sufyaan thawree, therefore Muammal is Siqah according to Imam Haakim and Dhahabi. Khuzaymah (479) narrated that Waail ibn Hujr (may Allaah be pleased with However, I also see that the majority of Indian and Pakistani people put their hands on their stomach while praying salat. One places them below the chest but above the navel. [Al-Istiyaab fi Marifatil Ashaab]. The following are the situations of preference: 1. Clasping the hands in prayer means placing the right hand over the left hand, and letting the arms hang means letting them hang down by the sides. This detail makes it clear that the words of tahta sirrah at the end of the Marfoo hadeeth are Ghair Mahfoodh (unpreserved), therefore it is not correct to present these words as a contradiction. This is not an issue of Haram or Halal but an issue of which practice is Sunnah. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Meaning, we can say that the hands should be placed on the part of chest which is attached to the mouth of stomach, like this, some part of the wrist certainly be close to the chest and some part must also be on the chest. More than one students narrate the similar words, whereas only a few narrate different words than the majority. Correct me if I'm wrong with sahih sources, I'm a student of Qur'an and hadith, and as far as I remember, all these hadiths says other than "on chest" and says different, Salam and Welcome, we suggest you read the FAQ. The best report concerning this issue, even though there is some debate Ibn Khuzaymah has narrated the words Ala Sadrih (On Chest) Haafidh Al-Bazzar narrated Inda Sadrih (Close to Chest), while Ibn Abi Shaybah narrated Tahta Sadrih (Below the Navel)' [Ghayat us-Saayah: Vol 3 Pg 41]. One narrator narrates contradictory words two or more than two times. 11. * This saying is also chain-less (hence rejected). @Medi1Shah yes. Ad-Daraqutni: Authenticated him in his Sunan. Imam Ibn Sad said: Kulayb is Siqah and is the narrator of many narrations. [H. 252], Baghwi graded one of his hadeeth to be Hasan. This saying is not found in Kitaab al-Illal of Imam Ibn al-Madeeni and Kitaab ad-Duafa of Imam Nasaaee. Allaamah Nimawee Hanafee in Aathaarus-Sunan, (1/67) has also admitted that the chain of narration is, Saheeh., Further, Allaamah Muhaddith Abdur-Rahmaan Mubaarakpooree in Tuhfatul-Ahwadee the explantion of Tirmidhee writes, All the narrators in this chain of narration are reliable/respected and this chain is complete.. I have two translation of his Kimya as Saadat and in one it says "on the chest" and in the other "below the chest" Only this wording would be in agreement with the narrators own interpretation of the hadeeth as is stated in the narration "Yahya described this as being the right hand upon the left above the wrist joint". Ibn Sad: He is Thiqah, makes many mistakes. [Al-Tabaqaat al-Kubra by Ibn Sad: 5/501], 7. Checking Hadith grading of narration of Abu Dhar in Musnad Ahmed. Placing the Hands He (PBUH) then holds his left hand with his right hand, putting it on his chest or he (PBUH) holds his left forearm with his right hand, putting it on his chest. * Muammal is Saheeh ul-Hadeeth according to Haafidh Zaya. Prophet Informing Muadh that He would See the Valley of Tabuk Turning Green, Meaning of Hadeeth: Whoever Cheats Us Is Not One of Us, Clothing of the People of Paradise Do Not Wear Out, This Hadeeth Is of the Highest Degree of Authenticity, Whoever Says the Words in the Hadeeth in His Illness and Then Dies, Hellfire Shall Not Consume Him, The Classification of the Narration about Defending Your Wealth. (Ahmad 21460.) hands when praying means placing the right hand over the left when standing. To place the hands beneath the navel during the prayer [Ibn Hazm, Muhalla, Watal-Yamin] All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. Imam Tirmidhi has also narrated this narration with the same chain, and in ateast one Nuskha, the same text is mentioned which Imam Ahmed has narrated in his Musnad, as Muhaddith Abdul Haqq says that: Imam Tirmidhi narrated through the chain of Qabeesah bin Hulb From Hulb At-Taaee that he saw the Messenger of Allah [peace be upon him] that he was placing his hands on the chest. [Sharh Safar as-Saadat: Pg 44], Inrotudction to the Narrators of this Hadeeth, Qabeesah bin Hulb is the son of Hulb Taee [radiallah anhu] and the resident of Koofah. , Allah willing, are free from the author of Tahdheeb at-Tahdheeb ( Hafidh Ibn Hajar ) Imam... Is not proven from Imam Nasaaee and Ali Ibn al-Madeeni and Kitaab ad-Duafa of Imam Ibn Sad said: is. In the book of Imam Ibn Sad: he is Sudooq and there nothing! Mentioned in the chains is unknown nor is there any broken chain of Muammal from Sufyaan thawree, Muammal! 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