The result is a budget that closely matches the communitys highest priorities each fiscal year. The proposal, which passed 5-2, would raise the pay of councilmembers by 69% (from $80,000 to $135,044 annually). Do not sell advertisements on behalf of Fresnoland. Council (5-0) approved minutes on July 13, 2022, B. Through this site, you and your family will have access to thousands of articles, tip sheets, and videos covering a wide array of behavioral health and work-life topics. The mayors salary currently at $130,000 would be tied to the city council and earn a multiple of just under 163% of that rate. FY22 Property Tax Override (PTO) 2015 Position Authorized Resolution (PAR) This award is valid for a period of one year only. The site also contains dependent care search engines, reference libraries, legal and financial resources, self-improvement programs, and educational training modules. Our original reporting and notes from the Documenters are available to be republished under a Creative Commons license, under certain conditions, listed below. Fresno OMB CAP 15-16 If you would like a version of our story translated into another language, please contact A. Parks, After School, Recreation and Community Services, Long-Range Plans and the Development Code, Apply for a Concealed Weapons Permit CCW, Fresno-Clovis Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facility (RWRF), Public Works: Streets, Lights, Landscape, & Construction. FY21 Property Tax Override (PTO) Code Enforcement TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. 16 Request for ISD to Provide Status on Integration of Apple Products 6.22.20, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. The public has the right to know the pay and benefits of all public employees and the City of Modesto is committed to providing information on our employee's compensation, contracts and benefits. Our donors Provide voluntary insurance protection to protect income, provide needed cash benefits for disability, life, accidents or major illnesses. 6-21 Citywide Dress Standards Click Here to view the Salary Range Steps. Donate: TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. Breakdown of 15,000 PD FAX Unit Calls for Serv. The agreement will supersede any prior Landscape Maintenance Agreement and include areas where no Landscape Maintenance Agreement exists. , under certain conditions, listed below. 6 Request for Comparison of General Fund Revenues and Expenditures May 2019 and 2020 Fiscal Year t, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. Fresno OMB CAP 16-17 2-22 Salaries and Workers Compensation Benefits While Absent Due to Work-Related Injury or Illness Do not sell advertisements on behalf of Fresnoland. ! 2-4 Vehicle Accident Procedures The Fresno City Council was split on Thursday over a plan for a massive pay raise that will benefit some current members. 4.8 Upcoming Salary Increases and Amounts by Bargaining Units 6.12.20, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. life-threatening emergency, please dial 9-1-1. 30 Request for Location of All City Departments Line-Item Information on Citys Website 6.17.20 Growing up in the San Francisco Bay Area, Taub is a die-hard Giants and 49ers fan. Multiple Family Fees Blog:, Do you live or work in South Central Fresno? It was defeated . It will be divided into several functions within Enterprise Funds as they support administrative, streets, parks, water, and wastewater, LLMD, development, and utility services within Public Works. Each year, the city's budget is developed in conjunction with the Mayor, City Manager and all city departments. After considerable public and Board discussion, the Fresno COG Policy Board approved the EC/TWG plan as modified by the City of Fresno. FY20 Master Fee Schedule (MFS), FY19 Annual Appropriation Resolution (AAR) City of fresno salary resolution 2023. hg. The subsequent Fiscal Year 2022/2023 City Budget included approved funding for the new website project. Master Fee Schedule (MFS), 2015 PLEASE VISIT 71 Request for Public Works Fountain Way Neighborhood Paving Update 6.22.20 The mayor's salary would jump from $130,000 to $219,000 a year. 2022-2023 Fiscal Year. He graduated from the University of Michigan with dual degrees in communications and political science. Revising the distribution of these street repairs funds from 75 percent population 25 percent road miles to 80 percent 20 percent (later revised to 78 percent 22 percent), 3. Benefit Summary for the Employees Retirement System (As of June 30, 2006) This section provides a brief summary of the benefits provided by the City of Fresno Employees Retirement System. The city of Fresno, California, held a primary election for mayor and city council districts 2, 4, and 6 on March 3, 2020. June 24, 2019 - June 20/2021. Lightbox link for post with description Alan Jacobsen is a Fresno FAX supervisor and an to raise money for the hospital. FY18 Property Tax Override (PTO) 8-16 Accessibility of Information on City Website 6-8.1 Idea$ Pay If you have a life-threatening emergency, please dial 9-1-1. The Fresno City Council was split on Thursday over a plan for a massive pay raise that will benefit some current members. H. Resolution Approving Contract with Civic Plus for New City Website and Support Services for $71,509.69 (JAJ). "My hope is in the future we attract highly qualified candidates for the position," said councilmember Luis Chavez. For position allocation within Fresno County Departments, please refer to the Tables of Positions in the Salary Resolution, Section 200. Staff initially presented four alternatives to the TWG. Read about community stories, local events, updates, and tips. TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. 32 Request CARES Act Spending Plan be Posted for the Public on the Citys Website 6.18.20 You can help shape Fresnos Urban Forest for the next 40 years by taking our survey! Council (5-0) adopted Resolution Adopting Management Salary Schedules for the Fiscal Year 2022-2023. FY23 Annual Appropriation Resolution (AAR) 1-10 Internal Audit Authority, Responsibilities, Types of Audits Performed, and Reporting Be sure to tag Fresnoland when sharing our stories on your social channels. TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. 3-8 Disposition of Surplus Property 2023 Budget Procedures Manual (BPM)is used by staff as a guide to building their annual budget. 6-2 Procedure for Naming or Renaming City Facilities The current salary for judges is $225,074. Councilmember Bredefeld says this would bring council salaries to higher than those of San Diego councilmembers. New employees generally begin at the first step of the assigned salary range. FY21 Annual Appropriation Resolution (AAR) TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. A more responsible approach would be to provide incremental pay increases over time that will allow elected officers to receive salaries comparable to cities similar to Fresno. In turn,state law determines judge salary increasesas well as raises other state employees receive. 68 FY 2020 Actual Council Capital Expenditures 6.18.20 TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. 6-7 Acceptance of Gifts and Rewards A general election was scheduled for November 3, 2020, if no candidate received a majority of votes in the primary. 53 Status of EOC Food Distribution Agreement and Plan to Continue Food Distribution During Pandemic, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. 63 Requesting Amount Spent on Youth Internship Program 6.22.20 76 Request List of One-Time General Fund Carryover Appropriations per 14th AAR Amendment 6.24.20 All Rights Reserved. The proposal passes with Council Members Garry Bredefeld and Esmeralda Soria the sole no votes, while Mike Karbassi, Miguel Arias, Tyler Maxwell . The polling indicated high support for renewing Measure C (80 percent) and that fixing local roads was the highest priority, also at 80 percent. The compensation increase would not include a pension. Our values The new website will offer a much more user-friendly interface and improved community engagement tools. However, its OK for our stories to appear on pages with ads youve already sold. We believe our current budget continues to conform to program requirements, and we are submitting it to GFOA to determine its eligibility for another award. Leave Advance Request and Repayment Agreement FY23 GANN Approvpriation Limit Resolution (GANN) Portability leave, retire, relocate. These changes resulted in each of the 15 cities in Fresno County getting slightly more funding (approximately 5 percent to 20 percent, with the smallest cities experiencing the largest increase). Mike Karbassi, Miguel Arias, Tyler Maxwell, Luis Chavez and Nelson Esparza voted yes; Esmeralda Soria and Garry Bredefeld voted no. TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. Neighborhood Centers, Parks, and Playground Facilities Translations of our stories may not be republished without additional permission. In November of 2021, a First Amendment to the CSA with B&A for grant writing and management services was approved by Council through June 30, 2022. If you would like to republish any story elements besides text and links, please contact to inquire about media rights. 2-28 Part-time, Hourly and Temporary Employees Our employees work hard to serve Fresno and, in return, we are all appreciative of the support we receive from the community. Bredefeld said the raise itself is more than what most Fresnans earn. As a result, the first meetings of these two groups were held virtually in January and February of 2021. Fresno OMB CAP 14-15 2022. (Updated as of January 9, 2023). 2-29 Anti Nepotism Policy TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. Provides over $800 million to the three transit agencies in Fresno County, an increase of 180 percent over the current transit allocation. Do not ask for donations on behalf of Fresnoland. 2022. 74 Line Item Detail of YTD GF Expend. 56 Request Notification of When Joint Use Program with Central and Fresno Unified Will be Back in Specifically, this plan will: Specific language on local hiring preferences will also need to be developed and included in the SIP. Referral. We regularly translate our reporting into Spanish. 8-6 Access to City Hall When the Building is Locked Employees who have exhausted all of their accrued leave may request an advance of no more than 80 hours of their Sick or Annual Leave bank during the Citys declared emergency related to COVID-19 for qualifying reasons found on the form. as a result of a 1994 resolution. In conjunction with other identified funding sources, it meets 95 percent of the overall active transportation need established through the 2022 RTP/SCS process. Building Permits-Minor Additions, Alterations 21 Report of Where Bldg Permits are Being Pu, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. A 69 percent raise in one year is significant. by Josef Sibala, Fresnoland July 29, 2022, This and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.. Single Family / Duplex Fresno City Employees Health and Welfare Trust Plan Booklet by Josef Sibala July 29, 2022. A supervisors salary is currently set at 60% of what a Superior Court judge is paid, as a result of a 1994 resolution. 39 Request Calls on a Daily Basis of Emergency and Non-Emergency Broken Down by Policing District, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. SALARY AND BENEFITS . 8-7 Funding of Special Events 8-2 Centralized Facilities Services With rare exceptions, staff did not contact specific individuals but worked through agencies and organizations to identify who would serve on the two committees. FY 19 Budget Communications Technician I 49 Request for Public Works Latest Version of the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) 5-Year Plan 6, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. About Fresnoland TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. 16 Request for ISD to Provide Status on Integration of Apple Products 6.22.20 No. In mid-June, FCTA and Fresno COG staff presented the EC/TWG approved plan to the Fresno City Council. The Content Management System (CMS) underlying the Civic Plus product is superior and todays modern, state-of-the-art standard for data management and external engagement. Staff will develop a newly revised job description for Public Works Permit Clerk to cater to and best address the Departments needs. Fresno Parks, Recreation and Arts Commission, Fresno Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee, Kerman City Council (2/9/22) Measure C renewal process + new district map, Kerman City Council (3/9/22) Local Road Safety Plan + Kings Water Management Zone Agreement, Kerman City Council (7/13/22) Measure C funds accepted + Urban Water Management Plan + roundabout with gateway sign, Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, City officials extend warming centers again after weekend downpour, 5,000 free air filters coming soon to south central Fresno, pending state approval, Fresno City Council approves Jacqueline Lyday as new Planning Commissioner, Fresno City Council hears concerns about end of Eviction Protection Program and Fancher Creek Trail, Clovis honors African-American Museum, council member concerned the word equity is socialist, Proudly powered by Newspack by Automattic. 22 Information Regarding Low Income Program 6.19.20 FY19 Property Tax Override (PTO) Unit 7 Non Supervisory Groups and Crafts, City of Fresno Professional Employees Association (CFPEA) Specifically, the increase in the Local Control Program was intended to allow each agency to best tailor their Measure C expenditures to their unique and specific needs. 8-4 Responding to Public Records Act Requests for E-mail, 5-1 City Council Agenda Procedure Utility Poles/Small Cell Conductor Fees, Parks, After School, Recreation, & Community Services Do not scrape our website or use our stories to populate websites designed to improve search rankings or gain revenue from network-based advertisements. The Council adjourned at 9:06 p.m. Life -Accident-Critical Illness- Disability and more. You may also make minor revisions for style or headline size, and you may trim stories for space. Typically, employees are eligible for merit-based step increases annually. TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. Council (5-0) adopted a resolution approving the contract with Civic Plus for the new City website and support services for $71,509.69. TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. Employees requesting Paid Sick Leave are to complete the request form noted below and transmit it to their supervisor for processing in the department. 54 Request for Meeting to Discuss Proposed Timeline of when Community Engagement will Begin at Mil David Taub, Senior Reporter. 23 Update on Purple Pipe or Recycling Water Program 6.19.20, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. 48 Request for Public Works Capital Projects by District to Include Estimated Timelines 6.25.20, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. Given the existing relationship with Civic Plus products in use in the Community Services Departments (Parks and Recreation) Civic Rec, and the deployment of a new meeting agenda management system, Civic Clerk, the issue of integration and support was paramount in selecting Civic Plus to build and maintain the Citys new website. The agreement addresses the Citys responsibility for the landscaping, planting, irrigation systems, hardscaping, mulches, vegetation control, weed control, irrigation control, litter and weed removal, sidewalk, delineators, and parking restriction signs placed within State Highway right of way on State Routes 145 and 180. 57 Status of Fresno High Area Triangle Street Vacation Feasibility 6.18.20, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. This includes byline credit (for example, Cassandra Garibay, Fresnoland) and a line at the top of the story that reads, This story was originally published by Fresnoland, a nonprofit news organization, where Fresnoland is hyperlinked to the version of the story. 70 Request for Public Works El Dorado Alley Paving Update 6.22.20 78 Request a Line Item Detail Report for the Graffiti Abatement Program 6.24.20 He also writes columns about local eateries (Appetite for Fresno), pro wrestling (Off the Bottom Rope), and media (Media Man). Fresno OMB CAP 12-13, FY22 Budget Parks, After School, Recreation and Community Services, Long-Range Plans and the Development Code, Apply for a Concealed Weapons Permit CCW, Fresno-Clovis Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facility (RWRF), Public Works: Streets, Lights, Landscape, & Construction. 2014 Property Tax Override (PTO) 2013 Property Tax Override (PTO) If you have a FY 15 Master Fee Schedule The RTP/SCS is the 20-year transportation planning document for Fresno County, while Measure C is part of how the RTP/SCS plan is implemented. TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. We regularly translate our reporting into Spanish. Unit 5 Non Management Fire TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. 44 Request Report of Prior Financial Audit Findings for PD 6.29.20, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. The staff made short presentations while listening to members of the public who discussed what they thought were the highest priorities for a third Measure C. Simultaneously, FCTA also launched an online survey to gather similar data. Please reach out to Chimienti and Associates and review the benefits listed for additional information. 77 Request the Numb. He said he took a pay cut to become a councilman and could no longer contribute to his pension. The City of Kerman entered into a Consultant Services Agreement (CSA) with Blais & Associates (B&A) for grant writing and management services on July 7, 2020. 2016 Annual Appropriation Resolution (AAR) 2013 Position Authorized Resolution (PAR) Please refer to Handbook for explanation of benefits and qualifications. 6-19 Contracts for Consultant Services 52 and 60 Request Revenue Loss Due to Impact of COVID19 6.18.20, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. 2-14 Guide to Corrective Action The EC also considered and approved the plan as submitted by the TWG. APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE AN ON-LINE APPLICATION. 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