nigeria resistance to colonial rule

British colonialism created Nigeria, but did little to make it a viable, stable, self-sustaining national entity. In the north, appeals to Islamic legitimacy upheld the rule of the emirs, so that nationalist sentiments were related to Islamic ideals. Whereas Lugard had applied lessons learned in the north to the administration of the south, Clifford was prepared to extend to the north practices that had been successful in the south. In the ensuing decade, resistance to colonial rule continued, but Africans altered their tactics and women featured prominently in anticolonial resistance when cultural changes tended to disadvantage women. An example was that at Onitsha, where they could bargain directly with local suppliers and purchase products likely to turn a profit. In the Eastern Region, appointed officials who were given "warrants" and hence called warrant chiefs, were strongly resisted by the people because they lacked traditional claims. Nigeria: ColonizationKatie Graham. Britain outlawed slavery in 1807 and pushed for forms of "legitimate commerce" such as palm oil and cotton, and in so doing developed an internal infrastructure to facilitate these markets. In case of resistance by one of its friends the other would join hands to mount formidable resistance against colonial rule e.g. THE COLONIAL ECONOMIC LEGACY. Christian missionaries were barred, and the limited government efforts in education were harmonized with Islamic institutions.[67]. In consideration of the foregoing, the said National African Company (Limited) bind themselves not to interfere with any of the native laws or customs of the country, consistently with the maintenance of order and good government [and] agree to pay native owners of land a reasonable amount for any portion they may require. After the British government assumed direct control of the Royal Niger Companys territories, the northern areas were renamed the Protectorate of Northern Nigeria, and the land in the Niger delta and along the lower reaches of the river was added to the Niger Coast Protectorate, which was renamed the Protectorate of Southern Nigeria. Balewa formed a coalition government that included the Action Group as well as the NCNC to prepare the country for the final British withdrawal. With one man in practical control of the Executive and Legislative organs of all the parts, the machine may work passably for sufficient time to enable the transition period to be left behind, by which time the answer to the problemUnitary v. Federal Statewill probably have become clear. A third type of organisation that was more pointedly political was the youth or student group, which became the vehicle of intellectuals and professionals. In April 1927, the British colonial government in Nigeria took measures to enforce the Native Revenue (Amendment) Ordinance. Afeadie, "The Hidden Hand of Overrule" (1996), p. 1012. The similarity between the federal and regional constitutions was deceptive, however, and the conduct of public affairs reflected wide differences among the regions. However, in October 1929 in Oloko a census related to taxation was conducted, and the women in the area suspected that this was a prelude to the extension of direct taxation, which had been imposed on the men the previous year. Political activists in the southern areas spoke of self-government in terms of educational opportunities and economic development. [19], West Africa also bought British exports, supplying 3040% of the demand for British cotton during the Industrial Revolution of 17501790.[27]. The influx of cowrie led to inflation. The present attempt is to inquire into the educational policy of colonial Nigeria, the aim, the nature and process of educational development and how it affected women in Nigeria. Three constitutions were enacted from 1946 to 1954. Among the problems needing attention before the British would grant full independence was the minorities fear of discrimination by a future government based on majority ethnic groups. The arrival of the British. It assumed that comparable alterations would be made elsewhere, an attitude that won the party minority voting support in the other regions. In one year, Lugard recruited 2600 troops, evenly split between Hausa and Yoruba. Ethnic and kinship organisations that often took the form of a tribal union also emerged in the 1920s. [49], Concrete plans for transition to Crown ruledirect control by the British Governmentapparently began in 1897. The introduction of the federal principle, with deliberative authority devolved on the regions, signalled recognition of the country's diversity. 1960-1966: Early diplomatic relations. The Nigerian Legislative Council was established in 1914 and was given limited jurisdiction; it was replaced in 1922 by a larger one that included elected members from Lagos and Calabar, although its powers also were limited and the northern provinces remained outside its control. After 1940, political activities were broadened to include more people. "John Beecroft, 17901854: Her Brittanic Majesty's Consul to the Bights of Benin and Biafra 18491854". To some extent, competition amongst these companies undermined their collective position vis--vis, local merchants. By 1938 the NYM was agitating for dominion status within the British Commonwealth of Nations so that Nigeria would have the same status as Canada and Australia. Critics, including representatives of the Middle Belt who resented Muslim domination, were relegated to small, peripheral parties or to inconsequential separatist movements.[85]. The British finalized the border between Nigeria and French West Africa with the Anglo-French Convention of 1898. The Colony was ultimately governed by the British Colonial Office in London. Awolowo had little difficulty in appealing to broad segments of the Yoruba population, but he worked to avoid the Action Group from being stigmatized as a "tribal" group. In the south the British occasionally created a political hierarchy where there had been none before; in most cases they ruled through those who were most malleable, whether these people had held traditional positions of authority or not. The officers of the RWAFF were British. Following Lugards success in the north, he set out the principles of the administrative system subsequently institutionalized as indirect rule. Essentially, local government was to be left in the hands of the traditional chiefs, subject to the guidance of European officers. Britain also annexed Freetown in Sierra Leone, declaring it a Crown Colony in 1808.[20]. The French had abolished slavery following the French Revolution, although it briefly re-established it in its Caribbean colonies under Napoleon. The colony was created through the consolidation of the Colony and Protectorate of Southern Nigeria and the Northern Nigeria Protectorate. Acephalous . [32] This included a river fleet which it used for retaliatory attacks on uncooperative villages. [81] In 1936, of 6,259,547 income for the Nigerian state, 1,156,000 went back to England as home pay for British officials in the Nigerian civil service. 1324 Words6 Pages. This rate rose to 20,000 per year in the last quarter of the century. The goal of activists initially was not self-determination, but increased participation on a regional level in the governmental process. By 18261850, the British Royal Navy was intervening significantly with Lagos slave exports. [67], This system, in which the structure of authority focused on the emir to whom obedience was a mark of religious devotion, did not welcome change. Accordingly, as the volume of trade increased, merchants requested that the Government of the United Kingdom appoint a consul to cover the region. The most powerful figure in the party was Ahmadu Bello, the Sardauna of Sokoto. of British Colonial Nigeria. Retrieved October 11, 2014 from. While each generated considerable political controversy, they moved the country toward greater internal autonomy, with an increasing role for the political parties. The Journal of Modern African Studies, 8(04), 563. doi:10.1017/s0022278x00023909, This page was last edited on 30 January 2023, at 05:21. [35] However, the company did accept that local kings could act as partners in governance and trade. During World War II, Awolowo reorganized it as a predominantly Yoruba political party, the Action Group. In large measure, European missionaries assumed the value of colonial rule in terms of promoting education, health and welfare measures, thereby effectively reinforcing colonial policy. European colonialists had managed to quell the efforts by Africans to resist the establishment of colonial rule with one exception. By the 1820s, the British had made connections . The trend was toward the establishment of a parliamentary system of government, with regional assemblies and a federal House of Representatives. took careful account of Islam and avoided any appearance of a challenge to traditional values that might incite resistance to British rule. Updated: 11/12/2021 Create an account The Royal Niger Company had its own armed forces. By a British Act of Parliament, Nigeria became independent on 1 October 1960. . Economic Impact The [] Independence was achieved on 1 October 1960. Effects/Impact of Colonialism on Nigeria 1. Nigeria's first nationalist movements appeared in the 1920s, and resistance to colonial rule grew over the next three decades. The discussion of pragmatic resistance in Africa comes full circle with the former Portuguese colonies, South Africa, and Kenya. African resistance to colonial rule began with A) The arrival of the Europeans on the continent in the late 19th century B) The end of World War II C) . Political opposition to colonial rule often assumed religious dimensions. At that time many scholars believed that Nigeria was able to develop into a stable and fast-growing state due to its huge potential. Before 1898, the scramble for Africa by European countries led to the partition of Africa after the Berlin conference of 1884-85. It was guerrilla warfare in the case of the Mau Mau Uprising in Kenya (1952-60) and Zimbabwe's war of independence (1965-79); it was all . The British captured Kano in 1903. His political platform called for economic and educational development, Africanization of the civil service, and self-government for Lagos. The Nigeria Regiment of the RWAFF, integrating troops from the north and south, saw action against German colonial forces in Cameroon and in German East Africa. [37] Economically, local colonial administrators also pushed for the imposition of British colonial rule, believing that trade and taxation conducted in British pounds would prove far more lucrative than a barter trade which yielded only inconsistent customs duties. The Anglicans and other religious groups had a conscious "native church" policy to develop indigenous ecclesiastical institutions to become independent of Europeans. The Headquarters of Gombe emirate was Gombe-Abba[15] until when the then Emir of Gombe, Umaru Kwairanga (18981922), was forced to move from Gombe-Abba, a town founded by his grandfather and the founder of Gombe Emirate, Modibbo Bubayero, to Nafada town in 1913, and then to the current Gombe in 1919, that was after Gombe Emirate was conquered by British colonialists in 1903. The militias and RWAFF battalions were reorganized into the RWAFF Nigeria Regiment.[62]. They were the most politically conscious segment of the population and created the vanguard of the nationalist movement. At the turn of the century, top wages were four bags of salt (company retail price, 3s 9d) for a month of work. Revolts took place across Nigeria, but were most frequent in the Niger Delta. [55], Under the Colonial Office was the Governor, who managed the administration of his colony and held powers of emergency rule. However, development of the Nigerian oilfields slowed when Bergheim died in a car crash in September 1912. Britain annexed Lagos in 1861 and established the Oil River Protectorate in 1884. These changes included taking land from African people and giving it to the growing number of Europeans in the colonies. Oil income was still marginal, but the prospects for continued economic expansion appeared bright and accentuated political rivalries on the eve of independence. Like in other countries under imperialist rule, colonialism in Nigeria resulted in numerous positive and negative impacts. Bello wanted to protect northern social and political institutions from southern influence. Dike, K. O. Others refused recruitment into colonial armies or labor forces.Jun 20 2017. ", Simon Heap, "'We think prohibition is a farce': drinking in the alcohol-prohibited zone of colonial northern Nigeria. [73] An estimated 500,000 Nigerians would lose their lives due to the pandemic, severely decreasing production capabilities on Nigerian farms and plantations. The Treasury used a planned budget for payment of staff and development of public works projects, and therefore could not be spent at the discretion of the local traditional ruler. Crowther, a liberated Yoruba slave, had been educated in Sierra Leone and in Britain, where he was ordained before returning to his homeland with the first group of CMS missionaries. Quiz. In 1894 the territory was redesignated the Niger Coast Protectorate and was expanded to include the region from Calabar to Lagos Colony and Protectorate, including the hinterland, and northward up the Niger River as far as Lokoja, the headquarters of the Royal Niger Company. In the Northern Region, the colonial government took careful account of Islam and avoided any appearance of a challenge to traditional values that might incite resistance to British rule. During his six-year tenure as High Commissioner, Sir Frederick Lugard (as he became in 1901) was occupied with transforming the commercial sphere of influence inherited from the Royal Niger Company into a viable territorial unit under effective British political control. [25][n 1], The missionaries gained in power throughout the 1800s. The emirs gave support to limited modernization largely from fears of the unsettling presence of southerners in the north, and by observing the improvements in living conditions in the South. Over the next decades as colonial rule became institutionalized, African resistance to colonialism became more focused and intense. Kingdoms and empires of precolonial Nigeria, Controversies surrounding the 2007 presidential election, Nigeria under Umaru Musa YarAdua and Goodluck Jonathan, The 2015 elections and electorate concerns, Recession, fight against corruption, and insecurity, Which Country Is Larger By Population? Lugard bequeathed to his successor a prosperous colony when his term as Governor-General expired. The basic economic units in each town were "houses", family-operated entities that engendered loyalty for its employees. 1. The women's protest of 1929 marked an apex in women's resistance in eastern Nigeria to colonial rule. [] These intermediaries assisted government diplomacy and helped to establish and maintain relations between the company and the traditional rulers. [23] Regardless, slavery had decimated the population and fuelled militarisation and chaos, thereby paving the way for more aggressive colonisation.[21][24]. African Resistance to Colonial Rule (Talten, Africana Age) LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE refusing to pay. Some African Christian communities formed their own independent churches. The Southern Protectorate financed itself from the outset, with revenue increasing from 361,815 to 1,933,235 over the same period. In Nigeria, the British colonial administration found perhaps the longest-lasting resistance movement. what were negative effects of colonial rule in african continent. As a latecomer in the struggle for colonies, Germany had to settle for four territories, called "protectorates," in . . By. The British High Commissioners could depose emirs and other officials if necessary. The best way to describe what has happened to Nigeria in the last 72 hours, beginning with the country's first set of general elections on Saturday, February 25, 2023, is to echo Charles Dickens . [73], Africa as a whole was hit by three waves of H1N1 influenza A, the first and second would be the most deadly for the colony of Nigeria. Despite his somewhat successful efforts to enlist non-Yoruba support, the regionalist sentiment that had stimulated the party initially continued. Definition of Colonialism Colonialism means a system which the Europeans adopted in ruling the colonies of Africa to their own benefits. The war also made the British reappraise Nigeria's political future. [61], The task of unification was achieved on the eve of World War I. In some instances, however, a double allegianceto the idea of sacred monarchy for its symbolic value and to modern concepts of law and administrationwas maintained. B. In the twentieth century, Lagos became a center for resistance to colonial rule. An extensive immigrant population of southerners, especially Igbo, already were living in the north; they dominated clerical positions and were active in many trades. British soap and cosmetics manufacturers tried to obtain land concessions for growing oil palms, but these were refused. Instead, acts of resistance were usually prompted by some new colonial policy - like taking away land, or forcing people to pay a tax, or forcing them to work for free on roads or railways. Today, Lagos remains Nigeria's financial capital and, as home to an estimated eight million people, ranks . He used for the first time in Nigeria modern, sometimes flamboyant, electioneering techniques. In an era of globalization, leaders of "recognized" nations often discuss the development of indigenous resources without inviting aboriginal leaders to the table. In: Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs: (1999), vol. Most Europeans tended to overlook their own differences and were surprised and shocked that Nigerians wanted to develop new denominations independent of European control. I would encourage the society to resist by declaring a war against the Europeans. Although this trade grew to significant proportionspalm oil exports alone were worth 1 billion a year by 1840it was concentrated near the coast, where palm trees grew in abundance. The growth of Islam in pre-colonial Igbomina / Adesina Yusuf Raji. A . The NPC continued to represent the interests of the traditional order in the pre-independence deliberations. [27] To produce all this oil, the economy of the southern region crossed over from mostly subsistence to the production of palm oil as a cash crop.[28]. Years of colonial rule yieleded system w/ all-powerful central government surrounded by weak and economically insolvent states. The charter allowed the company to collect customs and make treaties with local leaders.[12]. Revolutionary Mahdism and resistance to colonial rule in the Sokoto Caliphate, 1905-6 / by Paul E. Lovejoy and J.S. By the end of World War I, most of Africa had been effectively colonized. Lugard informed the leaders of conquered Sokoto: The Fulani in old times [] conquered this country. It is not a federal state with federal Executive, Legislature and finances, like the Leewards. [64], Each region also had a Native Administration, staffed by locals, and possessing a Native Treasury. The NPC, entering candidates only in the Northern Region, confined campaigning largely to local issues but opposed the addition of new regimes. From Lugard's point of view, clear-cut military victories were necessary because the surrenders of the defeated peoples weakened resistance elsewhere. Although per capita income in the country as a whole remained low by international standards, rising incomes among salaried personnel and burgeoning urbanization expanded consumer demand for imported goods. The southern protectorate was divided into two provinces in 1939Western and Easternand in 1954 they, along with the northern protectorate, were renamed the Western, Eastern, and Northern regions as part of Nigerias reconstruction into a federal state. The principal figure in the political activity that ensued was Herbert Macauley, often referred to as the father of Nigerian nationalism. Please let us discuss the brave roles of this groups and peoples. [54] Olivier was a member of the Fabian Society and a friend of George Bernard Shaw. Resistance to colonial rule took a number of forms, incrementally moving Nigeria toward independence. [11] In 1891, the African Banking Corporation founded the Bank of British West Africa in Lagos.[33]. Elections were held for a new and greatly enlarged House of Representatives in December 1959; 174 of the 312 seats were allocated to the Northern Region on the basis of its larger population. [72], The Influenza pandemic made its way to the port of Lagos by September 1918 by way of a number of ships including the SS Panayiotis, the SS Ahanti, and the SS Bida. Segments of the Yoruba community had their own animosities and new rivalries arose. Frederick Lugard, who assumed the position of high commissioner of the Protectorate of Northern Nigeria in 1900, often has been regarded as the model British colonial administrator. vestigation of the forms of primary resistance by Africans to the impo-sition of colonial rule in the classic period of European imperialism, say from 1880 to 1914. Its architecture was in both Victorian and Brazilian style, as many of the black elite were English-speakers from Sierra Leone and freedmen repatriated from the Empire of Brazil and Spanish Cuba. Any activity in the north that might include participation by the federal government (and consequently by southern civil servants) was regarded as a challenge to the primacy of the emirates. Nigeria did not come into being until 1914, when the consort of a colonial Governor-General, Flora Shaw and her man, the fascist Lord Lugard willed and named Nigeria into being, with the dubious . [] They needed special personnel: such officials who knew the local conditions and who could communicate between the Company and the indigenous people. A third of the people associated with an 1842 riverine expedition died. The most important innovations in the new charter reinforced the dual course of constitutional evolution, allowing for both regional autonomy and federal union. In the Northern Cameroons, however, the largely Muslim electorate chose to merge with Nigeria's Northern Region. The Eastern region was dominated by Azikiwe and the Western one by Chief Obafemi Awolowo, a Yoruba lawyer who in 1950 founded the Action Group. In the 1700s, the British Empire and other European powers had settlements and forts in West Africa but had not yet established the full-scale plantation colonies which existed in the Americas. The British had participated in it until human trafficking was abolished in 1807. In time, they built depots onshore and eventually moved up the Niger River to establish stations in the interior. Elliot J. Berg, "The Development of a Labour Force in Sub-Saharan Africa"; France sold Louisiana to the United States, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Military history of Nigeria during World War II, National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroons, discovery and exploitation of petroleum deposits, "The Nigeria (Constitution) Order in Council, 1954", "Gombe-Abba: Historic emirs' town ruined by the British", A Very Bloody Transaction: Old Calabar and the Massacre of 1767, The Impact of the Slave Trade on African Economies, "Managing Epidemic: The British Approach to 19181919 Influenza in Lagos", "The Nigerian Victory Against The 1918 Influenza Pandemic and 1897 Smallpox Epidemic", "African Pentecostalism and the 1918 Influenza Pandemic: The Supernatural Amid the Fearful and Implications for the COVID-19 Pandemic", "The influenza pandemic of 191819 and the spread of cassava cultivation on the lower Niger: a study in historical linkages", Google Cultural Institute: Birth of the Nigerian Colony, 18511914, The proliferation of labour organisations fragmented the movement, and potential leaders lacked the experience and skill to draw workers together. Several churches were built to serve the Edo community and a small number of African converts. All were knighted. The Governor was, in effect, the coordinator for virtually autonomous entities that had overlapping economic interests but little in common politically or socially. One continues to wonder how a national history could be attained We bind ourselves not to have any intercourse with any strangers or foreigners except through the said national African Company (Limited), and we give the said National African Company (Limited) full power to exclude all other strangers and foreigners from their territory at their discretion. The colonial period proper in Nigeria lasted from 1900 to 1960, after which Nigeria gained its independence. The approaches of the two men to colonial development were diametrically opposed. [12] Trade was also conducted through a mechanism of barter and credit. Nigeria is a country in West Africa and was colonized by the British. Most of the fighting was done by Hausa soldiers, recruited to fight against other groups. It is not a personal union of separate colonies under the same Governor like the Windwards, it is not a Confederation of States. Colonial Nigeria was ruled by the British Empire from the mid-nineteenth century until 1960 when Nigeria achieved independence. It soon gained a virtual monopoly over trade along the River[11]. Another court was established in 1856 at Calabar, based on an agreement with local Efik traders which prohibited them from interfering with British merchants. The protest began in the They wanted self-government, charging that only colonial rule prevented the unshackling of progressive forces in Nigeria and other states. It was replaced by a new coalition government led by David Lloyd George featuring Conservatives and Lloyd George's supporters in the Liberal Party, while Asquith and the remainder of the Liberals entered opposition.[69]. The incidence of slavery in local societies increased. Decolonization Resource Collection (National History Center) Less Scrambling, more Reflecting: Teaching about colonialism in Africa from the perspective of resistance by Bram Hubbel, February 9, 2019. Afeadie, "The Hidden Hand of Overrule" (1996), p. 1921. Colonial Nigeria was the area of West Africa that became the modern day Nigeria, during the time of British rule in the 19th and 20th centuries. In contrast to Lugard, Clifford argued that colonial government had the responsibility to introduce as quickly as practical the benefits of Western experience. Manufacturers tried to nigeria resistance to colonial rule land concessions for growing oil palms, but prospects. Was achieved on 1 October 1960. serve the Edo community and a small number of African converts, incrementally Nigeria... The two men to colonial rule took a number of African converts per year in the interior retaliatory. 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nigeria resistance to colonial rule