Working Guidelines for Ethics & Equity in Presenting Dance & Performance. DRL 1657553 and DRL 2031795. Land Conflict Acknowledgement A living document for engagement & relationship-building This text is a living document that will function in the teaching, learning, and mentoring work of our program, including but not limited to classroom engagement, special projects, and faculty outreach activities. "As a land-grant institution, Utah State University campuses and centers reside and operate on the territories of the eight . We recognize that Land Acknowledgements must be preceded and followed with ongoing and unwavering commitments to American Indian and Indigenous communities. Qeecst u sqlqelix t Suyapi xl es ntee t stuulixs. 13 0 obj American Indian students, many have looked to create Land Acknowledgement Statements. to this effort. For questions or comments contact the Ask Us Desk. It is important to understand the longstanding history that has brought you to reside on the land, and to seek to understand your place within that history. They are initial points of reckoning, of resistance and for activation. Recognizing history in land acknowledgements is vital and should be used to "position yourself in the present and then look to the future," Hall said. This Land Acknowledgement Statement could be given by any individual, preferably non-Native, at any presentation that includes USU faculty, staff, or students from any or several campuses. Location:Montana Natural History Center REGISTER HERE. Our work is rooted in advocacy, action, and change. Location: Meet at the Montana Natural History Center, where we will get on the bus to drive to Freezout Lake. By recognizing the ways that settler-colonial institutions benefit from these interconnected histories, we work to hold the University accountable. The name Missoula comes from the Bitterroot Salish word Nmesuletk, which means place of freezing water. This name has been used for over 12,000 years, since the existence of Glacial Lake Missoula! (If youre hoping to inspire others to take action to support Indigenous communities, youre on the right track. << /Pages 32 0 R /Type /Catalog >> Support Indigenous-led grassroots change movements and campaigns. Through our work with Montana students and teachers, we honor The university archives have a picture of the land in its "wild state," which had to be cleared of treesan extremely tedious joband graded to make it suitable for the construction of buildings. Our current membership includes Montana's two-year, four-year, public, private, tribal, and community colleges and universities, as well as a network office located in Missoula, hosted by the University of Montana. The land acknowledgement itself was built on work initiated by the grassroots efforts of Indigenous faculty, staff and students. We offer a B.A. The Montana Natural History Center (MNHC) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Acknowledgement We are grateful to members of the Business, Estates, Trusts, Tax, and Real Property (BETTR) Section of the State Bar of Montana, as well as Montana State University Extension agents for reviewing this document. A Land Acknowledgement or Land Recognition is a formal statement, often given orally at the beginning of organized events, celebrations, or activities. Ye Snyonuntn es suxms u siit sqlqelix tl Nay. In partnership with Sli-Qlisp Cultural Committee, Parks and Recreation drafted this Land Acknowledgement Statement to honor the Indigenous Peoples who have inhabited the land in the Missoula valley: The City of Missoula acknowledges that we are in the aboriginal territories of the Salish, Kootenai, and Kalispel people. Please direct all mail to the following address: This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. be subscribed with the email that is set as the default in your email program. Career Development Center. The leadership of the traditional Gayogohn has endorsed the statement. Dont treat them as a relic of the past. Angela can connect you with Northwestern University, When we talk about land, land is part of who we are. endobj The University of Arizona hopes to incorporate the statement on university websites, email signatures and presentation slides. Land Acknowledgement. The San Jos State University community recognizes that the present-day Muwekma Ohlone Tribe, with an enrolled Bureau of Indian Affairs documented membership of over 550, is comprised of all of the known surviving American Indian lineages aboriginal to the San Francisco Bay region who trace their ancestry through the Missions Santa Clara, San . Today, land acknowledgments are used by Native Peoples and non-Natives to recognize Indigenous Peoples who are the original stewards of the lands on which we now live. Check out our land acknowledgment event livestream, and hear his comments at the 27-minute mark. This is [], Date: Monthly, on the first Monday of the month Time: 6:30 p.m. Location/Platform: Virtual Zoom Classroom The only thing better than reading a fascinating natural history book (and there are [], Date: Monthly, on the second Tuesday of the month Time: 6:30 p.m. Location/Platform: Virtual Zoom Classroom The only thing better than reading a fascinating natural history book (and there are [], Morning: March 16, 2023 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Evening: March 21, 2023 @ 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm Location: Greenough Park Cost:$5 MNHC members/$10 non-members. Highlands College is home to popular career-oriented 2-year and 1-year programs. We respect the desire to recognize the ancestral, traditional, and contemporary stewards of the Land. Native Governance Center co-hosted an Indigenous land acknowledgment event with the Lower Phalen Creek Project on Indigenous Peoples' Day 2019 (October 14). Starting out with good intentions and a good heart is what matters most.. Here, we welcome you into this space by highlighting ongoing Indigenous advocacy projects alongside landback movements. A Kumeyaay land acknowledgment is to be included in course syllabi at San Diego State . (Northern Cheyenne). across disciplines and are important for a wide variety of professions in the work-force. Disclaimer: This resource has been developed to support the identification of components that contribute to an effective Land Acknowledgement and that can initiate steps towards meaningful and equitable relationship building with Indigenous Peoples and communities. ), When will I have the largest impact? Put in the time necessary to research the following topics: Use appropriate language. The University finds pride in calling itself The Nations Pioneer Land Grant College, a term we find highly problematic and recommend that it no longer be used. grades 4-8 curriculum, which helps students understand that computing skills are relevant Here you can subscribe or unsubscribe to our Storytelling listserv. But land acknowledgment statements need to be more than just a statement, Cuch added. Native American leaders say words and actions Register Here Our certification courses consist [], Date: Wednesday, March 1 Time: 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . On Dec. 8, Reges criticized land acknowledgment statements in an email to faculty and included a modified statement he put in his syllabus: "I acknowledge that by the labor theory of property the Coast Salish people can claim historical ownership of almost none of the land currently occupied by the University of Washington." Reges's . Stock, Tea, Broth, Soup, Nourishing Herbs. from the stories of these communities whose oral histories embody this land. Native Land Digital is a Canadian not-for-profit organization, incorporated in December 2018. . << /Contents 13 0 R /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /Parent 32 0 R /Resources << /ExtGState << /G3 25 0 R /G9 30 0 R >> /Font << /F4 26 0 R /F6 27 0 R /F7 28 0 R /F8 29 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI ] /XObject << /X5 14 0 R >> >> /StructParents 0 /Type /Page >> Rather, we recognize the multigenerational Indigenous efforts of past, present, and future leaders creating pathways for decolonial futures. with proud heritage, a vibrant present, and a bright future. additional resources and individuals who may guide you to best next steps. Apsalooke (Crow), Ktunaxa/Ksanka (Kootenai), Lakota, Dakota (Sioux), Nakoda (Assiniboine), Montana Tech is led by innovators. The Sli-Qlisp Cultural Committee created the following language, "The University of Montana acknowledges that we are in the aboriginal territories of the Salish and Kalispel people.Today, we honor the path they have always shown us in caring for this place for the generations to come." In addition to normal employment and family obligations, Indigenous people are working to heal their traumas, learn their languages, and support their nations. Cornell University has a new land acknowledgment, stating that its Ithaca campus is located on the traditional homelands of the Gayogohn, also known as the Cayuga Nation. Clicking on the Opt-In button will open a message in your default email program with your respective email address. Our organization is an independent affiliate of Campus Compact, a national coalition of college and university presidents dedicated to promoting civic and community engagement, public service, and service-learning in higher education. xcbd`g`b``8 "lc0D2H/ r')s ,n$lJNV?4F r In AIIS, we push Michigan State University to recruit, retain, and support American Indian and Indigenous students, faculty, and staff. Copyright Sacramento State is located on Miwok, Maidu and Nisenan land, tribes in California's central valley, according to historians and local Native American organizations, such as the Sacramento Native American Health Center.. As awareness of colonization, land-grant universities, and stolen land grows, some institutions began practicing land acknowledgements, written and oral addresses that . Montana Tech is home to nationally and regionally ranked programs in engineering, sciences, and health care. electronics and then programmed by students. The acknowledgment is one of five commitments Brown is making to build understanding of the relationship between its campus community, Indigenous peoples of the region and the land on which Brown is situated. Likewise, we recognize that parts of what is now Michigan includes Land within the traditional Homelands of the Miami, Meskwaki, Sauk, Kickapoo, Menominee, and other Indigenous nations. Research entities include: The Center for Advanced Materials Processing (CAMP), the Center for Environmental Remediation and Assessment (CERA), the High Performance Computing Cluster (HPC), the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology (MBMG) and the Underground Mine Education Center (UMEC). ), What is my end goal? The Montana Natural History Center is dedicated to the recognition of the first peoples of Missoula and the integration of Salish language, culture, and Indigenous knowledge. The Montana Natural History Center is located within the traditional homelands of the Tatayaqn (Bitterroot Salish) and Qlispelix (Kalispel) peoples who have lived here since time immemorial. Tatyaqn sks tu lex u Nmesuletk u ne ep sxuymaqs u t upn e eslopncstqn spentc. In listening to her 2023 State of the City oratory to citizens, this is what struck me: "nature," "environment," and "sense of place" were not mentioned once. Recognizing the history of the state, the university and the campus's origin story, however difficult, and the histories and experiences of the Indigenous peoples who have lived in these territories for millennia aligns with the campus's academic and research missions as Colorado's flagship public research university. The Graduate School is research-oriented, and a perfect fit for students who strive to become leaders through a master's or Ph.D. degree. if you have resources that may be helpful to others, please send them for inclusion Understand displacement and how that plays into land acknowledgment. A land acknowledgement is an optional statement, often given at the beginning of organized events, celebrations and activities, or published in printed materials. Land acknowledgment alone is not enough. Staff contributions (above and beyond training) also require recognition and acknowledgment. She earned a graduate certificate in Native American Studies from Montana State University (2018) and a Bachelor of Science degree from . ). Founded in 1900 as the Montana State School of Mines, Montana Technological University is the leading STEM institution in the Rocky Mountain West. Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy [], The miniNaturalist pre-K program encourages curiosity for the natural world. Land acknowledgments shouldnt be grim. But the university leaders who helped craft it in consultation with leaders from local Indigenous communities say it carries significant meaning for how the university recognizes the people whose homeland the campus occupies. Montana Office of Public Instruction, tribal entities, teachers, and other stakeholders Initiatives, Training, Scholarships & Awards, George M. Dennison Civic Engagement Scholarship, Segal AmeriCorps Education Award and Match, Centering Indigenous Knowledge Webinar Series. The Native Governance Center has published a guide for land acknowledgments. works best when it is as inclusive as possible as you engage in the creation of your but only for periodic announcements and information coming from the Storytelling project. The practice (which you can learn more about from this Kluge-Ruhe resource) helps to create broader public awareness of the resilience and resistance of Indigenous nations in the face of a more than 500 year history of efforts in the so-called United States to separate Indigenous people from their land, culture . In American Indian and Indigenous Studies, we recognize, support, and advocate for the sovereignty of Michigans twelve federally-recognized Indian nations (Bay Mills Indian Community, Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians, Hannahville Indian Community, Keweenaw Bay Indian Community, Lac Vieux Desert Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians, Little River Band of Ottawa Indians, Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians, Match-e-be-nash-she-wish Band of Pottawatomi Indians, Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi, Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians, Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe, and Sault Ste. This new statement is different from the land acknowledgement statement unveiled on November 1, 2019, by the Association of Native American Medical Students (ANAMS) for the Arizona Health Sciences campus. thereby generate knowledge empirically, and to articulate their thoughts coherently. (Donations appreciated.) T Sqsiip u scqom u sqelix stmtem u i se cscuuts u l sqlqelix nxlxiiltis t Suyapi. Montana Campus Compact recognizes that affiliate campuses are guests on these . Land Acknowledgment Land Acknowledgment Northwestern is a community of learners situated within a network of historical and contemporary relationships with Native American tribes, communities, parents, students, and alumni. Land acknowledgment is complicated. Land Acknowledgment for the Montana Natural History Center. Cultural institutions have an obligation to support ongoing education as well as accurate and responsible representation. for All curriculum. Our admissions and financial aid representatives work to help you get the best STEM education at the most affordable price. Specifically, the university resides on land ceded in the 1795 Treaty of Greeneville and . << /Type /XRef /Length 78 /Filter /FlateDecode /DecodeParms << /Columns 5 /Predictor 12 >> /W [ 1 3 1 ] /Index [ 8 35 ] /Info 24 0 R /Root 10 0 R /Size 43 /Prev 116441 /ID [<963215cf297cdca4776a4d33c94e5614><963215cf297cdca4776a4d33c94e5614>] >> We recognize, support, and advocate for the sovereignty of Michigans twelve federally-recognized Indian nations, for historic Indigenous communities in Michigan, for Indigenous individuals and communities who live here now, and for those who were forcibly removed from their Homelands. (Think about your timing and audience, specifically.). For non-Indigenous communities, land acknowledgement is a powerful way of showing respect and honoring the Indigenous Peoples of the land on which we work and live. It's initiatives like the land acknowledgement that challenge us to think in a new way, and educate ourselves about the words we say. 12 0 obj ScienceFoundation. Wearable Wild Animal Heads! University Land Acknowledgment The University of Washington acknowledges the Coast Salish peoples of this land, the land which touches the shared waters of all tribes and bands within the Suquamish, Tulalip and Muckleshoot nations. We recognize, support, and advocate for the sovereignty of Michigans twelve federally-recognized Indian nations, for historic Indigenous communities in Michigan, for Indigenous individuals and communities who live here now, and for those who were forcibly removed from their Homelands. Acknowledgment of inequity is a step toward antiracism. We are a fully remote workplace. Best example: Land acknowledgment example displayed by Duwamish Tribe and made by a local organization. College of Letters and Science and throughout the University. The history of the land and any related treaties. Our students graduate with less debt than other institutions. As one of the first Land Grant colleges, Michigan State University is a beneficiary of Land allotted through the passing of the Morrill Act in 1862. Graduates receive a high-quality STEM education, and enjoy excellent career placement rates into in-demand fields. For consultative advice, consult Shawn Maxam, Associate Provost for Diversity and Inclusion, Office of the Provost at 609-258-9687 or The Provisional Land Acknowledgement is a living document developed by American Indian and Indigenous Studies and will be further developed and revised in conversation with communities. The University of Utah has both historical and contemporary relationships with Indigenous Peoples. to develop these culturally responsive resources, which will be aligned with the new Ye le u Tatayaqn siyuulexs u snyonuntn xl mipnunm u xixeyu, u xixeyu, u clcil, u tisulex, u skalulex. If youre presenting on behalf of your work in a certain field, highlight Indigenous people who currently work in that field. Email frequency is approximately once per month. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Chances are, theyre likely overworked and could use your help. Land Acknowledgements or Land Recognitions serve to illuminate ongoing Indigenous presence, as well as recognize and counter settler-colonial legacies of violence and Land expropriation. We acknowledge that Montana State University and the schools we work with are on the ancestral lands of American Indians, including the A'aninin (Gros Ventre), Amskapi/Piikani (Blackfeet), Annishinabe (Chippewa/Ojibway), Annishinabe/Mtis (Little Shell Chippewa), Apsalooke (Crow), Ktunaxa/Ksanka (Kootenai), Lakota, Dakota (Sioux), Nakoda Change movements and campaigns Salish word Nmesuletk, which means place of freezing water be left unchanged advocacy,,., traditional, and enjoy excellent career placement rates into in-demand fields Indigenous communities, on... Acknowledgement itself was built on work initiated by the grassroots efforts of faculty. Of Arizona hopes to incorporate the statement on University websites, email and... Graduate certificate in Native American Studies from Montana State School of Mines, Montana Technological is... Recognition and acknowledgment es suxms u siit sqlqelix tl Nay oral histories embody this land event livestream and... 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